RESTful API with Laravel: Build a real API with Laravel

14h 30m 19s

Build your RESTful API with Laravel, using a complete marketplace as the case of use. With Laravel, creating every component will be a breeze. You will have a project with users, sellers, buyers, transactions, products, and categories. Explore all types of relationships, one to many, many to many and much much more using Eloquent the Laravel ORM.

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So you need to build a RESTful API for a project, but you do not know even where to start? Do not worry I will guide you through the whole process to build a genuine RESTful API using Laravel.

Note: You can take, and in fact it is recommended, to follow the course using the most recent version of Laravel. Additionally, the course includes extensive sections about how to upgrade your project to different versions of Laravel, in case you decide to use any previous version.

The full guide for creating a real RESTful API with Laravel. You can follow the course using the latest Laravel version (it is recommended).

You will not find a Laravel course like this. This course explains everything you need to develop a RESTful API using the Laravel framework.

At the end of the course, you will have a RESTful API with Laravel, for a market system, where users can purchase and sell different products with different categories and transactions. Inclusive, the same user can be both a seller and a buyer (you will take advantage of inheritance for this).
¡Do Not wait anymore! Become a master in the development of genuinely RESTful APIs with Laravel. Join the course now and see you in class

Remember: The course has been constantly updated to use the latest versions of Laravel. So feel free to use the version you like (especially the latest version of Laravel).

In this course, you learn how to develop a realistic,  fully implemented, and professional RESTful API with Laravel.

Laravel is the most popular PHP framework, with more than 20 million downloads along with lots of enterprise and personal projects worldwide. Additionally, includes fantastic features to implement a RESTful API easily. Laravel is RESTful friendly.

What is a RESTful API?
A Web API is like a web service that works entirely with HTTP. A RESTful API must follow the REST (REpresentational State Transfer) practices, allowing to orientate the design to the resources, provide standard responses based on the different HTTP status codes, and the corresponding according to Hypermedia Links in responses (HATEOAS).

Why Laravel?
Because Laravel is a framework made by programmers for programmers, expressive, simple, intuitive and powerful. Laravel provides useful features for web projects including RESTful APIs.

Each new Laravel version includes many changes that make this framework even better, simple, programmer-friendly and at the same time much more powerful. In fact, the latest versions of Laravel included a lot of new features to help to develop RESTful APIs in the right way.

During this course, you will master the complete structure of Laravel, along with the new features included in the latest version of Laravel to develop an actual RESTful API.

You will learn this about the development of a RESTful API with Laravel:

  • Using the Laravel PHP artisan for code and components generation

  • Usage and creation of middleware on Laravel

  • The Laravel Resource routes and controllers (ideal for RESTful APIs)

  • Fully supported JSON format responses for a JSON RESTful API

  • Validation of requests directly from the Laravel Controllers

  • Handling all types of exceptions and errors from Laravel handler

  • Complex operations involving up to three resources/models for a specific operation

  • Usage of Laravel dependency injection and model binding

  • Generation of the database structure using Laravel migrations

  • Automatic insertion of fake data into the database through "faker," using Laravel factories, and seeders

  • Laravel Sessions and access_token authentication for the RESTful API. Yes, Both!

  • Using Laravel Passport to protect the RESTful API with OAuth2

  • Pagination of results using Laravel collections

  • Using URL parameters to execute actions (the RESTful approach)

  • Sorting results based on URL parameters with a RESTful approach

  • Filtering results using URL parameters

  • Caching responses using Laravel Cache System

  • Limitation of requests using the Laravel middleware

  • Implementing HATEOAS on Laravel (a pure RESTful API must use HATEOAS)

  • Using PHP Fractal for transforming responses

  • Usage of CORS on the API responses to allow JavaScript-based clients and web browsers.

  • Use the Laravel Policies and Gates to handle the user's authorization layer.

  • Much more!!

You can take a look at the full list of contents below. You will finish with a complete RESTful API and understanding a lot of Laravel skills.

You will create an actual RESTful API from scratch and step by step using Laravel. Follow the REST architecture and build appropriate URLs to identify actions and resources using the Laravel best features and learn Laravel in the way.

Take full advantage of tools like Sublime Text 3, Git, power shell, Laravel, Composer, PHP artisan, and be more productive for agile development.

Note: In few classes of the course I use Windows (only for the first classes), but I included specific directions in the case you use Linux or Mac and all the tools used are cross-platform, so you will no have any problem.

