Software Essentialist

34h 6m 47s
July 4, 2024

The fastest way to learn to write scalable code on any side of the stack...

...Without reading complex books, watching endless YouTube videos, surface-level courses, or having to learn new frameworks

The Software Essentialist is a new online course that teaches professional JavaScript developers how to write scalable, testable code, fast.

The 12 Essentials pave a clear path to master the most important parts of:

  • Domain-Driven Design
  • Test-Driven Development
  • Object-Oriented Design
  • Functional Programming
  • Design Patterns
  • Design Principles
  • Architectural Styles & Patterns
  • Architectural Principles
  • DevOps & Continuous Delivery
  • and more...

Using the new FA²STR framework, you'll learn a consistent, repeatable process to approach any development challenge from first-principles-based thinking instead of code-first, unmaintainable approaches.

You'll build features for 5+ projects from first principles (backend, frontend, desktop, chrome extension, custom integration, etc). 

As a Software Essentialist, you'll know how to:

  • apply the 12 Essentials to your backend TypeScript APIs
  • apply the 12 Essentials to your frontend React applications
  • save doomed codebases
  • design custom abstractions
  • and more...

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# Title Duration
1 Fast Summary The Software Essentialist Process 11:57
2 Welcome to The Software Essentialist! 08:27
3 The 4 Key Mindsets of a Software Essentialist 07:15
4 The Two Biggest Obstacles To Mastery 09:23
5 2 Powerful Clarity Strategies (Mentorship or Essentialism) 11:52
6 How to Develop Endless Motivation (4 Techniques) 14:16
7 Introduction to The Metaphysics 01:41
8 Why Do Mental Models Matter So Much (Metaphysics & Mental Models) 08:20
9 Systems Thinking The Most Important Mental Model for Developers 06:22
10 The Value Creation System & The Purpose of Software 10:16
11 The 3 Roles & Their Goals Why Software Development Is So Hard 06:59
12 The 4 Pillars Architecture, Design, Testing & Strategy 16:11
13 Introduction to the 12 Essential Principles 03:56
14 Metaphysical Essential Abstraction (Complexity, Abstraction Layers & the Abstraction Prism) 16:14
15 Metaphysical Essential The Feedback Loop (Guesses & The Guess Points) 11:04
16 Physical Essential Vertical Slicing 07:21
17 Physical Essential Horizontal Decoupling 10:04
18 Physical Essential Temporal Decoupling 09:43
19 Physical Essential Composition 09:08
20 Physical Essential SubjectSystem Verification 13:00
21 Theoretical Essential Value Identification 07:46
22 Theoretical Essential Domain Discovery 08:04
23 Theoretical Essential Strategic Design 08:41
24 Physical Essential The Walking Skeleton 06:59
25 Physical Essential Deployment & Delivery 07:20
26 The Ideal Developer Workflow - How to Work Consistently 06:45
27 FAВІSTR - How to Decompose, Architect, Design, Implement & Test Any Problem 08:01
28 FAQ How Should I Learn DDD If I'm a Code-First Developer 09:14
29 FAQ How to Break Down and Understand Large Codebases 04:34
30 FAQ How to Get Better At Design (using the 12 Essentials) 04:37
31 FAQ How to Get Better at Testing (using the 12 Essentials) 07:37
32 FAQ How to Become a Better Architect (using the 12 Essentials) 05:26
33 FAQ How to Learn Frontend Architecture 02:52
34 FAQ Which Books Related to The Main Course Ideas Should I Read 04:38
35 FAQ How to Learn to Structure My Code Bases 01:29
36 FAQ How Much OOP Do I Need to Know 02:06
37 FAQ Learning Clean Architecture and Layered Architectures 01:46
38 How Will I Learn Responsibility Driven Design 01:35
39 FAQ How to Get Better at Back End 03:05
40 How to ship an MVP a quick as possible using the course methodology Which lessons to watch 12:00
41 How & Why to Provide Helpful Feedback on Assignments & Exercises 03:50
42 Demo First Milestone - Building the Backend API 22:11
43 How to Get Started w Testing Assignments 02:03
44 How & When To Commit in Red-Green-Refactor For Readability 05:45
45 Demo FizzBuzz 18:13
46 Discussion FizzBuzz Review #1 04:20
47 Discussion FizzBuzz Review #2 14:45
48 Don't Write Comments (Except To Explain 'Why') 01:14
49 Discussion Palindrome Review #1 11:35
50 Discussion Palindrome Review #2 10:11
51 2 Techniques to Defeat Overwhelm Arrange-Act-Assert Backwards & Program By Wishful Thinking 11:16
52 How to Use FAВІSTR TDD's Upfront & Emergent Design @ The Stateless Guess Point 15:15
53 SystemSubject Verification 3 Types of Verification (Result, State, Communication) 07:27
54 Demo Password Validator - Part 1 (Upfront Design) 08:46
55 Demo Password Validator - Part 2 (Emergent Design) 19:46
56 Discussion Password Validator Review #1 18:11
57 Discussion Password Validator Review #2 13:21
58 Discussion Stats Calculator Review #1 10:34
59 Discussion Stats Calculator Review #2 05:45
60 Discussion Military Time Validator Review #1 14:14
61 Discussion Military Time Validator Review #2 10:53
62 Discussion Boolean Calculator Review #1 15:21
63 Discussion Boolean Calculator Review #2 15:26
64 [New] Value-First Testing Strategies for Integration Testing 13:05
65 An Introduction to the Theoretical Guess Points & Your Theoretical Assignments 26:19
66 Demo FeedBook — Find the Subdomains (from the Design Story, Concrete Examples, Domain Knowledge) 21:09
67 Discussion Bounded Contexts, Cohesion & Category Theory 05:15
68 Demo FeedBook — Consolidating Subdomains Into Bounded Contexts 39:40
69 Demo FeedBook — Event Storming (Process Modelling) a Concrete Example 27:05
70 Demo FeedBook — Refining the Process Model with More Clarity (Views & State Changes) 24:59
71 Discussion FeedBook — The Architecture Guess Point 13:14
72 Discussion FeedBook — Getting Ready to Move to The Physical 02:02
73 Action Use Hand-Written Spies to Verify Indirect Outputs (Side-Effects) 04:51
74 Discussion Understanding State Machines, Invariants, Transitions, Events & The Role of the Stateful Guess Point 10:02
75 Discussion Key Mental Model - Thinking Backwards 01:18
76 Demo FeedBook — Visualizing State Machines 07:19
77 Demo FeedBook — Implementing the PreReaderInvite Domain Object 01:09:17
78 Discussion Encapsulating Initial State (Fixtures) w Builders 08:51
79 Understanding Abstraction & Levels of Realness Interfaces, Abstract Classes & Concretions 23:31
80 [New] Discussion - Differentiating Yourself as a Developer 10:46
81 The Walking Skeleton, Questions Q&A July 27th, 2023 01:11:51
82 Q&A From Code-First to Best-Practice First (July 4th, 2023) 01:12:57
83 Q&A Front-Loading The Value for Early Adopters 02:39
84 Q&A March 14th 2023 FDD (Figma-Driven Design) 01:52:19
85 Q&A March 31st Mastery Foundations 01:14:43
86 Q&A April 22nd, 2023 The First Milestone Review & Intro to the Stateful Guess Point 01:22:06
87 May 5th, 2023 The Most Valuable Ideas In This Course, Frontend Architecture & The Ideal Developer Workflow 01:56:24
88 May 25th, 2023 Office Hours Decoupling From Infra, The Theoretical & Stateful Domain Modelling Guess Points 01:57:51
89 June 7th, 2023 Office Hours The Theoretical Guess Points, Aggregates, State Machines 01:10:08
90 August 15th New Q&A Structure + Frontend Architecture 1 of 2 01:04:59
91 Aug 22nd, 2023 - Final Course Structure Q&A 01:17:59
92 Frontend Architecture 2 - Aug 30th, 2023 01:10:49
93 Q&A - November 7th, 2023 - Introducing the 12 Essentials 01:41:06
94 Part 1 1-on-1 Category Theory, Frontend Architecture, Metaphysics & RDD 01:32:21
95 Part 2 Reviewing The Upfront Design & Next Steps 41:26

