GSAP3: Beyond the Basics

8h 25m 41s

Ready to take your GSAP3 skills to the next level? In this course, I'll show you my favorite GSAP3 features that you absolutely need to know to discover new possibilities in creating and managing animations.

GSAP3: Beyond the Basics is designed to help you better understand the full potential of GSAP and master the techniques that professionals use for more complex animations.

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# Title Duration
1 Chapter Intro 01:20
2 From Illustrator to Animation 06:49
3 Getter-Setter Methods 05:21
4 Smart Play-Pause-Restart Toggle Button 11:31
5 Scrub Through an Animation with an HTML Input Slider 08:53
6 Tween progress() of an Animation 08:16
7 OOPS: Gotta Fix the Buttons 03:36
8 Callbacks 09:19
9 Build a Timeline Visualizer with getChildren() 09:44
10 killTweensOf() 01:36
11 gsap.utils.wrap() 09:08
12 gsap.registerEffect() 10:47
13 CSSPlugin: Use clearProps to remove inline styles 07:10
14 3D Transforms 10:14
15 Understanding GSAP's immediateRender Property 07:59
16 GSAP Utils Basics Part 1: mapRange() 12:43
17 GSAP Utils Basics Part 2: mapRange() using mouse-distance-from-center 09:02
18 GSAP Utils Basics Part 3: Chaining utility methods with pipe() 08:19
19 GSAP Utils Part 4: Mouse Scroller with mapRange() 09:12
20 Tweening function-based values 08:37
21 Ease-based distribution of start times 10:33
22 Using the weightedRandom() helper function 12:31
23 Using the distribute() utility function 08:23
24 Rubberbander Text Effect 08:16
25 Staggered Staggers. What? 04:55
26 3D Text Rotator 06:24
27 Repeat Values on Tween vs Stagger Object 00:59
28 Using Callbacks in Staggers 16:58
29 Staggered Staggers with No Gap 11:09
30 Linear Navigation with addPause() 05:56
31 Non-Linear Navigation Using Labels 08:31
32 Add a Pause to a Timeline for a Specific Amount of Time 05:45
33 Nested Timelines 07:04
34 Functions That Return Timelines 08:40
35 tweenTo() and tweenFromTo() 11:05
36 File Setup 05:56
37 Animate Panel 1 12:34
38 Create a function to animate 3 panels 08:06
39 Morph curve using AttrPlugin 14:31
40 Title Effects Generator Part 1 21:00
41 Title Effects Generator Part 2 16:15
42 Title Effects Generator Part 3: Wrap Up 24:53
43 SlowMo Overview 06:14
44 In Your Face Effect 11:22
45 Whirl-Around Text Effect 09:58
46 RoughEase Overview 04:27
47 Scary Flicker 07:17
48 Shiver 06:08
49 Configure an elastic ease 04:10
50 Steps Ease for Spritesheet Animations 09:42
51 CustomEase Quick Start 09:14
52 Refactoring Multiple Timelines Into a Single Tween 15:10
53 Staggered Animations Variations on a Theme 17:30
54 Text Effect: Bulge Shine 14:29

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