What's New in C# 12: A Practical Guide with Exercises
Hello My name is Hector Perez, Be welcome to the course, "New features in C# 12, a practical guide". I am Microsoft MVP and software developer with more than 10 years of experience
C# is the powerful programming language created by Microsoft, placed among the most popular and used today
The reason, is that with C# you can create almost any type of application, from video games, to mobile applications, to web projects
With the release of a new version of .NET every year, new features are added to C#, making it an increasingly flexible and powerful language
In this course, you will learn about the main features of C# 12, the reason behind the incorporation of each of them into the language, as well as exercises that will allow you to get hands-on to practice what you have learned
At the end of the course, you will know what are the main new features of C# 12 and how to use them in your projects
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Some of the topics that we will see in the course are:
- Primary Constructors
- Collection Expressions
- Optional parameters for lambdas
- Param array parameters for lambdas
- Alias any type
- Among other topics
Watch Online What's New in C# 12: A Practical Guide with Exercises
# | Title | Duration |
1 | What are Primary Constructors | 01:55 |
2 | Primary Constructors - Before and after | 05:38 |
3 | Uses for dependency injection | 06:24 |
4 | Constructors and base class initialization | 04:01 |
5 | Applying Primary Constructors in a project | 02:22 |
6 | Solution to Primary Constructors exercise | 04:00 |
7 | Motivation of the feature | 06:49 |
8 | Using Collection Expressions | 03:44 |
9 | The Spread element | 02:26 |
10 | Collection Builder | 03:45 |
11 | Applying Collection Expressions in a project | 02:28 |
12 | Solution to the project implementation | 06:34 |
13 | Lambda optional parameters | 07:53 |
14 | Array parameters for lambdas | 03:59 |
15 | Practice Time | 04:01 |
16 | Problem resolution | 03:54 |
17 | Alias any type feature | 13:12 |
18 | Practice Time | 02:24 |
19 | Problem Resolution | 14:43 |
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