SwiftData Mastery in SwiftUI

0h 0m 0s

Cut through the confusion and learn how to use SwiftData in SwiftUI the easy way...with pictures! This book will become your lifelong visual reference guide that you will refer to get answers fast.

Read more about the course

This book just removed the 3 biggest barriers to learning and using SwiftData in SwiftUI


SwiftData's steep learning curve and SwiftUI together can be tricky.


SwiftData and SwiftUI have different data management approaches.

Lack of Visuals

Text-based tutorials may lack visuals for SwiftData concepts.

I made this book easy for you to get started right away:

  1. Starts just with pictures and concepts
  2. Introduces just 3 parts to show data
  3. Uses simple English
  4. Has lots of pictures and diagrams

Who is this for:

Beginner Developers

The book is written in a beginner-friendly style, making it accessible to developers with no prior experience in SwiftData development.

SwiftUI Developers

The book provides practical examples that demonstrate how to use SwiftData in SwiftUI so you can integrate it into your apps.

Experienced Developers

Learn new ways to implement SwiftData using SwiftUI, enabling you to build more efficient and scalable data-driven apps.


Provides a clear and comprehensive overview of SwiftData in SwiftUI, helping you to increase your skills and knowledge so you can build the app you want.

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