Sleek Next.JS Applications with shadcn/ui
5h 10m 20s
Dive into the development of modern web interfaces by learning the fundamentals of shadcn/ui, TailwindCSS, and Radix UI. Learn to create flexible and modular user interfaces and integrate these skills into Next.js projects. This course will help you become a leader in cutting-edge frontend technologies.
During the training, you will master:
- A deep understanding of shadcn/ui and the theory behind it,
- The creation of two fully functional applications ready for production use,
- Skills for working with the library and contributing to its development.
Upon completion of the course, you will confidently master the tools for building modern and high-quality web applications.
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# | Title | Duration |
1 | Introduction | 01:32 |
2 | About the Course | 03:40 |
3 | The shadcn-ui way | 01:30 |
4 | How to create a new shadcn-ui project | 02:17 |
5 | Exploring the shadcn-ui next-template Project Structure | 06:16 |
6 | shadcn-ui Command Line (CLI) Tool | 05:11 |
7 | Typography in shadcn-ui | 04:02 |
8 | Building a News Site - Layout | 05:30 |
9 | Building a News Site - Navigation | 11:55 |
10 | Building a News Site - Fetching Articles | 05:57 |
11 | 1Building a News Site - Home Page | 22:20 |
12 | Building a News Site - Category Page | 11:21 |
13 | Building a News Site - Article Preview | 05:57 |
14 | shadcn-ui Dark Mode | 04:34 |
15 | Theming in shadcn-ui | 08:14 |
16 | Shadcn-ui Styles | 03:12 |
17 | Animations in shadcn-ui | 05:03 |
18 | Layout And Header | 10:52 |
19 | Event Page | 21:23 |
20 | The Event Sheet | 14:09 |
21 | Create a Card Variant in shadcn-ui | 04:43 |
22 | Building The User Context | 11:16 |
23 | Building the Login Button | 04:45 |
24 | Building the Authentication Form | 14:35 |
25 | Finish the Authentication Flow | 06:11 |
26 | RSVP Functionality | 11:06 |
27 | Setting Up and Configuring Tables in shadcn-ui | 10:06 |
28 | Custom Cells and Interactive Rows | 06:39 |
29 | New Events Form | 22:54 |
30 | Pagination and Sorting | 07:46 |
31 | Mobile View | 04:08 |
32 | What is component composition | 04:21 |
33 | Building a Filter Component with shadcn-ui | 18:53 |
34 | shadcn-ui source code architecture | 08:01 |
35 | Setup shadcn-ui Development Environment | 03:25 |
36 | Contributing to Shadcn UI | 16:36 |
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