Redis Stack Tutorial

1h 55m 45s
August 12, 2024

Redis Stack is a set of modules and tools built around the core functionalities of Redis that simplify and make working with it more efficient.

In this course, you will learn how to use Redis JSON and RediSearch modules, as well as Redis OM (an object mapping library for Redis), to create an inventory management application.

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# Title Duration
1 What is the Redis Stack 07:43
2 Creating a Redis Database 04:04
3 Basic JSON Commands 07:24
4 Numbers & Booleans 05:04
5 Array Commands 05:02
6 Querying JSON Fields 05:43
7 Making an Index 07:44
8 Full Text Search 03:33
9 Dropping an Index 01:59
10 What is Redis OM 01:32
11 Starter Project Setup 10:12
12 Schemas & Index 06:49
13 Adding New Products 06:39
14 Fetching all Products 10:49
15 Fetching a Single Product 05:50
16 Updating Products 04:55
17 Deleting Products 03:29
18 Full Text Search 09:45
19 Chaining Commands 03:29
20 Sorting Products 04:00

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