Laravel 8 - Advance Course Build School Management System

80h 43m 53s
July 29, 2024

Laravel is an open-source PHP framework, which is robust and easy to understand. It follows a model-view-controller design pattern. Laravel reuses the existing components of different frameworks which helps in creating a web application. The web application thus designed is more structured and pragmatic


Laravel 8 - Advanced Project Base Course.

Build Three Different Project with Laravel 8.

  1. Dynamic Company Website with Admin Panel

  2. Laravel Jetstream Authentication A-Z

  3. Complete School Management System Software Project.

Watch Online Laravel 8 - Advance Course Build School Management System

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# Title Duration
1 Introduction 36:01
2 Intro For This Course. 04:09
3 My Mission For You 01:24
4 Need Your Support. 01:21
5 Get In Touch 01:50
6 Introduction What We will Create 14:23
7 Essential Environment Setup 06:02
8 Laravel 9 Installation 08:05
9 Discuss on Laravel Folder Structure 07:13
10 What is MVC and Its Benefits 02:14
11 What is Route 01:09
12 Laravel Routes 07:15
13 Laravel Blade Syntax 04:16
14 How to Make Controller And Get Url Request Part 1 11:35
15 How to Make Controller And Get Url Request Part 2 08:23
16 Middleware 10:50
17 Laravel 9 Breeze Authentication install 09:38
18 Discuss on Laravel Breeze File Structure 10:29
19 Forgot Password & Password Reset 07:37
20 Email Verify in Laravel 09:06
21 Changing our Logo Component- 03:35
22 Logging in with Username 13:31
23 Project All Themes 03:04
24 Admin Panel Setup Part 1 15:45
25 Admin Panel Setup Part 2 06:38
26 Admin Panel Setup Part 3 11:59
27 Admin Logout Option 08:37
28 Customize Register Page 11:58
29 Customize Login Page 07:04
30 Customize Forget Password Page 05:46
31 Admin Profile & Image Update Part 1 18:52
32 Admin Profile & Image Update Part 2 16:28
33 Admin Profile & Image Update Part 3 07:18
34 Admin Profile & Image Update Part 4 20:34
35 Admin Profile & Image Update Part 5 10:35
36 Adding Toster In For View Message 07:13
37 Display Toster Message in Login and Logout 06:56
38 Admin Profile Change Password Part 1 09:42
39 Admin Profile Change Password Part 2 17:21
40 Take a Backup 04:05
41 Frontend Template Setup Part 1 12:12
42 Frontend Template Setup Part 2 03:05
43 Backend Home Page Slider Option Part 1 11:34
44 Backend Home Page Slider Option Part 2 14:21
45 Install Image intervention Package 04:59
46 Backend Home Page Slider Option Part 3 20:53
47 Frontend Home Page Slider 10:16
48 Backend About Page Setup Part 1 14:05
49 Backend About Page Setup Part 2 19:58
50 Frontend About Page Show Data Part 1 05:30
51 Frontend About Page Show Data Part 2 13:01
52 Backend Add Multi Image in About Page Part 1 09:26
53 Backend Add Multi Image in About Page Part 2 15:03
54 Backend Add Multi Image in About Page Part 3 20:10
55 Backend Add Multi Image in About Page Part 4 15:07
56 Backend Add Multi Image in About Page Part 5 10:46
57 Frontend Show Multi Image 04:11
58 Backend Portfolio Page Setup Part 1 15:17
59 Backend Portfolio Page Setup Part 2 08:03
60 Backend Portfolio Page Setup Part 3 15:53
61 Backend Portfolio Page Setup Part 4 13:10
62 Backend Portfolio Page Setup Part 5 04:45
63 Frontend Portfolio Show Setup Part 1 11:47
64 Frontend Portfolio Show Setup Part 2 12:34