You will have lifetime access to the current classes and the classes that I will regularly add (take a look at the last section to see what is coming).

At the end of this course, you will be able to develop your pure RESTful API with Laravel in an efficient way with the best practices, taking advantage of the facilities provided by Laravel for the proper implementation of your projects and your RESTfulAPI.

Do not wait any longer. Join the course and see you in classes.

  • Very recommended a fundamental domain of Object Oriented Programming
  • Fundamental knowledge about PHP (classes, functions, methods, traits, inheritance)
Who this course is for:
  • This course is for all web development and PHP lovers
  • This course is for all those who need to develop their own API completely RESTful
  • If you want to build your own fully functional and step-by-step RESTful API
  • If you need to keep your skills up to date and be competitive
  • If you want to do a complete development of your projects and your RESTful API with Laravel

What you'll learn:

  • Create your own projects with Laravel (not only RESTful APIs)
  • Make the most of your work tools (Sublime Text 3, Git, Github, Composer, PHP artisan and Laravel)
  • Generate and maintain the structure of the database in an automated way with Laravel and the PHP Artisan console
  • Use PHP Artisan effectively and be much more efficient
  • Create and configure your own local development environment
  • Properly configure your development environment for all your projects
  • Hone the main HTTP methods/verbs for HTTP and RESTful APIs
  • Use free professional tools to improve your productivity