Read Book Software Essentialist

# Title
1 00. - Previous Manuscript Download.pdf
2 01. Introduction to The Metaphysics - Core_Mental_Models.pdf
3 02. Why Do Mental Models Matter So Much (Metaphysics & Mental Models).pdf
4 03. Systems Thinking The Most Important Mental Model for Developers.pdf
5 04. The Value Creation System & The Purpose of Software.pdf
6 05. The 3 Roles & Their Goals Why Software Development Is So Hard.pdf
7 06. The 4 Pillars Architecture, Design, Testing & Strategy.pdf
8 07. Introduction to the 12 Essential Principles.pdf
9 08. Metaphysical Essential Abstraction (Complexity, Abstraction Layers & the Abstraction Prism).pdf
10 09. Metaphysical Essential The Feedback Loop (Guesses & The Guess Points).pdf
11 10. Physical Essential Vertical Slicing.pdf
12 11. Physical Essential Horizontal Decoupling.pdf
13 12. Physical Essential Temporal Decoupling.pdf
14 13. Physical Essential Composition.pdf
15 14. Physical Essential SubjectSystem Verification.pdf
16 15. Theoretical Essential Value Identification.pdf
17 16. Theoretical Essential Domain Discovery.pdf
18 17. Theoretical Essential Strategic Design.pdf
19 18. Physical Essential The Walking Skeleton.pdf
20 19. Physical Essential Deployment & Delivery.pdf
21 20. The Ideal Developer Workflow - How to Work Consistently.pdf
22 21. FAВІSTR - How to Decompose, Architect, Design, Implement & Test Any Problem.pdf

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