65 Backend Blog Category Setup Part 1 13:14
66 Backend Blog Category Setup Part 2 09:30
67 Backend Blog Category Setup Part 3 13:35
68 Backend Blog Page Setup Part 1 06:28
69 Backend Blog Page Setup Part 2 09:53
70 Backend Blog Page Setup Part 3 12:56
71 Backend Blog Page Setup Part 4 16:23
72 Backend Blog Page Setup Part 5 06:19
73 Backend Blog Page Setup Part 6 12:34
74 Backend Blog Page Setup Part 7 10:28
75 Frontend Blog Show Setup Part 1 13:48
76 Frontend Blog Show Setup Part 2 17:58
77 Frontend Blog Show Setup Part 3 16:14
78 Frontend Blog Show Setup Part 4 08:59
79 Frontend Blog Show Setup Part 5 07:37
80 Backend Footer Page Setup Part 1 16:37
81 Backend Footer Page Setup Part 2 06:41
82 Frontend Footer Show Setup 04:45
83 Frontend Contact Form Setup Part 1 08:41
84 Frontend Contact Form Setup Part 2 11:40
85 Backend Contact Form Page Setup 11:44
86 Update Routes in Menu Page 13:50
87 Site Update Custom Title 04:45
88 Update Frontend Active Link 09:09
89 Middleware Groups In Route 05:20
90 Form Validation With JavaScript Part 1 05:58
91 Form Validation With JavaScript Part 2 11:39
92 How to Use Key for Get Serial Number 02:09
93 Add Custom Pagination Part 1 06:35
94 Add Custom Pagination Part 2 14:36
95 How to Back Up Laravel Project From Localhost 03:51
96 Deploy Laravel 9 Project to Webserver and Remove Public Name from Url 13:57
97 Essential Enviroment Setup 05:28
98 Laravel 8 installation 10:37
99 Discuss on Laravel Folder Structure 08:51
100 What is MVC and Its Benefits 02:14
101 What is Route 01:09
102 Laravel Routes 12:29
103 Laravel Blade Syntax 05:07
104 How to Make Controller And Get Url Request 11:48
105 Middleware 11:28
106 Laravel Url, URL to Route 10:32
107 Create Database and Configaration 04:11
108 Laravel 8 Authentication install 11:42
109 Laravel 8 Authentication Details 14:31
110 Eloquent ORM Read Users Data 23:00
111 Query Builder Read Users Data 06:02
112 Create Model And Migration 19:24
113 Form Validation & Show Custom Error Message 22:23
114 Eloquent ORM Insert Data 18:24
115 Insert Data With Query Builder 06:11
116 Eloquent ORM Read Data 12:22
117 Query Builder Read Data 03:33
118 Laravel Pagination 07:10
119 Eloquent ORM One To One Relationships 08:48
120 Query Builder Join Table 06:53
121 Eloquent ORM Edit & Update 25:34
122 Query Builder Edit & Update Data 07:35
123 Soft Delete ,Data Restore & ForceDelete Part 1 17:15
124 Soft Delete ,Data Restore & ForceDelete Part 2 12:07
125 Setup Brand Page 20:52
126 Eloquent ORM Insert Image 26:48
127 Eloquent ORM Edit,Update Data With Image & Without Image Part 1 12:29
128 Eloquent ORM Edit,Update Data With Image & Without Image Part 2 17:54
129 Delete Data With Image 07:59
130 Image Insert & Resize With Intervention Package 14:23
131 Multiple Image Upload Part 1 13:13
132 Multiple Image Upload Part 2 16:59
133 Update User Profile and Change Password 10:21
134 Forgot Password & Password Reset 08:57
135 Email Verify in Laravel 07:39
136 Middleware Auth Users Access Control 06:22
137 Admin Panel Setup Part 1 04:14
138 Admin Panel Setup Part 2 24:29
139 Admin Panel Setup Part 3 05:34
140 Logout Page Setup 09:16
141 Login Page Setup 12:13
142 Fontend Templete Setup Part 1 19:12
143 Fontend Templete Setup Part 2 06:16
144 Setup Home Brand Page 15:47
145 Setup Home Slider Page Part 1 18:42
146 Setup Home Slider Page Part 2 24:04