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# Title Duration
1 About the Instructor and the Course 01:33
2 Taking Advantage of the Course and Contents 02:34
3 Downloading and Installing PHP with XAMPP 02:34
4 Downloading and Installing Composer 02:11
5 Downloading and Installing Virtual Box 01:49
6 Downloading and Installing Vagrant 02:02
7 Downloading and Installing Sublime Text 3 02:25
8 Downloading and Installing Github Shell 03:59
9 Downloading and Installing Node and NPM 03:28
10 Downloading and Installing Postman to Test the Laravel RESTful API 02:50
11 Obtaining Laravel Using Composer 01:58
12 Adding Laravel Homestead as a Dependency for The Laravel Project 01:27
13 Preparing and Configuring Laravel Homestead 04:21
14 Adding the Virtual Domain on The System 02:19
15 Using Vagrant to Manage the Laravel Homestead Virtual Machine 04:50
16 Keep The Laravel Project Updated 03:34
17 Installing the Package Control 01:36
18 Creating and Using Projects 02:19
19 Installing and Using SublimeCodeIntel to Resolve Laravel and RESTful API classes 03:01
20 Installing and Using SideBarEnhancement 02:09
21 Installing and Using SublimeLinter for PHP 02:16
22 Installing and Using PHPCompanion to Auto-import Laravel Definitions 04:01
23 Understanding the RESTful API Resources (Models) and its Relationships 04:16
24 Understanding the Main End-Points for the RESTful API 03:29
25 Discovering the Laravel Structure 07:30
26 Discovering the Laravel PHP Artisan Commands 04:54
27 Configuring the Laravel Environment Variables 04:03
28 Understanding the Laravel Routes System for RESTful APIs 03:02
29 Creating Initial Laravel Structures for The Models and Its Migrations 04:45
30 Creating an Initial Laravel Structure for The Controllers 03:35
31 Creating Some End-Point for the RESTful API Using Laravel Resource Routes 06:51
32 Implementing The Properties for Category 02:17
33 Implementing The Properties for Product 03:46
34 Implementing The Properties for Transaction 01:18
35 Implementing The Properties for User 05:43
36 Implementing The Relationships Between Models 05:30
37 Solving a Common Issue with the Laravel Migrations 02:43
38 Implementing The Migration for Users 02:28
39 Implementing The Migration for Categories 01:11
40 Implementing The Migration for Products 02:02
41 Implementing The Migration for Transactions 01:37
42 Creating the Migration for The Pivot Table 04:46
43 Creating The Laravel Factory for User 03:23
44 Creating The Factory for Category 01:27
45 Creating The Factory for Product 03:52
46 Creating The Factory for Transaction 04:54
47 Using The Factories from The DatabaseSeeder of Laravel 06:06
48 Executing The Migrations and Seeder using Artisan from Laravel 05:11
49 Implementing The Index Method for UserController 02:52
50 Implementing The Show Method for UserController 02:30
51 Implementing The Store Method for UserController 07:31
52 Implementing The Update Method for UserController 08:26
53 Implementing The Destroy Method for UserController 01:39
54 Implementing The Index Method for BuyerController 02:44
55 Implementing The Show Method for BuyerController 01:35
56 Implementing The Index Method for SellerController 02:16
57 Implementing The Show Method for SellerController 01:34
58 Defining Mutators and Accessor for Models 05:27
59 Generalizing The Response Methods 05:54
60 Using The Generalized Methods 03:10
61 Using The Generalized Methods for Error Responses 01:54
62 Returning Validation Errors as a JSON Response 04:37
63 Returning Model Not Found Errors as a JSON Response 03:00
64 Handling AuthenticationException 02:43
65 Handling AuthorizationException 02:09
66 Handling NotFoundHttpException 02:03
67 Handling MethodNotAllowedHttpException 02:16
68 Handling General HttpException 01:34
69 Catching Exceptions When Removing Related Resources 04:11
70 Handling Unexpected Exceptions 04:29
71 Using The Laravel Implicit Model Binding for Some Methods 02:51
72 Resolving Buyer Using Laravel Global Scopes 04:43
73 Resolving Seller Using Laravel Global Scopes 02:01
74 Modifying the Migrations for Soft Deleting 02:16
75 Using soft Deleting for All the Models 03:15
76 Implementing the Index Method for CategoryController 03:10
77 Implementing the Show Method for CategoryController 01:25
78 Implementing the Store Method for CategoryController 03:03
79 Implementing the Update Method for CategoryController 04:10
80 Implementing the Destroy Method for CategoryController 02:02
81 Implementing the Index Method for ProductController 02:27
82 Implementing the Show Method for ProductController 01:17
83 Implementing the Index Method for TransactionCategoryController 04:26
84 Implementing the Index Method for TransactionSellerController 04:25
85 Implementing the Index Method for BuyerTransactionController 02:55
86 Implementing the Index Method for BuyerProductController 06:40
87 Implementing the Index Method for BuyerSellerController 05:08
88 Implementing the Index Method for BuyerCategoryController 05:31
89 Implementing the Index Method for CategoryProductController 02:43
90 Implementing the Index Method for CategorySellerController 03:43
91 Implementing the Index Method for CategoryTransactionController 05:16
92 Implementing the Index Method for CategoryBuyerController 05:24
93 Removing the Pivot Table from the Results 01:48
94 Implementing the Index Method for SellerTransactionController 03:13
95 Implementing the Index Method for SellerCategoryController 02:22
96 Implementing the Index Method for SellerBuyerController 03:04
97 Implementing the Index Method for SellerProductController 02:51
98 Implementing the Store Method for SellerProductController 07:32
99 Implementing the Update Method for SellerProductController 07:19
100 Implementing the Destroy Method for SellerProductController 02:16
101 [Challenge] Implementing the Index Operation of ProductTransaction 04:24
102 [Challenge] Implementing the Index Operation of ProductBuyer 04:18
