Practical Accessibility - Practical Accessibility for web designers and developers

14h 47m 28s
This course is your guide to the world of web accessibility. It is designed to dispel myths, simplify complex topics, and provide you with practical skills for developing accessible websites and applications that everyone can use, including people with disabilities.
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What Awaits You?

The course offers a structured program covering:

  • Basics of accessibility: how it differs from inclusivity and usability, and how these concepts affect design and development.
  • WCAG Guidelines: how to use accessibility standards in daily work.
  • Semantic HTML: how to choose the right elements and write code that is accessible.
  • Working with ARIA: when and how to use ARIA attributes, and what to do to avoid mistakes.
  • Testing with screen readers: setting up the environment and using it to find accessibility issues.
  • Accessible forms, images, notifications, and keyboard control elements.
  • Practical techniques: creating accessible names, using ARIA live regions, optimizing for forced color modes, and much more.

Who is the course for?

The course is designed for frontend developers, interface designers, JavaScript engineers, and backend developers who want to deepen their knowledge in the field of accessibility. No prior experience with accessibility is required to start learning.

What Will You Learn?

  • Identify and resolve common accessibility issues.
  • Develop accessible user interfaces from scratch.
  • Understand how your solutions impact people with disabilities.
  • Confidently apply your acquired knowledge in real projects.

"Practical Accessibility" is an intensive course that you can complete at your own pace, receiving useful tips and examples for immediate application. Become an expert in accessibility and make the internet better for everyone!

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# Title Duration
1 Welcome to the Practical Accessibility course! 06:55
2 What is web accessibility. 24:05
3 The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 20:21
4 Does satisfying WCAG criteria guarantee that your website is usable. 09:19
5 Implementing WCAG — Understanding and Techniques documents 08:18
6 Setting up a screen reader testing environment on your machine 13:18
7 What is the accessibility tree. 19:03
8 Semantic HTML accessibility 32:27
9 Creating hierarchy and aiding user navigation with HTML (Part 1)- Headings structure 37:40
10 Creating hierarchy and aiding user navigation with HTML (Part 2)- Landmarks 18:56
11 Buttons vs. Links – Semantics and Usability 15:14
12 Practical semantics- site-wide navigation 15:55
13 ARIA 101 32:41
14 Applied ARIA – creating a custom button component 13:41
15 Responsible ARIA – The Rules of ARIA Use in HTML 16:54
16 The ARIA Authoring Practices Guide 09:13
17 Disclosure widgets 21:39
18 Building an accordion component 18:23
19 Hiding content using HTML, CSS, and ARIA — which one should you use when. 30:50
20 Case Study- Inclusively-hidden custom-styled form controls 09:34
21 Accessible names and descriptions 16:15
22 Techniques for providing accessible names and descriptions using HTML and ARIA 23:58
23 Which accessible name is used when you provide more than one name to an element. 21:00
24 Accessible icon buttons 15:35
25 Concatenating accNames- using aria-labelledby to provide ‘DRY’ names to interactive elements 10:59
26 Label in Name 19:29
27 Enhancing a simple site navigation into an interactive drop-down navigation 34:23
28 Slide-out mobile navigation drawer 22:18
29 Page-level accessibility- Identifying pages by title 06:22
30 Page-level accessibility- What language does your page speak. 15:07
31 Accessible Images 40:39
32 Accessible Forms – Grouping and labelling form fields-v2 31:43
33 Accessible Forms- Validation (Part 1) 30:57
34 Accessible Forms- Validation (Part 2) 35:15
35 Accessible notifications with ARIA Live Regions (Part 1) 38:09
36 Accessible notifications with ARIA Live Regions (Part 2) 29:45
37 Designing accessible focus indicators_2 40:08
38 Providing navigational aid using skip links 17:44
39 Managing keyboard focus in custom widgets with the HTML tabindex attribute 26:10
40 Adapting your websites and applications to forced colors mode 37:06

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