147 Setup Home Slider Page Part 3 12:04
148 Setup Home page About Section Part 1 16:45
149 Setup Home page About Section Part 2 15:52
150 Setup Home page About Section Part 3 15:04
151 Setup Home page About Section Part 4 04:50
152 Setup Home page About Section Part 5 06:43
153 Setup Home page Portofolio Section 11:02
154 Setup Portofolio Page 12:15
155 Setup Contact Page Part 1 16:15
156 Setup Contact Page Part 2 13:43
157 Setup Contact Page Part 3 10:43
158 Setup Contact Page Part 4 19:30
159 Setup Contact Page Part 5 09:25
160 Change Password Option Part 1 17:30
161 Change Password Option Part 2 09:39
162 Change Password Option Part 3 16:47
163 Chage User Profile Part 1 10:14
164 Chage User Profile Part 2 11:30
165 How to add Toster in Project 20:13
166 How to deploy Project in cPanel 15:27
167 Remove Public from Deploy Project in Cpanel 04:13
168 Install Laravel 9 06:56
169 Controller Route Group 07:54
170 New Design for Route List 02:15
171 Anonymous Migration 02:50
172 New Helper Function 04:54
173 Laravel New Ignition Error Page 01:39
174 Render A Blade String 02:49
175 Forced Scope Bindings 07:02
176 Section Introduction for Multi Auth 09:04
177 Install Laravel in your system 05:58
178 Install Breeze in laravel 10:12
179 Multi Auth With Admin Guard Part 1 08:33
180 Multi Auth With Admin Guard Part 2 11:31
181 Admin Login & Logout Guard Part 1 15:38
182 Admin Login & Logout Guard Part 2 15:05
183 Admin Login & Logout Guard Part 3 12:44
184 Admin Login & Logout Guard Part 4 05:48
185 Admin Register 17:46
186 Multi Auth With Seller Guard Part 1 09:14
187 Multi Auth With Seller Guard Part 2 14:12
188 Multi Auth With Seller Guard Part 3 13:20
189 Multi Auth With Seller Guard Part 4 08:26
190 Intro for Start Section 04:38
191 Install Laravel 9 09:24
192 Install Jetstream in Laravel 9 08:10
193 Create Database and Migrate 03:19
194 Default Auth System Profile Update 12:01
195 Setup Admin Table and Seed Data 11:04
196 Create Guards for Admin 07:50
197 Laravel 9 Multi Auth Part 1 07:18
198 Laravel 9 Multi Auth Part 2 12:04
199 Laravel 9 Multi Auth Part 3 09:30
200 Laravel 9 Multi Auth Part 4 07:45
201 Laravel 9 Multi Auth Part 5 05:33
202 Install Laravel 8 08:53
203 Install Laravel 8 Auth 08:59
204 Create Database and Migrate 06:44
205 Deafult Auth System Profile Update 13:23
206 Setup Admin Table and Seed data 14:13
207 Create Guards for Admin 15:50
208 Laravel 8 Multi Auth Part 1 17:45
209 Laravel 8 Multi Auth Part 2 14:24
210 Laravel 8 Multi Auth Part 3 07:43
211 Laravel 8 Multi Auth Part 4 06:51
212 How to Add User Dashboard Part 1 05:47
213 How to Add User Dashboard Part 2 18:04
214 How to Add User Logout 11:11
215 How to Add Admin Dashboard Part 1 14:01
216 How to Add Admin Dashboard Part 2 06:18
217 How to Add Admin Logout 07:35
218 Create User Profile Part 1 17:52
219 Create User Profile Part 2 14:35
220 Create User Profile Part 3 07:36
221 Create User Profile Part 4 17:59
222 How to Add Toster in User Dashboard 05:53
223 Change User Password Option Part 1 10:03
224 Change User Password Option Part 2 12:48
225 Create Admin Profile Part 1 13:11
226 Create Admin Profile Part 2 12:25
227 How to Add Toster in User Admin 03:11
228 Change Admin Password Option 14:45
229 Project Introduction - What You Will Create 36:02
230 Install Laravel 8 07:12
231 Install Laravel 8 Auth 06:27
