Laravel Eloquent: Expert Level

3h 46m 18s

After this course, you will become expert in creating relationships, querying data effectively and using less-known Eloquent features. Eloquent is great for database operations, but over the years I've noticed that it is the most popular topic of questions on Twitter or forums like Laracasts, or my own blog


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There are many typical questions like:

- Why this query doesn't return correct results?
- How to transform my SQL to Eloquent?
- Why this statement takes so long to execute?
- How to use eloquent relations in my particular situations? One-to-many or many-to-many? Or Polymorphic?

And the weirdest part is that I haven't found any course or book that answers all those questions with practical examples. So here we go, I'm trying to fill that gap.

In this course you will find videos with various less-known tips, more effective ways to use Eloquent, and also a lot of practical examples.

The course requires some fundamental Laravel and Eloquent knowledge, I won't cover the basics. It's not a course about Eloquent from zero, it's about a jump from junior to Expert. Will you join me on this journey?

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# Title Duration
1 Artisan Command make:model with (hidden) options 04:50
2 Singular or Plural? What about multiple words? 03:56
3 Saving a Model: $fillable or $guarded? 04:15
4 Properties for Tables, Keys, Increments, Pages and Dates 05:43
5 "Magic" methods: FirstOrCreate() and other 2-in-1s 03:56
6 Model Observers: "listening" to record changes 04:57
7 Accessors and Mutators: Change Model Values 04:56
8 Database Seeds and Factories: Prepare Dummy Data 10:28
9 Seeds and Factories with Relationships 06:50
10 Check Methods/Properties in Eloquent API Docs 02:38
11 Advanced find() and all(): Methods and Parameters 04:37
12 WhereX Magic Methods for Fields and Dates 04:17
13 Brackets to Eloquent: (A and B) or (C and D) 03:27
14 Query Scopes: Where Conditions Applied Globally 11:11
15 Eloquent when(): More Elegant if-statement 03:32
16 Ordering by Relationship: orderBy vs sortBy 02:46
17 Raw Database Queries with Examples 02:53
18 Why You Need Collections and How to Use Them 07:03
19 Methods for Fetching and Transforming 08:12
20 Methods for Filtering with Callbacks 05:27
21 Methods for Math Calculations 03:39
22 Methods for Debugging 03:09
23 Polymorphic Relations Explained 09:56
24 Polymorphic Many-to-Many Relations 04:48
25 Advanced Pivot Tables in Many-to-Many 06:58
26 HasManyThrough Relations 03:50
27 Creating Records with Relationships 06:18
28 Querying Records with Relationships 06:53
29 Laravel Debugbar: How to Measure Performance 03:45
30 Performance Test: Eloquent vs Query Builder vs SQL 05:37
31 N+1 Problem and Eager Loading: Be Careful with Eloquent 05:36
32 Caching in Eloquent 05:32
33 spatie/laravel-medialibrary: Associate files with Eloquent models 07:49
34 dimsav/laravel-translatable: Package for Multilingual Models 10:22
35 spatie/eloquent-sortable: Sortable Eloquent Models 04:44
36 spatie/laravel-tags: Add Tags and Taggable Behavior 04:10
37 owen-it/laravel-auditing: Record the Changes From Models 04:38
38 michaeldyrynda/laravel-cascade-soft-deletes: Cascade Delete & Restore 03:50
39 Create a Laravel Mini-Blog in 2 hours 18:50

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