SVG Animation with GreenSock

12h 34m 48s

Learn how to create SVGs in design programs, embed them in web pages, edit them using code, and animate them with GreenSock.

This course is designed for frontend developers who are familiar with the basics of GreenSock but know little about SVG. To effectively animate SVG, it is necessary to understand the key features of the <svg> markup. SVG is a vast subject, and the goal of the course is to teach you the "useful parts" as quickly as possible and show interesting animation techniques.

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# Title Duration
1 Animating the Guts of an SVG with GreenSock 10:15
2 Style SVG with Attributes and CSS 10:20
3 Exploring More Shapes and Line Styles with Boxy SVG 11:21
4 SVG Path Element: Bezier Curve Commands 11:53
5 SVG Groups and Applying Transforms 12:05
6 SVG Text: Using Custom Fonts 13:56
7 Understanding transformOrigin and svgOrigin 09:25
8 Project: SVG Basic Banner 11:55
9 SVG Strokes: linejoin, linecap, and miter-limit 09:22
10 Avoiding Weird Glitches with Line Animations 16:27
11 Don't Animate tspan Elements 14:24
12 Character by Character Animations Part 1: Characters as Paths 11:09
13 Character by Character Animation Part 2: Characters as Text 07:13
14 SVG Text on Path 09:41
15 SVG viewBox and viewport 10:27
16 Understanding preserveAspectRatio: Putting Skinny Rectangles in Squares 22:13
17 preserveAspectRatio Part 2: Recap and Examples 16:32
18 Marching Ants: Intro to dasharray and dashoffset 08:45
19 Drawing Animated Lines 07:39
20 Using DrawSVG Plugin 13:06
21 DrawSVG Mastery 10:53
22 Adding Custom Split Points with Boxy SVG 11:49
23 Recreating Jelly Nav 08:34
24 Ball on a Wire 12:23
25 Line Jumper Basic: Animating Start and End Independently 18:47
26 Line Jumper Advanced: Clip Path, Holes and Nesting Animations 13:55
27 Introducing SVG Clip Paths 11:43
28 Animating SVG Clip Paths 12:47
29 Introducing SVG Masks 12:31
30 Animating SVG Masks: Reveal and Hide Text 12:48
31 SVG Masks: Spotlight Effect 09:54
32 Clip and Mask: Feathered Colorize Effect 08:20
33 Animating Dashed Strokes 07:15
34 Isometric Bar Animation 10:22
35 Isometric Bar Animation Part 2: Adding Shadow and Final Touches 09:35
36 Draggable SVG X-Ray Mask 07:56
37 SVG Filters: Animated Warp 14:52
38 SVG Goo FIlter 10:01
39 Goo Configurator 11:50
40 Introducing SVG Patterns 11:50
41 Creating SVG Patterns in Boxy SVG 05:27
42 Animating SVG Patterns 10:52
43 Animating Multiple Variations of a Template Pattern 07:29
44 Introducing MotionPath Plugin 09:35
45 Infinite MotionPath Followers 11:52
46 Path Followers on a Blob Shape 13:32
47 Building the Worst SVG Drawing App 08:03
48 Cloning SVG Elements 09:08
49 Clonging SVG Groups 14:14
50 Creating SVG Elements with Code 09:20
51 getBBox() for Creating Dynamic Shapes: part 1 re-usable function 11:37
52 getBBox() for Creating Dynamic Shapes Part 2: Fancy Rollover 09:24
53 SVG Background Generator (blend modes, gradients, random start time) 16:39
54 Scroll-Driven SVG Plant Animation: Overview Creating Artwork 16:06
55 Scroll-Driven SVG Plant Animation 2: Coding the Animation 07:36
56 Scroll-Driven SVG Plant Animation 3: Adding ScrollTrigger 13:41
57 Double Border Animation Part 1: Exploring UI Initiative Logo 11:44
58 Double Border Animation Part 2: Building the Animation 14:59
59 Double Border Animation Part 3: Masking and Code Optimization 10:15
60 Circle Connector Challenge Solutions 17:39
61 Wavy Path Followers 15:31
62 Plane On A Dashed Path 08:52
63 Plane On A Dashed Path with Dynamic Viewbox Animation 08:54
64 Easy SVG Particles 14:27
65 Dynamic SVG Particles 11:39

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