232 Create Database and Migrate 08:49
233 Create Admin User and Profile Setup 06:00
234 Customize Admin Dashboard 17:40
235 Dashboard Page Segmentation 09:03
236 User Logout Option 08:58
237 Customize Login Form 09:48
238 Refreach Admin Template 08:38
239 Routing Controller and Manage Users Part 1 16:25
240 Routing Controller and Manage Users Part 2 14:31
241 View User Data from Database 14:12
242 Insert User Data in Database Part 1 18:23
243 Insert User Data in Database Part 2 11:08
244 Adding Toastr In Project 05:43
245 Edit and Update User Data into Database Part 1 12:02
246 Edit and Update User Data into Database Part 2 06:32
247 Delete User Data From Database 04:29
248 Adding Sweet Alert In Project- 11:03
249 User Profile Image Upload Edit Update Database Part 1 17:13
250 User Profile Image Upload Edit Update Database Part 2 14:35
251 User Profile Image Upload Edit Update Database Part 3 18:23
252 User Profile Image Upload Edit Update Database Part 4 20:24
253 User Profile Change Password Option Part 1 09:52
254 User Profile Change Password Option Part 2 14:28
255 SideBar Menu Active Deactive Option 10:19
256 Add Project In GitHub 06:02
257 Student Class Management Option Part 1 15:24
258 Student Class Management Option Part 2 17:32
259 Student Class Management Option Part 3 11:53
260 Student Year Management Option Part 1 18:07
261 Student Year Management Option Part 2 06:21
262 Student Group Management Option Part 1 16:38
263 Student Group Management Option Part 2 06:13
264 Student Shift Management Option Part 1 15:45
265 Student Shift Management Option Part 2 06:27
266 Working Fee Category Option Part 1 17:03
267 Working Fee Category Option Part 2 11:14
268 Working Fee Category Amount Part 1 15:26
269 Working Fee Category Amount Part 2 13:58
270 Working Fee Category Amount Part 3 19:47
271 Working Fee Category Amount Part 4 13:26
272 Working Fee Category Amount Part 5 10:28
273 Working Fee Category Amount Part 6 21:16
274 Working Fee Category Amount Part 7 12:20
275 Working Fee Category Amount Part 8 16:34
276 Working Exam Type Part 1 17:26
277 Working Exam Type Part 2 09:51
278 Working Subjects Part 1 13:25
279 Working Subjects Part 2 09:28
280 Student Assign Subject Part 1 13:25
281 Student Assign Subject Part 2 16:34
282 Student Assign Subject Part 3 15:05
283 Student Assign Subject Part 4 24:03
284 Student Assign Subject Part 5 11:18
285 Working Designation Part 1 13:41
286 Working Designation Part 2 08:10
287 Student Registration Part 1 25:57
288 Student Registration Part 2 12:39
289 Student Registration Part 3 18:27
290 Student Registration Part 4 11:56
291 Student Registration Part 5 21:12
292 Student Registration Part 6 11:15
293 Student Registration Part 7 13:57
294 Student Registration Part 8 13:02
295 Student Registration Part 9 20:46
296 Student Registration Part 10 11:39
297 Student Registration Part 11 15:32
298 Student Registration Part 12 22:48
299 Student Registration Part 13 11:06
300 Student Registration Edit Part 1 15:28
301 Student Registration Edit Part 2 15:30
302 Student Registration Edit Part 3 14:24
303 Student Promotion Option 18:54
304 Student PDF Generate Part 1 12:48
305 Student PDF Generate Part 2 27:10
306 Students Roll Generate Part 1 15:35
307 Students Roll Generate Part 2 17:13
308 Students Roll Generate Part 3 12:53
