PHP with Laravel for beginners - Become a Master in Laravel

42h 35m 23s

Laravel has become one of the most popular if not the most popular PHP framework. Employers are asking for this skill for all web programming jobs and in this course we have put together all of them, to give you the best chance of landing that job; or taking it to the next level. Why is Laravel so popular? Because once you learn it, creating complex applications are easy to do, because thousands of other people have created code we can plug (packages) into our Laravel application to make it even better. 

Read more about the course

There are many reasons why Laravel is on the top when it comes to PHP frameworks but we are not here to talk about that, right? 

You are here because you want to learn Laravel, and find out what course to take, right? Alright, lets lists what this course has to offer so that you can make your decision?


  • Basic OOP PHP

What you'll learn:

  • Learn to build applications using laravel
  • To install Laravel using Windows and MAC
  • You will learn how use Laravel
  • You will learn how to use routes
  • You will learn how to create and use Controllers and what they are
  • You will learn how to create Views an what they are
  • You will learn to use the templating engine Blade
  • How to connect and use Databases
  • How to create migrations and what they are
  • You will learn about Laravel ORM (Object Relational Mapper) and Raw SQL queries. Database stuff :)
  • How to use Laravel Tinker - Command line program to play around with Laravel without persisting data
  • Database: Eloquent One to One - CRUD
  • Database: Eloquent One to Many - CRUD
  • Database: Eloquent Many to Many - CRUD
  • Database: Eloquent Polymorphic - CRUD
  • Form Validation
  • You will learn to download third party libraries to add to Laravel
  • You will learn to upload files
  • You will learn about Middleware and security
  • You will learn about sesssions
  • You will learn about sending emails
  • You will learn Github or version control
  • You will learn how to install a WYSIWYG editor
  • To install a commenting system / Disqus
  • You will learn to create a BULK functionality that you can use the CRUD on it
  • You will learn to deploy Laravel on share hosting accounts, like godaddy
  • And lots of more cool things

Are you ready to to create the next Facebook or Twitter? ................

  • Lets start with the fundamentals 
  • Downloading Laravel
  • Installing it with composer
  • Lets also use Laravel Homestead
  • We learn about Routes, Controllers, views, models, migrations, template engines, middleware and more
  • Lets learn the CRUD, create, read, update and deleting data :)
  • Wait, lets also learn the CRUD with all the ELOQUENT relationships,

Lets learn so database stuff :)

  • One To One

  • One To Many

  • One To Many (Inverse)

  • Many To Many

  • Has Many Through

  • Polymorphic Relations

  • Many To Many Polymorphic Relations

  • Querying Relations

  • Relationship Methods Vs. Dynamic Properties

  • Querying Relationship Existence

  • Querying Relationship Absence

  • Counting Related Models

  • Inserting & Updating Related Models

  • The save Method

  • The create Method

  • Belongs To Relationships

  • Many To Many Relationships

Let me break down some things from the projects but not all, cause my hands are a little tired :)

  • Authentication system

  • Multi-users with roles, Admins, subscribers and whatever you want :)

  • User profiles

  • Uploading photos, multi pictures

  • Multiple input selections

  • User, CRUD

  • Pos CRUD

  • Category CRUD

  • Photo CRUD

  • Pretty URL's

  • Commenting system, reply system with tree

  • Disqus commenting system

  • Sessions, and flash messages

  • Email Sending

  • EMAIL testing

  • Restrictions

  • Deployment

  • Lots more, too many to list

  • Oh did I mention we keep updating the course with new versions?

Did I also mention this LARAVEL course is the best-rated course, the best selling and the biggest of its kind here in Udemy?

