PHP Symfony 4 API Platform + React.js Full Stack Masterclass

19h 24m 17s

Have you ever wanted to advance your PHP skills to the next level? Maybe you have some prior PHP experience but you never had a change to work with a framework? Or you are new to PHP at all? It does not matter! You can take this course to give your PHP projects a fresh start! In modern world, sooner or later, as a web developer you will have to create a API and a frontend application in React.JS or any other JS framework out there. It's just a must have these days for any professional web developer!

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This is where I can help you. Take this course to learn how to create robust APIs in PHP, using Symfony Framework 4 and API Platform. You will not believe how easy and instant it could be! I'll take you step by step during the whole process, from creating your own robust API to making a modern React.JS application using Redux, Redux-Form and all the other tools that you just need to know to get a job these days! You will be creating a Blog application, starting with the API in Symfony API Platform, and then a complete React+Redux frontend app. We will also configure an administration panel for managing the platform. Both Windows and MacOS are supported (I'll show you how to install and configure PHP and Node.js on both)

What will you learn about Symfony and API Platform?

You will learn how to create Symfony controllers and work with routing

You will learn how to represent your database tables as objects in Doctrine

You will see how you can quickly convert your Doctrine model to an API Resource

You will learn how to paginate, filter and sort your collections

You will see how to send an e-mail

You will learn everything about Authentication (user sign-up, sign-in, including account confirmation through e-mail)

You will understand everything about Authorization (User roles, privileges, restricting access)

You will know how to handle file uploads through REST API

You will learn how to log errors

You will learn both unit testing (PHPUnit) and functional testing (Behat)

You will know how to customize and extend the built-in operations that API Platform provide

Data validation and serialization/deserialization

What will you learn about React.js?

How to configure routes for your app using React Router

How to handle state with Redux

How to create great forms using Redux Forms

Communicating with the API using Thunk Middleware

After finishing this course you will be able to confidently create your own complicated APIs in Symfony using API Platform and create a SPA application using React.js!

What you'll learn:

  • You will know how to create a robust APIs in Symfony 4 using API Platform
  • You will understand the basics of Symfony Framework
  • You will know how to create a pretty complicated ReactJS application that works with API Platform (or any API!)


  • Any code editor
  • Some previous PHP exposure would be very useful (this course does not teach PHP from the very basics!)
  • JavaScript basics for the React part