309 Students Roll Generate Part 4 20:21
310 Students Registration Fee Part 1 16:48
311 Students Registration Fee Part 2 26:11
312 Students Registration Fee Part 3 08:22
313 Students Registration Fee Part 4 17:19
314 Students Monthly Fee Part 1 18:56
315 Students Monthly Fee Part 2 17:11
316 Students Exam Fee Part 1 16:25
317 Students Exam Fee Part 2 15:01
318 Update Route Authentication 06:35
319 Employee Registration Part 1 18:31
320 Employee Registration Part 2 13:21
321 Employee Registration Part 3 12:47
322 Employee Registration Part 4 24:41
323 Employee Registration Part 5 18:12
324 Employee Registration Part 6 09:27
325 Employee Registration Part 7 17:38
326 Employee Salary Increment and Details Part 1 18:22
327 Employee Salary Increment and Details Part 2 13:47
328 Employee Salary Increment and Details Part 3 15:58
329 Employee Salary Increment and Details Part 4 16:21
330 Employee Leave Management Part 1 14:36
331 Employee Leave Management Part 2 24:49
332 Employee Leave Management Part 3 10:46
333 Employee Leave Management Part 4 16:31
334 Employee Leave Management Part 5 16:37
335 Employee Leave Management Part 6 04:41
336 Employee Attendance Part 1 16:11
337 Employee Attendance Part 2 21:36
338 Employee Attendance Part 3 11:35
339 Employee Attendance Part 4 19:10
340 Employee Attendance Part 5 19:37
341 Employee Attendance Part 6 07:09
342 Employee Attendance Part 7 07:51
343 Employee Monthly Salary Part 1 16:19
344 Employee Monthly Salary Part 2 26:05
345 Employee Monthly Salary Part 3 20:56
346 Student Marks Entry Part 1- 13:51
347 Student Marks Entry Part 2 17:24
348 Student Marks Entry Part 3 15:03
349 Student Marks Entry Part 4 14:08
350 Student Marks Entry Part 5 15:41
351 Student Marks Edit Part 1 19:05
352 Student Marks Edit Part 2 08:36
353 Update Route Active Menu 07:16
354 Students Grade Point Part 1 15:58
355 Students Grade Point Part 2 18:09
356 Students Grade Point Part 3 17:11
357 Students Fee Part 1 14:48
358 Students Fee Part 2 12:48
359 Students Fee Part 3 20:46
360 Students Fee Part 4 17:26
361 Students Fee Part 5 22:28
362 Employees Salary Part 1 15:07
363 Employees Salary Part 2 26:12
364 Employees Salary Part 3 03:18
365 Employees Salary Part 4 08:16
366 Error Solve for Student Fee and Employee Salary 10:50
367 Others Cost Part 1 19:00
368 Others Cost Part 2 13:44
369 Others Cost Part 3 09:57
370 Others Cost Part 4 13:53
371 Monthly and Yearly Profit Part 1 11:42
372 Monthly and Yearly Profit Part 2 17:46
373 Monthly and Yearly Profit Part 3 16:24
374 Monthly and Yearly Profit Part 4 19:31
375 Student Marksheet Generate Part 1 20:33
376 Student Marksheet Generate Part 2 14:08
377 Student Marksheet Generate Part 3 17:47
378 Student Marksheet Generate Part 4 11:35
379 Student Marksheet Generate Part 5 22:47
380 Student Marksheet Generate Part 6 10:23
381 Employee Attendance Report Part 1 15:07
382 Employee Attendance Report Part 2 18:25
383 Employee Attendance Report Part 3 14:27
384 Students Result Part 1 14:41
385 Students Result Part 2 12:41
386 Students Result Part 3 08:02
387 Students ID Card Generate Part 1 10:37
388 Students ID Card Generate Part 2 08:12
389 Students ID Card Generate Part 3 09:27
390 Prevent Browser Back Button After Logout 09:37
391 How to Run Project in Localhost From Source Code 04:53

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