Let's start this and let's create big things :)

Who this course is for:
  • People looking for web programming jobs should take this course
  • People looking to learn everything about laravel should take this course
  • Students who want to take their PHP skills to another level should take this course

Watch Online PHP with Laravel for beginners - Become a Master in Laravel

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# Title Duration
1 Meet your professor Edwin 06:07
2 Introduction to laravel and MVC 03:39
3 Reference files 02:12
4 New - Tools 19:03
5 New - Using MySQL 09:10
6 New- Installing Node.js 03:19
7 New - Installing Laravel 13:10
8 NEW - PHP Upgrade 05:58
9 New - Installing and Using MySQL on MAC OS X 10:13
10 New - Installing Node.js 07:31
11 New - Tools and Installing Laravel 18:38
12 New - Using Valet in your Laravel projects - OPTIONAL 08:23
13 New UPDATE - Serving our App 05:21
14 New UPDATE - Please Watch 01:49
15 New - Laravel Structure Overview 11:11
16 Route Introduction 01:00
17 Routes part 1 08:48
18 Routes part 2 04:38
19 Naming Routes 06:33
20 Intro to chapter with Edwin 01:34
21 Creating Controllers 08:21
22 Routing Controllers 04:16
23 Passing data 02:54
24 Resources and Controllers 07:56
25 Intro to chapter with Edwin 00:32
26 Creating views and custom method 08:54
27 Passing data to views 09:01
28 Intro to chapter with Edwin 01:19
29 Master layout setup 07:51
30 Some more blade features 06:00
31 Intro to chapter with Edwin 01:35
32 Environment configurations 07:24
33 New - Windows OS - Migrations 10:53
34 New - MAC OS - Migrations 08:54
35 Creating migrations and dropping them 08:49
36 Adding columns to existing tables using migrations 08:24
37 Some more migration commands 03:38
38 Section Intro with Edwin Diaz 01:10
39 Inserting data 09:22
40 Reading Data 05:08
41 Updating Data 02:49
42 Deleting Data 02:49
43 Section Intro with Edwin Diaz 01:04
44 Reading Data 14:27
45 Reading / Finding with Constraints 05:38
46 More ways to retrieve data 05:06
47 Inserting / Saving Data 05:32
48 Creating data and configuring mass assignment 05:33
49 Updating with Eloquent 03:39
50 Deleting Data 04:31
51 Soft Deleting / Trashing 08:37
52 Retrieving deleted / trashed records 05:47
53 Restoring deleted / trashed records 03:53
54 Deleting a record permanently 04:21
55 Section intro with Edwin Diaz 01:43
56 One to One relationship 12:39
57 The inverse relation 03:29
58 One to many relationship 06:02
59 Some random tips 01:55
60 Many to many relations part 1 06:14
61 Many to many relations part 2 08:50
62 Querying intermediate table 12:55
63 Has many through relation part 1 06:49
64 Has many through relation part 2 09:46
65 Polymorphic relation part 1 04:42
66 Polymorphic relation part 2 12:04
67 Polymorphic relation the inverse 04:37
68 Polymorphic relation many to many part 1 07:42
69 Polymorphic relation many to many part 2 04:53
70 Polymorphic relation many to many - retrieving 11:07
71 Polymorphic relation many to many - retrieving owner 08:00
72 Section Intro with Edwin Diaz 01:12
73 Creating data with tinker 06:17
74 Finding record and using constraints in tinker 02:15
75 Updating and deleting with tinker 05:31
76 Playing around with relations in tinker 03:08
77 Section intro with Edwin Diaz 01:42
78 Database configuration and migration 04:27
79 Setting up Relations 03:58
80 Creating data for user 09:02
81 Updating Data 06:03
82 Reading and deleting data 04:08
83 Database migrations 04:25
84 Relationships and mass assignment 02:30
85 Inserting Data 09:12
86 Reading Data 06:30
87 Updating Data 04:10
88 Deleting Data 03:25
89 Database migrations 06:26
90 Relationships and mass assignment 02:23
91 Inserting Data 05:52
92 Reading Data 04:44
93 Updating Data 05:17
94 Deleting Data 04:10
95 Attaching, detaching and syncing 10:26
96 Relationships and mass assignment 03:16
