Secure APIs with FastAPI and the Microsoft Identity Platform

1h 45m 17s

Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) is a cloud-based Identity and Access Management service from Microsoft. With security threats on the rise it’s important to know how to build secure solutions with robust authentication and authorization services to protect your data. In this course we will introduce basic identity principals and learn how to use Azure AD to enforce who and how they can access our Fast APIs using open industry standards such as OAuth2 and OIDC.

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If you are a Python developer that wants to know how to implement secure, JWT-based authentication and authorization by leveraging a scalable, secure and flexible identity provider such Azure AD, then this course is for you. You will learn how to secure your APIs without the need to write too much code or having intricate knowledge on how OAuth2 and OIDC work. A plug and play solution for every Python developer and solution architect out there.

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# Title Duration
1 Welcome 01:20
2 API security 01:02
3 Your instructor 01:02
4 More on FastAPI and Microsoft Identit 01:14
5 What is identity? 03:19
6 Username and password databases 03:19
7 Introduction to the OAuth2 protocol 03:36
8 Introduction to the OIDC protocol 03:19
9 Identity-as-a-service 03:19
10 Introduction to Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) 02:25
11 Provisioning an Azure AD tenant 04:59
12 Creating your first application registration 05:01
13 Securing FastAPI with Azure A 08:15
14 Application types 03:28
15 Demo: Building a console app that calls a secure FastAPI API 15:20
16 Demo: ASP.NET Core web app consuming a FastAPI API 13:09
17 Benefits of JWT authentication 04:35
18 The anatomy of JWTs and token validation 11:24
19 Secure authentication with self-signed certificates 06:23
20 Handling authentication and authorization errors 04:06
21 You've made it! 00:59
22 Review: Introduction to the Microsoft Identity Platform 00:59
23 Review: Securing FastAPI with Microsoft Identity 00:51
24 Review: Calling our secure FastAPI 00:51
25 Review: JWT-based authentication 00:33
26 Thanks and congrats 00:29

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