Pragmatic Clean Architecture
6h 21m 27s
This comprehensive course will teach you the system I use to ship production-ready applications using Clean Architecture. Learn how to apply the best practices of modern software architecture. Join 2,600+ other students to accelerate your growth as a software architect.
Read more about the course
Clean Architecture Deep-Dive
- Learn the architectural principles to make better decisions
- How to design applications that stand the test of time
- Where should you use Clean Architecture
Build a Rich Domain Layer with DDD
- A practical guide to using Domain-Driven Design
- Learn the most important DDD tactical patterns
- Best practices for designing a rich domain model
Clean Application Layer use cases
- Learn how to implement clean use cases with CQRS
- Solve cros-cutting concerns with ease
- How to achieve blazing query speed
Powerful Infrastructure Layer
- How to implement a blazing fast persistence layer
- Get the most from advanced EF Core features
- Learn how to solve concurrency issues
Elegant Presentation Layer
- How to set up dependency injection the right way
- Configuration management and documentation
- Adding API and endpoints efficiently
Bulletproof Authentication
- Implement robust JWT authentication to secure your API
- Learn how to integrate an external identity provider
- How to apply modern security best practices
Robust Authorization NEW
- Learn how to implement custom authorization policies
- Role-based and permission-based authorization
- Why you need resource-based authorization
Production-Ready Advanced Features NEW
- Structured logging, health checks, API versioning
- Improve scalability with background jobs
- Distributed caching with Redis
High-Quality Testing NEW
- Learn how to test complex systems the right way
- Unit testing, Integration testing, Functional (E2E) testing
- Enforce your software architecture with architecture tests
After Completing This Course You Will
- Confidently use Clean Architecture to build amazing projects at your work
- Build a rich domain model with Domain-Driven Design fundamentals
- Set up production-ready applications with industry best practices
- Understand the most important architectural principles
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# | Title | Duration |
1 | Welcome | 00:44 |
2 | What you will learn in this course | 01:03 |
3 | Who this course is for | 00:55 |
4 | What are the prerequisites for taking this course | 01:07 |
5 | Architectural principles & Design principles | 06:12 |
6 | Clean Architecture layers | 03:07 |
7 | What we are building & why | 01:49 |
8 | Chapter recap | 00:36 |
9 | Introduction | 02:01 |
10 | Creating the Domain project | 01:05 |
11 | Defining our first domain entity | 04:03 |
12 | What is an Entity in Domain-Driven Design? | 02:39 |
13 | Introducing Value Objects for solving primitive obsession | 08:24 |
14 | The importance of private setters in the domain model and encapsulation | 00:25 |
15 | Using the Static Factory pattern in the domain | 03:12 |
16 | Introducing the Domain Events pattern to the solution | 03:09 |
17 | Adding Repositories and the Unit of Work to the domain | 01:54 |
18 | Creating the Booking entity | 03:32 |
19 | Implementing a Domain service | 03:58 |
20 | Using Double Dispatch for a better domain model | 01:21 |
21 | Introducing the Result class to the project | 03:17 |
22 | Defining a dictionary of domain errors | 01:19 |
23 | Chapter recap | 00:27 |
24 | Introduction | 05:09 |
25 | Creating the Application project | 00:24 |
26 | Configuring dependency injection and installing MediatR | 02:32 |
27 | Adding the required abstractions for CQRS | 03:40 |
28 | Implementing Commands with the rich domain model & repositories | 08:47 |
29 | Defining a domain event handler | 04:26 |
30 | Implementing Queries with Dapper for blazing performance | 09:50 |
31 | Solving logging as a cross-cutting concern | 03:49 |
32 | Creating a Validation pipeline for commands | 05:47 |
33 | Chapter recap | 00:38 |
34 | Introduction | 01:02 |
35 | Creating the Infrastructure project | 00:22 |
36 | Configuring infrastructure services with dependency injection | 03:07 |
37 | Adding Entity Framework Core to the solution | 01:25 |
38 | Configuring Entity Framework Core with dependency injection | 01:38 |
39 | Creating the Domain entity configurations | 03:35 |
40 | Automatically applying entity configurations | 00:46 |
41 | Implementing repository interfaces using a generic repository | 03:00 |
42 | Implementing the SQL connection factory | 01:52 |
43 | Publishing domain events inside the Unit of Work | 04:18 |
44 | Solving race conditions with optimistic concurrency | 04:42 |
45 | Chapter recap | 00:28 |
46 | Introduction | 01:06 |
47 | Creating the Presentation project | 02:40 |
48 | Configuring services with dependency injection | 00:53 |
49 | Adding Controllers and endpoints | 05:34 |
50 | Setting up Docker Compose and running the API | 03:49 |
51 | Creating EF migrations and applying them | 04:20 |
52 | Seeding initial data | 01:45 |
53 | Adding Middleware - Global exception handler | 02:30 |
54 | Demo: Presentation layer & API | 01:59 |
55 | Chapter recap | 00:38 |
56 | Introduction | 01:20 |
57 | Keycloak identity provider setup | 02:07 |
58 | Keycloak admin panel overview | 01:23 |
59 | Demo: Obtaining JWTs using Keycloak | 01:40 |
60 | Configuring authentication middleware & services | 01:58 |
61 | Configuring JWT authentication options | 02:09 |
62 | Demo: Authentication in action | 00:43 |
63 | Implementing the user registration feature | 02:57 |
64 | Adding an API endpoint for registering a user | 01:22 |
65 | Implementing the authentication service | 03:02 |
66 | Configuring the authentication service as a typed HTTP client | 01:50 |
67 | Demo: User registration with Keycloak | 00:48 |
68 | Implementing the user login feature | 03:06 |
69 | Demo: User login with Keycloak | 00:44 |
70 | Chapter recap | 00:24 |
71 | Introduction | 00:38 |
72 | Implementing Role-based Authorization | 17:47 |
73 | Implementing Permission-based Authorization | 15:15 |
74 | Implementing Resource-based Authorization | 06:18 |
75 | Chapter recap | 00:32 |
76 | Introduction | 00:38 |
77 | Structured Logging with Serilog and Seq | 17:24 |
78 | Distributed Caching with Redis | 16:34 |
79 | Health Checks in Clean Architecture | 08:37 |
80 | Implementing API Versioning | 12:03 |
81 | Transactional Outbox Pattern | 20:23 |
82 | Minimal APIs | 09:49 |
83 | Chapter recap | 00:37 |
84 | Introduction | 01:03 |
85 | Domain Layer Unit Testing | 15:37 |
86 | Application Layer Unit Testing | 16:45 |
87 | Integration Testing | 18:46 |
88 | Functional Testing | 13:22 |
89 | Architecture Testing | 08:40 |
90 | Chapter recap | 00:46 |
91 | One Small Ask From Me | 01:30 |
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# | Title |
1 | Pragmatic Clean Architecture |
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