97 Inserting Data 04:52
98 Reading Data 02:09
99 Updating Data 02:49
100 Deleting Data 02:13
101 Extra techniques 06:53
102 Relationships and mass assignment 02:23
103 Inserting Data 05:08
104 Reading and updating data 07:29
105 Deleting Data 05:55
106 Section Intro with Edwin Diaz 00:30
107 Setting up migration and relations 02:07
108 Setting up views and routes 05:11
109 4-Setting the markup for create 04:11
110 Setting up the controller and view 04:36
111 Persisting data to database 03:19
112 Reading data 07:53
113 Showing individual posts and updating 05:54
114 Preparing the edit view and setting up the token 06:50
115 10- Editing records and redirecting 04:25
116 11- Deleting 05:38
117 Section intro with Edwin Diaz 00:18
118 Installing package and testing 07:13
119 Modifying our create form with the form package 08:38
120 Modifying our edit and delete forms with the form package 08:50
121 Basic validation 04:29
122 Displaying errors 07:00
123 Advance validation 05:26
124 Creating snippets with PhpStorm 04:14
125 Section Intro with Edwin Diaz 00:41
126 Dates 07:06
127 Accessors 05:31
128 Mutators 03:36
129 Query Scope 05:36
130 Section intro with Edwin Diaz 00:19
131 Modifying our create view for file input 03:50
132 Retrieving file data 04:53
133 Persisting file data into the database 09:30
134 Displaying images and using accessors to make it easy 06:01
135 Section intro with Edwin Diaz 00:25
136 New laravel installation 05:45
137 Database connection and migrations 02:05
138 Creating the login system under 1 minute 03:34
139 Login creation overview 08:56
140 Retrieving authenticated user data 07:10
141 Section intro 02:03
142 Create a new laravel installation (challenge) 03:59
143 Registering a new middleware and using it 06:56
144 A more practical way to use middlewares 1 - roles, migration and relations setup 04:14
145 A more practical way to use middlewares 2 - Custom method 10:11
146 A more practical way to use middlewares 3 - Custom method 06:01
147 A more practical way to use middlewares 4 - Custom method 03:36
148 Section intro with Edwin Diaz 00:33
149 Setting and reading sessions 05:50
150 Global session function deleting 03:37
151 Flashing data 03:47
152 Section intro with Edwin Diaz 01:09
153 New laravel installation 02:10
154 Overview on mailgun 03:55
155 Email verification 01:22
156 Configuration 07:41
157 Sending email part 1 - route 04:52
158 Sending email part 2 - Finished 05:19
159 Custom domain 03:06
160 Git intro 02:51
161 Git Installation 01:14
162 Git commands 02:05
163 Git crash lecture 08:18
164 Git workflow 06:04
165 Branches 20:05
166 Creating repositories on Github 03:49
167 Git settings 02:25
168 Cloning and pushing to Github 04:19
169 Pull request and pulling changes 10:48
170 Contributing to the project 06:44
171 New - Adding Bootstrap plus Login & Registration 14:15
172 How to add templates to Laravel projects 15:21
173 Creating a simple seeder 06:57
174 Creating a more advanced seeder with factories 07:24
175 Let's create factories for all our database tables 11:12
176 Creating components part 1 09:04
177 Creating components part 2 07:08
178 Creating components part 3 04:54
179 Setting p views part 1 09:59
180 Setting p views part 2 12:04
181 Admin View creation setup 11:50
182 Menu links and migration 07:28
183 Blog Post view 07:25
184 Posts migration 08:35
185 Creating dummy data with relationships - Users with Posts 17:37
186 Displaying posts on home page 09:20
187 Displaying individual posts 07:27
188 Creating a post from admin - Part 1 21:19
189 Creating a post from admin - Part 2 07:24
190 Creating a post from admin - Part 3 12:05
191 Displaying a post from admin - Part 1 06:56
192 Displaying a post from admin - Part 2 10:41
193 Displaying a post from admin - Part 3 07:44
194 Displaying the owner of the post 02:51
