Complete SQL + Databases Bootcamp: Zero to Mastery

24h 6m 52s

With so many online resources available, it can be paralyzing not only figuring out where to start but more importantly which courses will actually teach you the skills you need to get hired. That’s why the Zero To Mastery Academy exists, to provide industry-leading courses and content to teach you the relevant skills you need to advance your career and get you hired at some of the top companies in the world.

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# Title Duration
1 Course Outline 07:52
2 The Big Data Breach At Keiko Corp 02:24
3 What Is a Database? 05:58
4 I Didn't Learn Anything, Try Again... 06:36
5 Database Management System (DBMS) 07:45
6 Exercise: Building Amazon 05:35
7 Exercise: Building Amazon 2 05:29
8 5 Types Of Databases 05:38
9 Exercise: What Is A Database? 01:12
10 Section Review 01:30
11 SQL Playground 01:55
12 What Is SQL 02:18
13 What Is A Query? 06:25
14 Imperative vs Declarative 03:25
15 History of SQL 02:22
16 SQL Standards 04:26
17 What Is A Database? Revisited 05:37
18 Database Oriented Approach 06:52
19 Database Models 01:22
20 Hierarchical And Networking Model 08:04
21 Relational Model 07:18
22 DBMS Revisited 13:57
23 Relational Model Revisited 01:07
24 Tables 03:46
25 Columns 04:08
26 Rows 02:28
27 Primary And Foreign Keys 05:04
28 OLTP vs OLAP 03:17
29 Exercise: OLTP vs OLAP 03:21
30 Why PostgreSQL 01:53
31 Environment Tooling 03:11
32 Command Line 101 05:22
33 WINDOWS Setup 04:53
34 Optional: Setting Up Windows For Command Line 04:28
35 MAC Setup 06:31
36 LINUX Setup 05:37
37 Importing Data On WINDOWS 08:29
38 Importing Data On MAC 06:39
39 Importing Data On LINUX 04:58
40 Starting With Query 05:15
41 Exercise: Simple Queries 10:11
42 Exercise: Renaming Columns 03:20
43 Concat Function 04:52
44 What Is A Function In SQL? 06:47
45 Aggregate Functions 05:20
46 Commenting Your Queries 09:33
47 Common SELECT Mistakes 08:40
48 Filtering Data 05:45
49 AND and OR 14:16
50 Exercise: Filtering Data 07:57
51 The NOT Keyword 07:19
52 Comparison Operators 06:47
53 Logical Operators 07:32
54 Operator Precedence 09:39
55 Operator Precedence 2 11:32
56 Checking For NULL Values 12:02
57 IS Keyword 13:43
58 NULL Coalescing 07:13
59 3 Valued Logic 12:25
60 BETWEEN + AND 02:07
61 IN Keyword 03:25
62 LIKE 13:18
63 Dates And Timezones 12:54
64 Setting Up Timezones 03:38
65 How Do We Format Date And Time? 06:16
66 Timestamps 10:28
67 Date Functions 04:53
68 Date Difference And Casting 01:48
69 Age Calculation 02:10
70 Extracting Information 02:52
71 Intervals 03:14
72 DISTINCT 04:12
73 Sorting Data 06:18
74 Multi Table SELECT 10:48
75 Inner Join 19:43
76 Self Join 04:55
77 Outer Join 11:31
78 Less Common Joins 06:37
79 USING Keyword 04:30
80 GROUP BY 14:44
81 HAVING Keyword 07:39
82 Ordering Grouped Data 01:45
83 Group By Mental Model 12:11
84 Grouping Sets 09:30
85 Rollup 07:18
86 Window What? 03:31
87 Looking Through The Window 08:53
89 Order By Acting Strange 05:35
90 Using Framing In Window Function 14:13
91 Solving For Current Salary 10:50
92 FIRST_VALUE 05:49
93 LAST_VALUE 04:04
94 SUM 05:33
95 ROW_NUMBER 03:04
96 Conditional Statements 06:15
97 NULLIF 02:26
98 Views...What Are They Good For? 03:42
99 View Syntax 05:37
100 Using Views 12:25
101 Indexes 11:10
102 Index Types 10:29
103 Index Algorithms 10:29
104 What Are Subqueries? 08:19
105 Subqueries vs Joins 08:48
106 Subquery Guidelines As Types 11:18
107 Using Subqueries 11:27
108 Getting The Latest Salaries 14:20
109 Subquery Operators 09:01
110 Time To Create Some Stuff! 09:57
111 Types Of Databases In A RDBMS 04:18