103 [Challenge] Implementing the Index Operation of ProductCategory 04:18
104 Implementing the Update Operation of ProductCategory 07:43
105 Implementing the Destroy Operation of ProductCategory 02:34
106 Implementing the Store Operation for ProductBuyerTransaction 11:54
107 Handling the Products Availability Using Events 03:14
108 Preparing the API for Images Uploading 03:31
109 Storing an Image When Creating a Product 04:11
110 Removing the Image When Deleting a Product 02:33
111 Updating the Image When Editing a product 04:26
112 Preparing the Laravel Project for Email Sending 06:16
113 Implementing the Verification System 05:38
114 Creating the Laravel Mailable for User Created 01:48
115 Implementing the UserCreated Mailable 04:27
116 Send Verification Email Using Events 03:32
117 Solving the Problem with Factories 02:51
118 Creating the Mailable for User Mail Changed 01:19
119 Implementing the UserMailChanged Mailable 02:04
120 Send Verification for Email Changed Using Events 03:25
121 Re-sending the Verification Email If Requested 03:23
122 Dealing with Failing-Prone Actions 03:25
123 Using Laravel Markdown Mailables 09:23
124 About the Middleware and How it Works in Laravel 05:35
125 Creating a Custom Middleware 09:03
126 About the Rate Limiting in Laravel and the Details 04:22
127 [Optional] Customizing the Response for “Too Many Attempts” 03:30
128 About Transformers and Why to Use It 05:36
129 Preparing the Laravel Project for Data Transforming 03:12
130 Creating the Transformer for User 07:36
131 Creating the Transformer for Seller and Buyer 02:25
132 Creating the Transformer for Category 01:20
133 Creating the Transformer for Transaction 02:02
134 Creating the Transformer for Product 02:46
135 Linking the Models with its Respective Transformer 03:10
136 Returning the New Transformed Responses 10:07
137 Sorting Results by Any Attribute 06:19
138 Understanding an Issue with Sorted Responses 03:09
139 Improving the Transformations to Solve the Problem 03:31
140 Implementing the Solution Using Transformers 02:45
141 Filtering Responses Based on Attributes 06:42
142 About Pagination 03:58
143 Paginating Already Built Collections 08:27
144 Allowing Custom Page Size 03:23
145 Implementing the Cache System 04:14
146 The Caching System and the Query Parameters 06:18
147 What is and Why to Use HATEOAS 03:39
148 Implementing HATEOAS Hypermedia Controls for Category Instances 06:43
149 Implementing HATEOAS Hypermedia Controls for Product Instances 03:11
150 Implementing HATEOAS for Transaction Instances 02:26
151 Implementing HATEOAS for User Instances 01:57
152 Understanding Two Problems with Transformations and Validations 02:39
153 Creating and Using a Middleware to Solve the Problem 05:53
154 Solving the First Problem Using the Middleware 04:04
155 Improving the Transformations to Solve the Second Problem 02:39
156 Improving the Middleware to Solve the Second Problem 07:54
157 Why is It Required for Our API 02:29
158 Creating the Additional Authentication Structure 03:06
159 Tuning Some Structures to Avoid Inconsistences 03:36
160 About CSRF and Handling CSRF Exceptions in Laravel 05:41
161 Returning HTML and Redirections When Required 08:01
162 About OAuth2 and Security on APIs 03:52
163 What is Laravel Passport 01:55
164 Preparing the Laravel Project to Use Laravel Passport 01:59
165 Using the Migrations of Laravel Passport 02:33
166 Installing Laravel Passport Definitively on the API 03:00
167 Making Users Authenticatable Through API Tokens 02:09
168 Registering the Required Routes 03:21
169 Configuring the Authentication System 01:38
170 Defining the Expiration Time for the Tokens 03:24
171 Using client_credentials Grant to Protect Some Routes 06:18
172 How to Obtain and Use Tokens Using Client Credentials 03:25
173 Protecting All the Routes 05:38
174 Using the Password Grant Type 04:48
175 Preparing the API to Use the Passport Components 08:11
176 Creating the Views to Manage the Personal Tokens 05:05
177 About the Personal Tokens and How to Use It 02:41
178 Allowing the Management of API Clients 07:57
179 About the Authorization Code Grant Type 09:38
180 Using the Implicit Grant Type 05:56
181 Refreshing Tokens 05:20
182 What are Scopes on OAuth2? 03:09
183 Registering Some Required Scopes for the API 05:51
184 Registering the Laravel Passport Middleware to Check Scopes 03:55
185 Restricting the Action that Needs the “purchase-product” Scope 04:43
186 Restricting the Actions that Need the “manage-products” Scope 05:28
187 Restricting the Actions that Need the “manage-account” Scope 03:52
188 Restricting the Actions that Need the “read-general” Scope 08:34
189 About the Final Security Layer 03:42
190 What are Policies and Gates on Laravel? 04:05
191 Implementing the Restrictions Over Buyer 07:43
192 Implementing the Restrictions Over Seller 07:16
193 The Restrictions over User 07:33
194 Implementing the Restrictions Over Transaction 05:01
195 Implementing the Restrictions Over Product 05:05
196 Allowing All Actions for Admin Users 06:15
197 Allowing Remaining Actions ONLY Admin Users Can Do 08:43
198 About CORS 04:11
199 Installing the CORS Package for Laravel 01:35
200 Configuring the CORS Package 03:35
201 Allowing CORS Only for the API 04:19
202 Allowing CORS on Error Responses Too 05:27
203 Identifying an Authenticated User in the RESTful API 06:05
204 About the Upgrading Process to Laravel 5.5 03:31
205 Upgrading to Laravel 5.5 Along With Dependencies 04:24
206 Upgrading the Source Code According to Laravel 5.5 06:30
207 Preparing the Environment to Upgrade 05:20
208 Obtaining Laravel 5.6 03:37
209 Installing Updated Dependencies 02:40
210 Solving Issues and Updating the Project Structure 05:42
211 Preparing the development environment to upgrade 03:51
212 Installing Laravel 5.7 an upgrading dependencies for the RESTful API 04:52
213 Upgrading the components and structures 05:25
214 Thanks for Be Here! 01:42

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