195 Example of Mutators and Accessors with an image path 11:26
196 Flash messaging and deleting 18:12
197 Updating a post part 1 07:16
198 Updating a post part 2 16:54
199 Creating Authorization Policies part 1 05:24
200 Creating Authorization Policies part 2 16:19
201 Creating Authorization Policies part 3 and refactoring 05:47
202 Laravel pagination 09:06
203 Creating migrations part 1 06:42
204 Creating migrations part 2 07:58
205 Setting up relationships 05:32
206 Using Tinker to insert Roles and Permissions 08:04
207 Using permission on Dashboard example 05:31
208 Creating a user Profile part 1 12:22
209 Creating a user Profile part 2 08:28
210 Adding a Username 12:03
211 Updating the profile 20:38
212 Displaying all users part 1 08:06
213 Displaying all users part 2 14:51
214 Deleting users 08:13
215 Creating some roles again 05:57
216 Creating and using Middlewares for Route Authorization 14:08
217 A little Recap 07:12
218 Admin and Model Owner Same Access 09:24
219 Routes for large applications 11:56
220 Component nesting 05:48
221 Displaying roles in User profile 08:27
222 Detecting roles for the user 06:15
223 Attaching roles part 1 05:49
224 Attaching roles part 2 10:59
225 CRUD - Create & Read - part 1 14:19
226 CRUD - Create & Read - part 2 06:45
227 CRUD - Create & Read - part 3 - validation 09:48
228 CRUD - Deleting 09:47
229 CRUD - Updating part 1 04:55
230 CRUD - Updating part 2 05:04
231 CRUD - Updating part 3 09:37
232 Displaying role permissions 10:20
233 Attaching and Detaching role permissions 12:59
234 Displaying and deleting permissions 11:46
235 Updating permissions 05:18
236 Protecting routes globally & locally 06:47
237 Laravel Project Reference Files 02:37
238 New laravel installation 05:07
239 Database configuration 01:30
240 Setting up views 04:46
241 Users table Migration 04:54
242 Relation setup and data entry 04:54
243 Testing relation with Tinker 02:51
244 Admin controller and routes 03:51
245 Testing methods 04:13
246 Installing NodeJs and files download - UPDATE - watch entire lecture 06:23
247 Gulp and assets 10:31
248 Admin master file - download file 05:15
249 Version control and modifying master page 05:39
250 Displaying users 11:37
251 Create page 06:21
252 Laravel collective html package 04:54
253 Testing form and creating form fields 05:21
254 Working on user form status field 04:16
255 Populating the user roles select 05:02
256 Password field and custom request 05:23
257 Displaying errors and including with blade 04:37
258 Adding upload file feature to form 07:46
259 Persisting data and fixing bug 08:10
260 User photos migration - relation - mass-assignment 05:32
261 Creating links and more 08:24
262 Persisting user with photo part 1 04:17
263 Persisting user with photo part 2 05:04
264 Displaying photos using an accessor 08:00
265 Edit users part 1 - setting up the form 07:14
266 Edit user part 2 - displaying images and status 05:37
267 Updating part 1 and displaying errors 05:42
268 Updating part 2 06:42
269 Updating part 3 - Fixing loose ends 02:51
270 Security part 1 - middleware registration 05:09
271 Security part 2 - middleware - custom method and 404 page 06:29
272 Deleting users 11:18
273 Some flash messages 04:26
274 Deleting images from the directory 06:14
275 Adding more security 03:21
276 Setting route files 06:59
277 Migration 04:09
278 Displaying post 08:17
279 Relationship setup 04:41
280 Creating form part 1 09:47
281 Creating form part 2 05:44
282 Creating form part 3 04:22
283 Creating post 1 04:15
284 Creating post 2 04:04
285 Displaying images in post 05:43
286 Creating model and migration for categories 03:49
287 Displaying and creating posts with categories 04:37
288 Let's stop and push to GitHub 03:55
289 Pushing to GitHub warning 03:03
290 Editing part 1 - setting up the page and form 06:10
