Build an e-commerce platform

14h 19m 18s
April 11, 2024

Build a robust e-commerce platform with a Laravel API and Nuxt frontend. Products with flexible variations, proper price implementation, a full checkout experience with dynamic shipping and payment implementations (including saved payment methods) and loads more.

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# Title Duration
1 Introduction and dem 06:11
2 Setting up Laravel 03:28
3 Setting up Nuxt and Bulma 07:27
4 Setting up for testing 02:57
5 Building the category model 15:01
6 Category index endpoint 12:24
7 Showing categories and children 14:30
8 Simple products 03:08
9 Product index endpoint 07:55
10 Product show endpoint 04:03
11 Showing a product 03:51
12 Hooking up products to categories 03:17
13 Scoping products by category 14:41
14 Simple CORS support 01:17
15 Showing products in categories 08:04
16 Product variations 09:02
17 Product variation types 12:55
18 Fixing failing tests for the product index 02:58
19 Quick scoper trait refactor 01:03
20 Product prices 11:06
21 Product variation prices 07:43
22 Updating the client prices 00:50
23 Showing product variations 05:01
24 Showing if the product variation price differs 01:11
25 Selecting product variations to add 09:52
26 Product stock blocks 06:49
27 Basics orders to test stock 05:10
28 Product stock database view 13:35
29 Product variation stock checks 09:12
30 Showing if a variation is out of stock 01:16
31 Base product stock information 04:59
32 Showing if a product is out of stock 01:05
33 Updating dropdown with stock count 03:36
34 JSON response profiling 08:07
35 Setting up authentication 03:53
36 Registering a user 13:07
37 Authenticating a user 07:48
38 The me endpoint 07:37
39 Authenticating on the client 07:46
40 Updating the navigation 02:19
41 The user cart relationship 05:57
42 Adding items to the cart 23:35
43 Incrementing quantity when adding 04:18
44 Updating product cart quantities 10:15
45 Deleting cart products 04:27
46 Emptying the cart 01:42
47 Getting the user’s cart 12:01
48 Getting the cart for every request 04:27
49 Building the cart page 09:59
50 Deleting cart items 03:26
51 Updating cart item quantities 03:39
52 Checking if the cart is empty 05:06
53 Disabling the checkout button 02:36
54 Getting the cart totals 06:09
55 Showing the cart subtotal 02:52
56 Syncing the cart 10:28
57 Testing minimum stock 01:14
58 Getting changed status on the client 01:52
59 Showing the product variation type 01:04
60 SQL optimizations 03:58
61 Adding items on the client 03:42
62 Countries table 02:37
63 Addresses setup 07:33
64 Listing addresses 05:27
65 Storing an address 09:55
66 Toggling default addresses 05:49
67 Building the checkout page 07:42
68 Showing the default address 08:38
69 Switching the shipping address 08:52
70 Creating a new shipping address 07:37
71 Countries endpoint 02:44
72 Country dropdown selector 04:31
73 Creating shipping methods 04:07
74 Hooking up shipping methods to countries 06:04
75 Getting the right shipping methods for an address 11:42
76 Using v-model with a shipping address 02:16
77 Outputting available shipping methods 03:41
78 Adding shipping onto the subtotal 14:00
79 Displaying shipping price and total at checkout 09:54
80 Fixing shipping error on checkout 01:40
81 Adding address and shipping method relation to orders 08:50
82 Order statuses and defaults 05:46
83 Basic order validation 12:04
84 Custom shipping method validation rule 07:07
85 Creating an order 09:59
86 Revisiting orders and product relations 04:58
87 Fixing cart store failing test 01:27
88 Attaching products when ordering 10:40
89 Refactoring to a custom collection 07:57
90 Failing if the cart is empty 04:07
91 Emptying the cart when ordering 06:37
92 Returning order details 07:41
93 Fixing up failing order test 01:14
94 Placing orders from the checkout 07:08
95 Warning users of cart changes, plus some refactoring 14:56
96 Alerting on checkout changes 11:53
97 Fixing the quantity UI bug 03:35
98 Orders endpoint 09:33
99 Formatting order total and subtotal 05:33
100 Order index setup 02:50
101 Listing through orders 11:36
102 Product variation product relationship 05:46
103 Updating product variations in orders 02:13
104 Refactoring statuses to dynamic components 05:35
105 Fixing a syncing bug 05:26
106 Setting up payment methods 11:00
107 Refactoring defaults to a trait 04:10
108 Payment methods index endpoint 07:07
109 Showing and switching payment methods 11:08
110 Attaching payment methods to orders 11:23
111 Setting up Stripe 02:37
112 Mocking up our payment gateway 11:41
113 Storing a payment method 17:59
114 Responding with a card and writing some tests 11:08
115 Storing a new card with Stripe 15:01
116 Event handler for processing the payment 04:37
117 Processing a payment 05:19
118 Handling a failed payment 07:20
119 Handling a successful payment 02:41
120 Fixing failing 'cart empty' test 03:42
121 Testing listeners 10:04
122 Using Mockery to test more complex listeners 15:10
123 Client authentication middleware 06:12
124 Tweaking order status components 03:34
125 Order transactions setup 04:48
126 Storing transactions 04:16

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