112 Default PostgreSQL Database 07:39
113 Template Databases 06:42
114 Creating A Database 04:42
115 Database Organization 07:09
116 Roles In Postgres 03:46
117 Role Attributes And Creation 04:53
118 Creating Users And Configuring Login 13:45
119 Privileges 03:52
120 Granting Privileges and Role Management 06:24
121 Best Practices For Role Management 04:23
122 Data Types & Boolean Type 07:37
123 Storing Text 05:20
124 Storing Numbers 07:17
125 Storing Arrays 04:21
126 Data Models And Naming Conventions 10:55
127 CREATE TABLE 08:56
128 Column Constraints 05:50
129 Table Constraints 11:43
130 UUID Explained 05:48
131 Custom Data Types And Domains 06:08
132 Creating The Tables For ZTM 11:53
133 Adding Students And Teachers 08:08
134 Creating A Course 12:32
135 Adding Feedback To A Course 06:50
136 A Tale Of 2 Feedbacks 09:04
137 Backups And Why They Are Important 23:20
138 Backing Up In Postgres 07:43
139 Restoring A Database 06:16
140 Transactions 18:16
141 Clue #1 and #2 01:46
142 Clue #3 00:48
143 Solution: Solving The First Clues 05:26
144 Clue #4 00:28
145 Solution: Clue #4 01:03
146 Clue #5 and #6 01:14
147 Solution: Clue #5 and #6 05:47
148 Solving The Mystery 02:53
149 System Design And SDLC 09:50
150 SDLC Phases 06:01
151 System Design Deep Dive 05:58
152 Top-Down vs Bottom-Up 06:29
153 DRIVEME Academy 06:42
154 Top Down Design 04:42
155 ER Model 05:11
156 Step 1: Determining Entities 03:35
157 Tooling For Diagramming 03:29
158 DRIVEME Academy Entities 13:55
159 Step 2: Attributes 03:05
160 Relational Model Extended 01:10
161 Relational Schema And Instance 02:38
162 Super Key and Candidate Key 06:23
163 Primary Key and Foreign Key 07:34
164 Compound Composite And Surrogate Key 04:08
165 DRIVEME Attributes 11:57
166 Step 3: Relationships 12:06
167 DRIVEME Relationships 12:30
168 Step 4: Solving Many To Many 09:28
169 Step 5: Subject Areas 02:45
170 DRIVEME Subject Areas 02:56
171 Exercise: Painting Reservations 09:18
172 Exercise: Movie Theatre 05:07
173 Bottom Up Design 05:18
174 Anomalies 10:30
175 Normalization 07:15
176 Functional Dependencies 06:36
177 Functional Dependencies 2 06:12
178 The Normal Forms 04:33
179 Going from 0NF to 1NF 08:10
180 Going from 1NF to 2NF 05:48
181 Going from 2NF to 3NF 08:31
182 Boyce-Codd Normal Form 09:02
183 Why 4NF And 5NF Are Not Useful 05:58
184 Bruno's Request 01:37
185 Scalability 04:20
186 Sharding 03:05
187 Replication 04:57
188 Backups 02:16
189 Distributed vs Centralized Databases 03:42
190 Database Security 04:03
191 Optional: All About Injections Attacks 19:43
192 Optional: Storing Passwords 10:55
193 Relational vs NoSQL, PostgreSQL vs MongoDB Databases 10:36
194 Future Of Relational Databases 01:48
195 Elasticsearch 03:49
196 S3 Object Storage 01:49
197 Top Databases To Use 04:43
198 Thank You 01:15
199 Big Data + Analytics 02:32
200 Reviewing How We Got Here 06:04
201 Data Engineering Introduction 03:24
202 What Is Data? 06:43
203 What Is A Data Engineer? 04:21
204 What Is A Data Engineer 2? 05:36
205 What Is A Data Engineer 3? 05:04
206 What Is A Data Engineer 4? 03:23
207 Types Of Databases 06:51
208 Hadoop, HDFS and MapReduce 04:23
209 Apache Spark and Apache Flink 02:08
210 Kafka and Stream Processing 04:34
211 What Is Caching? 06:58
212 Introducing Redis 06:32
213 Installing Redis 04:48
214 Redis Commands 05:58
215 Redis Data Types 02:00
216 Redis Hashes 02:01
217 Redis Lists 03:56
218 Redis Sets and Sorted Sets 06:12
219 Section Summary 03:01
220 Setting Up Your Database 08:52
221 Connecting To The Database 07:07
222 Registering A User Part 1 04:51

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