291 Editing part 2 - Lets edit the post 06:27
292 Deleting - Challlenge 03:14
293 Deleting - Solution 04:15
294 Deleting users with relations 05:35
295 Adding images to edit post 02:28
296 Setting up categories 04:07
297 Creating categories 07:29
298 Updating and deleting categories 11:05
299 Setting up and displaying media 14:21
300 Setting up the create view 03:34
301 Adding the upload plugin 08:01
302 Uploading images 04:33
303 Deleting images 05:20
304 Setting up part 1 14:08
305 Relations and mass assignment 04:30
306 Setting up views 06:58
307 Creating a post part 1 06:29
308 Creating a post part 2 06:00
309 Creating a post part 3 04:32
310 Creating a comment 19:22
311 Displaying posts 08:34
312 Approving, un-approving and deleting part 1 - setting it up 06:18
313 Approving, un-approving and deleting part 2 - Using it 03:00
314 Displayin comments 05:30
315 Displaying specific comments 04:59
316 Displaying comments in post page 11:54
317 Creating the reply form 06:11
318 Creating a reply 07:09
319 Displaying replies 11:00
320 Displaying replies with Javascript 09:02
321 Displaying replies in admin part 1 08:14
322 Displaying replies in admin part 2 09:04
323 Updating and deleting replies 06:24
324 Pretty url configuration part 1 08:20
325 Pretty url configuration part 2 and finished 08:35
326 Laravel Pagination 06:14
327 Pulling Gravatars from users 08:59
328 Brief introduction to changes 04:23
329 Upgrading - Extra folders in this version 13:39
330 Upgrading routes part 1 05:15
331 Upgrading routes part 2 - Login 07:27
332 Upgrading routes part 3 - Route names 10:04
333 Upgrading users 04:43
334 Upgrading posts 09:26
335 Upgrading categories 05:26
336 Checking out media 02:09
337 Upgrading middleware 03:45
338 Upgrading our Pretty URL feature 09:36
339 Part 1- Downloading packages and installing editor 05:34
340 Part 2- Making folders and uploading files 07:37
341 Displaying images 07:24
342 Installing disqus 06:25
343 Part 1 - Creating form, method and route 09:02
344 Part 2 - Testing our form and deleting 05:27
345 Part 3 - Adding Javascript / jQuery 06:35
346 Fixing bulk delete bug and new improvements 10:59
347 Removing extra delete button 01:50
348 Intro 03:57
349 SSH - WINDOWS OS 04:04
350 SSH - MAC OS 08:14
351 Module installation and PHP version 01:33
352 Composer install 07:07
353 Laravel installer 03:31
354 Uploading project 04:45
355 Configuring our environment file 07:07
356 Our app live on the web 05:03
357 Loging in 12:58
358 Displaying images 01:52
359 Deleting images 02:27
360 Setting up production settings 01:00
361 Intro and part 1 04:38
362 Laravel upgrade to 5.4 - part two 06:51
363 Laravel upgrade to 5.4 - part three 07:40
364 Webpack error - fix 02:01
365 Warning PHP Update for 5.5 - (Edwin from the future) 05:28
366 Upgrading the easy way 07:35
367 Making admin more modular 07:47
368 Creating an admin controller 04:44
369 Installing a Chart on admin 04:33
370 Replacing Chart static data with dynamic data 05:51
371 Some adjustments to admin posts page 04:18
372 Installing a Blog Home Page 06:28
373 Making front-end more modular 05:22
374 Replacing static with dynamic data for home page 09:41
375 Some adjustments to single post page 12:21
376 Making front-end top navigation better 11:01
377 Front-end Comment Flash messaging modification 06:22
378 Pagination in the front-end 03:06
379 5.6 - Upgrading to Laravel 5.6 08:45
380 Section intro with Edwin Diaz 04:55
381 Let's start upgrading to 5.7 04:55
382 Intalling PHP development environment 07:47
383 Let's start upgrading to 5.8 04:36
384 IDE Install 04:03
385 Composer 03:16
386 Creating a Laravel project 18:38
387 Lets start upgrading our app to 6.0 04:22
388 Opening a project in the IDE 10:44
389 Course - UPDATE - app dev extensions - MAC 03:07
390 Virtual hosts 02:10

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