Full Stack Spring Boot & React
Netflix recently switched their entire backend to Spring Boot 2. It was a no brainer really. Spring Boot 2 is the best framework to build applications. Weather you build a small to medium size application or even large scale application, Spring Boot will be the perfect choice. This course teaches how to build a full stack application using Spring Boot 2 and PostgreSQL for the backend and React.js for the frontend. You will learn core concepts need to build a full stack application and you will also deploy the application to AWS making it available to real users to use.
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Why should take this course
This course if for someone who want to learn the process of building and deploying full stack applications with Spring Boot from the ground up. Upon completion, the skills acquired will enable you to build applications on your and deploy to real users. Whether you need to improve your skills for your current job or need to build a rock solid app for university projects, this course is definitely for you.
Skills Covered in this course:
- Java
- Spring Boot 2
- PostgreSQL
- SQL Joins
- Docker
- React
- React Hooks
- Maven
- Flyway
- antd
Watch Online Full Stack Spring Boot & React
# | Title | Duration |
1 | Practice and Join the Community | 01:18 |
2 | Spring Initializr | 02:14 |
3 | Open Project With IntelliJ | 02:45 |
4 | Starting the Server | 02:47 |
5 | Student Model | 03:12 |
6 | StudentController | 04:17 |
7 | Testing Controller | 01:42 |
8 | Course Git Branches | 00:39 |
9 | Quick Word About React | 00:52 |
10 | Bootstrap React app | 04:23 |
11 | Frontend up and running | 02:06 |
12 | Antd | 04:02 |
13 | Configure antd | 06:10 |
14 | Unfetch | 02:59 |
15 | Implement getAllStudents | 02:40 |
16 | Proxy requests to Backend | 06:09 |
17 | Lets explore our frontend files | 05:49 |
18 | UseState and UseEffect | 07:02 |
19 | Display students data | 04:22 |
20 | Layout Component | 08:41 |
21 | Table Component | 06:21 |
22 | Loader & Empty Components | 10:01 |
23 | The static folder | 06:32 |
24 | Maven Front Plugin | 08:58 |
25 | Frontend Maven Plugin In Action | 07:10 |
26 | Maven Resources Plugin | 05:51 |
27 | Running Jar & Profiles | 04:22 |
28 | Docker Desktop and DockerHub | 03:29 |
29 | Docker and Jib | 03:57 |
30 | Jib Maven Plugin | 03:05 |
31 | Build Local Docker Image | 06:36 |
32 | Build image to DockerHub | 09:18 |
33 | Maven Profiles | 06:53 |
34 | Maven Profiles PT 2 | 08:06 |
35 | Quick Word About AWS | 02:01 |
36 | Sign up to AWS Free Tier | 01:58 |
37 | Exploring AWS | 02:59 |
38 | Creating Sample Application | 06:11 |
39 | docker-compose yaml | 06:26 |
40 | Deploy our application | 04:58 |
41 | Exploring Elastic Beanstalk | 06:33 |
42 | Other Ways to Deploy Applications | 02:34 |
43 | Terminate & Restore The EB Environment | 01:20 |
44 | Postgres Running on Docker | 03:10 |
45 | Postgres Container | 07:13 |
46 | Connecting to db using PSQL Container | 05:17 |
47 | Spring Data JPA | 02:04 |
48 | Installing Spring Data JPA & Postgres Dependencies | 02:27 |
49 | Connecting to DB | 07:11 |
50 | @Table | 07:51 |
51 | Generating 1000 students | 04:47 |
52 | JPARepository and N Tier | 06:01 |
53 | Testing backend changes | 04:51 |
54 | Post Mapping | 07:43 |
55 | Add Students Button | 05:30 |
56 | Student Form | 09:07 |
57 | Add student method | 03:33 |
58 | Submitting new Student | 04:52 |
59 | Loading indicator and reload table | 08:30 |
60 | Notifications | 06:33 |
61 | Badge | 04:47 |
62 | Avatar | 06:54 |
63 | Exercise | 03:47 |
64 | Exercise Sol | 07:11 |
65 | The problem | 02:47 |
66 | Server Include Error Message | 01:58 |
67 | Handle Error on Client Side | 08:33 |
68 | Exercise | 02:40 |
69 | Exercise sol | 06:48 |
70 | Java Bean Validation | 07:10 |
71 | Enforcing Database Constraints | 05:54 |
72 | Section Overview | 01:42 |
73 | Create DB | 05:32 |
74 | application-dev properties | 03:31 |
75 | Spring Active Profiles | 03:09 |
76 | Understanding Security Groups | 05:17 |
77 | Security groups and Inbound Rules | 08:33 |
78 | Connecting to RDS from local machine | 08:44 |
79 | Building New Version | 04:48 |
80 | Deployment | 04:29 |
81 | Automating the Deployment | 01:14 |
82 | CI CD Pipelines | 06:27 |
83 | CI CD Demo | 08:28 |
84 | Github Actions | 03:01 |
85 | Build workflow YAML | 05:54 |
86 | Build workflow in Action | 09:27 |
87 | Deploy workflow overview | 02:29 |
88 | Slack Webhooks and Setup Secret | 07:51 |
89 | Setup Github Secret | 02:05 |
90 | Setup AWS User, Groups and Permissions | 05:26 |
91 | Deploy Workflow YAML | 13:22 |
92 | Adding Footer with Link | 06:07 |
93 | Create PR for Footer link change | 04:29 |
94 | Merge to Main and Deploy to AWS | 04:45 |
95 | Section Wrap Up | 00:59 |
96 | Lets Learn Testing | 00:59 |
97 | The Current UML | 03:25 |
98 | JUnit5 and Assertions | 04:44 |
99 | Testing Dependencies | 02:41 |
100 | Lets Write A Basic Test | 08:14 |
101 | Testing Repositories | 08:40 |
102 | H2 Database For Testing | 05:15 |
103 | @DataJpaTest | 06:57 |
104 | Mocking with Mockito | 11:36 |
105 | Argument Captor | 06:48 |
106 | Testing add student | 11:07 |
107 | Integration Testing | 01:44 |
108 | Maven Fail Safe Plugin | 02:40 |
109 | Setup Integration Tests | 09:41 |
110 | Our First Integration Test | 09:17 |
111 | Running Integration Testing | 04:47 |
112 | Using Faker to Random Data | 09:24 |
113 | Delete StudentIT Exercise Solution | 04:35 |
114 | Next steps for Testing | 01:13 |
115 | Final Exercise and Community Project | 03:07 |
116 | Wrap Up | 01:43 |
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