.NET Microservices: CQRS & Event Sourcing with Kafka
8h 31m 56s
May 13, 2024
In this course, you will learn how to create .NET microservices that comply with the CQRS and Event Sourcing patterns. You will not use any CQRS framework, but you will write every line of code that is required to effectively create your own CQRS and Event Sourcing framework using C# and Apache Kafka. While this might sound a little daunting, you will be carefully guided step by step, and gain all the know-how and confidence to become an expert in CQRS and Event Sourcing.
By the end of this course, you will know how to:
- Handle commands and raise events.
- Use the mediator pattern to implement command and query dispatchers.
- Create and change the state of an aggregate with event messages.
- Implement an event store / write database in MongoDB.
- Create a read database in MS SQL.
- Apply event versioning.
- Implement optimistic concurrency control.
- Produce events to Apache Kafka.
- Consume events from Apache Kafka to populate and alter records in the read database.
- Replay the event store and recreate the state of the aggregate.
- Separate read and write concerns.
- Structure your code using Domain-Driven-Design best practices.
- Replay the event store to recreate the entire read database.
- Replay the event store to recreate the entire read database into a different database type - PostgreSQL.
The ultimate goal of this course is to take a deep-dive into the world of CQRS and Event Sourcing to enable you to create microservices that are super decoupled and extremely scalable.
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# | Title | Duration |
1 | Microservices Basics | 03:52 |
2 | CQRS | 02:27 |
3 | Event Sourcing | 01:22 |
4 | Architecture Overview | 06:50 |
5 | Apache Kafka | 01:04 |
6 | Setup & Structure Section Intro | 00:27 |
7 | Prerequisites | 08:09 |
8 | Run Kafka in Docker | 05:39 |
9 | Run MongoDB in Docker | 02:34 |
10 | Run Microsoft SQL in Docker. | 05:07 |
11 | Basic Project Setup | 08:59 |
12 | Adding Project References | 10:21 |
13 | Adding NuGet Packages | 05:21 |
14 | Setup Debug Configurations (VS Code Only) | 02:52 |
15 | What is a Command? | 00:55 |
16 | Commands | 05:01 |
17 | What is an Event? | 00:32 |
18 | Events | 08:23 |
19 | The Mediator Pattern | 03:11 |
20 | ICommandDispatcher Interface (The Mediator) | 02:47 |
21 | CommandDispatcher (The Concrete Mediator) | 05:33 |
22 | What is an Aggregate? | 02:17 |
23 | AggregateRoot | 09:51 |
24 | PostAggregate Part 1 | 12:27 |
25 | PostAggregate Part 2 | 08:21 |
26 | What is an Event Store? | 01:04 |
27 | EventModel | 03:23 |
28 | IEventStoreRepository Interface | 02:34 |
29 | EventStoreRepository | 09:17 |
30 | IEventStore Interface | 01:21 |
31 | EventStore | 11:27 |
32 | IEventSourcingHandler Interface | 01:43 |
33 | EventSourcingHandler | 06:56 |
34 | The Mediator Pattern Continued | 00:46 |
35 | ICommandHandler Interface (The Abstract Colleague) | 01:55 |
36 | CommandHandler (The Concrete Colleague) | 10:07 |
37 | Register Command Handlers | 05:09 |
38 | Kafka Producer | 03:19 |
39 | EventProducer Interface & Implementation | 10:02 |
40 | Producing an Event | 05:34 |
41 | Important DDD Concepts | 01:26 |
42 | Domain Entities | 05:28 |
43 | IPostRepository Interface | 03:47 |
44 | ICommentRepository Interface | 01:47 |
45 | The Read Database | 00:27 |
46 | DatabaseContext | 09:34 |
47 | Programmatically Create DB & Tables on Startup | 07:44 |
48 | PostRepository | 08:27 |
49 | CommentRepository | 05:03 |
50 | Event Handling Introduction | 00:21 |
51 | IEventHandler Interface | 01:43 |
52 | EventHandler | 09:43 |
53 | Kafka Consumer | 03:40 |
54 | IEventConsumer Interface | 00:39 |
55 | EventJsonConverter | 07:49 |
56 | EventConsumer | 11:58 |
57 | ConsumerHostedService | 06:36 |
58 | Command Controllers Intro | 00:39 |
59 | Data Transfer Objects | 01:25 |
60 | NewPostController | 08:30 |
61 | Creating a New Social Media Post | 15:05 |
62 | EditMessageController | 05:33 |
63 | Edit Message of a Social Media Post | 12:09 |
64 | LikePostController | 03:25 |
65 | Like a Social Media Post | 10:57 |
66 | AddCommentController | 03:07 |
67 | Add a Comment to a Social Media Post | 11:25 |
68 | EditCommentController | 03:20 |
69 | Edit a Comment on a Social Media Post | 12:12 |
70 | RemoveCommentController | 04:24 |
71 | Delete a Comment from a Social Media Post | 11:09 |
72 | DeletePostController | 02:57 |
73 | Deleting a Social Media Post | 10:21 |
74 | The Mediator Pattern (Query Dispatching) | 01:03 |
75 | Social Media Queries | 03:37 |
76 | IQueryDispatcher Interface (The Mediator) | 03:34 |
77 | QueryDispatcher (The Concrete Mediator) | 05:45 |
78 | Query Handling Introduction | 00:23 |
79 | IQueryHandler Interface (The Abstract Colleague) | 01:45 |
80 | QueryHandler (The Concrete Colleague) | 04:29 |
81 | Register Query Handlers | 04:25 |
82 | Query Controller Intro | 00:18 |
83 | Data Transfer Objects | 01:14 |
84 | PostLookupController Part 1 | 09:59 |
85 | PostLookupController Part 2 | 09:00 |
86 | Testing the PostLookupController | 16:49 |
87 | Powerful Ending Intro | 00:41 |
88 | Create Functionality to Restore the Read Database | 12:28 |
89 | Restore the Entire Read Database | 20:06 |
90 | Rapidly Change the Read Database Type | 14:06 |
91 | Congratulations | 00:25 |
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