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# Title Duration
1 Introduction 06:46
2 Course outline and how to make most of this course! (PLEASE WATCH!) 09:29
3 Tools (required/optional) overview 08:36
4 Installing PHP and Composer on Windows 05:50
5 Installing PHP and Composer on Mac 01:52
6 Installing Visual Studio Code 01:19
7 Namespaces 04:43
8 Class Fields and Methods 05:47
9 Method & Field Visibility 05:14
10 Inheritance 10:42
11 Abstract Classes 03:40
12 Interfaces 11:16
13 Typed Arguments & Function Return Types 12:29
14 Anonymous Functions (Closures) 04:49
15 Reflection API (Reverse-Engineer Classes, Methods, Functions) 05:05
16 Dependency Injection (In Practice) 05:47
17 Simple Service Container (Hands-On Coding!) 12:30
18 Service Autowiring Implementation Part 1 10:52
19 Service Autowiring Implementation Part 2 11:25
20 Annotations and Kernel Part 1 08:05
21 Annotations and Kernel Part 2 12:41
22 Creating new Symfony project 01:25
23 Routing annotations in controllers 02:47
24 Routing - route parameter wildcards 05:33
25 Routing - default parameter values 02:24
26 Routing - generating urls using route names 01:58
27 AbstractController, Request, Response 04:39
28 Installing ORM, maker, configuring database 02:10
29 Generating first Entity 03:17
30 Entity explained 02:31
31 Migration - modifying database structure 02:59
32 Persisting entities and serializing data 05:15
33 Fetching objects using repositories 03:22
34 ParamConverter - type hinting actions for automatic fetching of entities 06:00
35 Deleting entities 03:40
36 Doctrine Fixtures - seeding fake data 04:52
37 Admin panel introduction - EasyAdmin 03:15
38 Install API Platform and create the first resource 06:20
39 Generate User and Comment entity 02:19
40 ManyToOne relation and migration 09:13
41 Fixtures with references (for relations) 05:34
42 Password encoding in fixtures 04:02
43 Generate fake data in fixtures using Faker 07:56
44 BlogPost with Comment relation and fixtures 04:45
45 Built-in API Platform operations 05:42
46 Disabling operations 03:13
47 Introduction to serialization/deserialization 04:34
48 Serialization groups (controlling which properties are serialized) 02:16
49 EventSubscriber (hashing password) 06:51
50 Validator and validation constraints 04:44
51 Validation using regular expressions 04:30
52 Virtual property (not persisted to database) 02:58
53 Validating uniqueness of fields (username, email) 02:03
54 JWT Tokens introduction 05:26
55 Preparing JWT token library and keys 03:25
56 Configuring UserProvider 04:25
57 Firewall configuration 08:39
58 JSON login configuration and Guard Authentication explained 06:11
59 Authentication final configuration and first login using JWT token 05:43
60 Using is_granted() to control access to operations 02:56
61 BlogPost validation on POST 06:17
62 Setting author of BlogPost automatically (EventSubscriber) 08:16
63 Making sure only owner of BlogPost can modify it (PUT) 06:08
64 Controlling which properties can be changed (no username change) 06:45
65 Hasing password on User changes (PUT) - with Events 07:08
66 Comment resource operations (POST/PUT) 05:09
67 More randomness in fixtures 07:23
68 Setting author automatically (EventSubscriber) - using generic Interface 05:59
69 Setting published date automatically (EventSubscriber) 07:11
70 API subresources 05:20
71 Controlling how deep relations are serialized 07:44
72 Embedding Author resource inside BlogPost 04:10
73 Adding user role field with migration 05:48
74 User role fixtures 09:27
75 Defining role hierarchy 01:41
76 Verifying only users with specific role can POST resources 09:44
77 Different User view for admins (different serialization of all User entities) 09:21
78 Verifying only admin can see all User's email 03:03
79 User can view his full profile (including email and roles) - custom Normalizer 11:17
80 Verifying only the profile owner can see all properties 01:26
81 Disabling password hashing for PUT operation 05:53
82 Configuring custom operation for password reset in User 02:21
83 Creating custom Action class 10:32
84 Implementing custom PasswordReset action 08:36
85 Invalidating JWT tokens after password reset 11:18
86 User enabled property migration and fixtures 05:17
87 Implementing UserChecker to verify if account is enabled 03:51
88 Secure confirmation token generation 05:43
89 Generating confirmation token when user signs-up 04:35
90 UserConfirmation custom API Resource 03:36
91 UserConfirmation EventSubscriber 06:39
92 Verifying Confirmation Token endpoint 02:49
93 Install and configure Swift Mailer 03:50
94 Sending a test e-mail through Gmail 02:18
95 Refactoring UserConfirmation and Mailer into services 08:26
96 Traditional (non API) account confirmation route (for e-mail) 04:57
97 Verifying confirmation link received in e-mail 02:06
98 Install and configure uploading library 04:04
99 Image entity with migration and @Uploadable annotation 05:13
100 API Resource for Image entity 02:49
101 Implementing custom Action for upload 05:51
102 Creating Form for file upload 05:38
103 Assigning Image to BlogPost (ManyToMany relation) 04:00
104 Verifying assigning Image to BlogPost, embedding Image inside BlogPost 04:22
105 Configuring default collection sorting order 03:34
106 Search filter 06:40
107 Date filter 04:32
108 Range filter 02:06
109 Sorting filter 04:26
110 Filtering by nested properties 02:04
111 Property filter 03:00
112 Configuring collection pagination 06:07
113 Configuring collection pagination part 2 04:36
114 Partial pagination (performance gain) 01:46
115 Empty request body for POST/PUT requests problem 02:58
116 Handling empty request body 06:25
117 Fixing validation groups 01:57
118 Handling business logic exceptions 03:51
119 Installing Monolog library for application logging 07:56
120 Defining custom logging channel 04:32
121 Logging to separate files per channel 02:42
122 Production configuration for logger explained 03:39
123 EasyAdmin basic built-in features 07:02
124 Fixing empty body subscriber for form submittal 04:18
125 Custom Resource controller, customizing saving and updating an Entity 08:21
126 Image upload in admin panel 03:58
127 Custom page for individual BlogPost 05:27
128 Securing Admin panel area 06:07
129 Installing PHPUnit and writing first basic unit test 07:06
130 Testing EventSubscriber static configuration 04:27
131 Mocks (stubs) Part 1 - Mocking dependencies, Entities 05:32
132 Mocks (stubs) Part 2 - Mocking dependencies, Entites 05:10
133 Event class Mock, extracting repeated mock factory code 03:29
134 Parameters for mocks 04:50
135 Full test for AuthoredEntitySubscriber 06:38
136 Data providers in tests (using many data sets in 1 test case) 04:43
137 Finding potential errors using unit tests (null Token example) 05:46
138 Installing Behat & all extensions, first suite run 03:00
139 Configuring Behat 04:52
140 FeatureContext - creating database schema for each feature 08:26
141 First blog post test scenario 05:50
142 Testing protected URLs 07:05
143 Validating returned JSON using patterns (not matching exact values) 06:32
144 Looking for errors and issues using functional tests 03:11
145 Finding a comment problem 06:28
146 Custom error listener 13:06
147 Image upload feature 06:21
148 Working image upload functional test 02:41
149 Testing assigning Images to BlogPost, full suite run 04:50
150 Installing node & npm on Windows 01:19
151 Installing node & npm on MacOS 01:01
152 Installing dependencies and creating main index.js 03:06
153 Creating store, using Provider, Router and components 05:45
154 BlogPostList empty component, App as a container component 02:41
155 BlogPostContainer, using key for list of elements 06:19
156 Redux: actions, reducer, mapping state and dispatch to props 1 07:02
157 Redux: actions, reducer, mapping state and dispatch to props 2 04:36
158 Adding BlogPost (dummy action), Reducer explained 04:29
159 Making API requests with Superagent 05:00
160 Thunk Redux Middleware 09:19
161 Header component (navigation) 03:31
162 Loading indicator when making API requests 03:42
163 Formatting BlogPost list, formatting time (timeago.js) 03:32
164 Route with parameter - individual BlogPost 04:07
165 Fetching BlogPost from API 06:28
166 ComponentWillUnmount lifecycle method 04:42
167 BlogPost component - API changes 02:44
168 Spinner and Message components (loading state, simple message) 05:36
169 CommentListContainer component 10:31
170 CommentList reducer 03:45
171 Rendering comments 02:59
172 Introducing redux-form 02:24
173 Render redux form component 06:28
174 Adding redux-form reducer 02:10
175 Submitting Form to an API endpoint 03:57
176 Storing JWT token in LocalStorage, Token Middleware 03:15
177 Token Middleware and JWT authentication plugin 1 07:11
178 Token Middleware and JWT authentication plugin 2 06:06
179 Reading token in App component constructor 06:30
180 Redux Form submission, handling login errors 03:14
181 Checking whether user is authenticated (in Header component) 03:22
182 Fetching user profile through API 06:20
183 Rendering signed-in username in Header 07:43
184 Fetching user profile on page refresh 05:36
185 Create a redux-form for Comment posting 04:41
186 Redux-form submitting state simulation 02:27
187 Fully working CommentForm 04:21
188 Displaying errors in redux-form 03:43
189 Parsing API errors (validation constraint messages from API) 04:12
190 Animations - animated comment adding 05:47
191 Logout functionality (resetting stored JWT token) 06:20
192 Logging out user when token expires 05:57
193 Logging out user when he submits an expired token (401) 03:03
194 Paginator component 03:47
195 Paginator component - showing current page 02:47
196 Fetching blog post collection on page change 07:10
197 Query parameter based pagination (page in route parameter) 04:34
198 Pagination - previous/next buttons 09:27
199 Modify API - missing User embedded data on new Comment 01:48
200 LoadMore component - fetching next comments (different way of pagination) 08:47
201 Append new comments inside reducer 02:49
202 Registration form 05:32
203 Registration action creators and form validation 10:22
204 ConfirmationToken - modify e-mail to contain token, not only link 03:15
205 RegistrationContainer - 2 step registration process 03:52
206 Showing ConfirmationToken form on successful account creation 05:21
207 Keeping state of registration/confirmation process 05:17
208 Registration/Confirmation process, with redirect timer 08:17
209 BlogPost form for creating posts and user permissions 05:20
210 Functional BlogPost form 05:14
211 ImageUpload component (styling the file input) 06:32
212 Uploading images - upload request 09:50
213 ImageBrowser (preview uploaded images) 05:05
214 A new reducer for BlogPostForm 04:06
215 Clear the images when BlogPostForm unmounts 07:17
216 DELETE operation on Image (API Changes) 04:11
217 ImageBrowser animations 03:38
218 Remove button on ImageBrowser 03:58
219 Remove button on ImageBrowser sending DELETE request 03:16
220 Locking all buttons during Image upload/removal 04:47

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