Node.js API Masterclass With Express & MongoDB

12h 4m 42s
March 27, 2024

This is a project based course where we build an extensive, in-depth backend API for DevCamper, a bootcamp directory app. We will start from scratch and end up with a professional deployed API with documentation. We will dive deep into Node, Express and MongoDB. Here is some of what you will learn in this course and project...


  • HTTP Essentials

  • Postman Client

  • RESTful APIs

  • Express Framework

  • Routing & Controller Methods

  • MongoDB Atlas & Compass

  • Mongoose ODM

  • Advanced Query (Pagination, filter, etc)

  • Models & Relationships

  • Middleware (Express & Mongoose)

  • MongoDB Geospatial Index / GeoJSON

  • Geocoding

  • Custom Error Handling

  • User Roles & Permissions

  • Aggregation

  • Photo Upload

  • Authentication With JWT & Cookies

  • Emailing Password Reset Tokens

  • Custom Database Seeder Using JSON Files

  • Password & Token Hashing

  • Security: NoSQL Injection, XSS, etc

  • Creating Documentation

  • Deployment With PM2, NGINX, SSL

  • Modern JavaScript (ES6)
  • Basic programming principles
  • Basic knowledge of Node helps
Who this course is for:
  • People that want to learn backend web development with Node
  • React/Vue/Angular Frontend devs that want to be full stack devs

What you'll learn:

  • Real World Backend RESTful API For Bootcamp Directory App
  • HTTP Fundamentals (Req/Res Cycle, Status Codes, etc)
  • Advanced Mongoose Queries
  • JWT/Cookie Authentication
  • Express & Mongoose Middleware (Geocoding, Auth, Error Handling, etc)
  • API Security (NoSQL injection, XSS protection, Rate Limiting)
  • API Documentation & Deployment

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# Title Duration
1 Course Introduction 03:36
2 A Look At The Project 06:38
3 Environment Setup 05:43
4 HTTP & the Node Http Module 10:04
5 Installing Nodemon 03:56
6 Responding With Data 08:04
7 HTTP Status Codes 07:40
8 Sending Data To The Server 05:35
9 HTTP Methods & RESTful APIs 12:45
10 Project Specs & Resources 06:47
11 Basic Express Server, dotenv & Git 10:10
12 Creating Routes & Responses In Express 10:13
13 Using The Express Router 05:01
14 Creating Controller Methods 09:58
15 Intro To Middleware 10:41
16 Postman Environment & Collections 08:52
17 MongoDB Atlas & Compass Setup 08:56
18 Connecting To The Database With Mongoose 11:58
19 Colors In The Console 02:49
20 Creating Our First Model 15:23
21 Create Bootcamp - POST 10:32
22 Fetching Bootcamps - GET 05:30
23 Updating & Deleting Bootcamps - PUT & DELETE 08:23
24 Error Handler Middleware 05:44
25 Custom ErrorResponse Class 05:34
26 Mongoose Error Handling [1] 07:25
27 Mongoose Error Handling [2] 09:13
28 Async/Await Middleware 06:46
29 Mongoose Middleware & Slugify 07:52
30 GeoJSON Location & Geocoder Hook - MapQuest API 15:39
31 Database Seeder For Bootcamps 10:23
32 Geospatial Query - Get Bootcamps Within Radius 14:08
33 Advanced Filtering 12:37
34 Select & Sorting 12:49
35 Adding Pagination 11:31
36 Course Model & Seeding 09:03
37 Course Routes & Controller 12:21
38 Populate, Virtuals & Cascade Delete 11:47
39 Single Course & Add Course 11:57
40 Update & Delete Course 07:39
41 Aggregate - Calculating The Average Course Cost 16:15
42 Photo Upload For Bootcamp 23:13
43 Advanced Results Middleware 12:15
44 User Model 11:35
45 User Register & Encrypting Passwords 09:55
46 Sign & Get JSON Web Token 09:10
47 User Login 12:40
48 Sending JWT In a Cookie 09:56
49 Auth Protect Middleware 16:47
50 Storing The Token In Postman 05:19
51 Role Authorization 07:08
52 Bootcamp & User Relationship 10:42
53 Bootcamp Ownership 08:33
54 Course Ownership 07:25
55 Forgot Password - Generate Token 11:35
56 Forgot Password - Send Email 16:17
57 Reset Password 09:42
58 Update User Details 10:44
59 Admin Users CRUD 18:38
60 Review Model & Get Reviews 10:52
61 Get Single Review & Update Seeder 09:03
62 Add Review For Bootcamp 10:28
63 Aggregate - Calculate Average Rating 07:30
64 Update & Delete Reviews 12:52
65 Logout To Clear Token Cookie 07:36
66 Prevent NoSQL Injection & Sanitize Data 05:19
67 XSS Protection & Security Headers 07:04
68 Rate Limiting, HPP & CORS 07:58
69 Documentation With Postman & Docgen 12:13
70 Digital Ocean Droplet & Server Log In 05:51
71 Prepare & Push To Github 06:24
72 Clone Repo On Server 08:42
73 PM2 Process Manager Setup 05:45
74 NGINX Reverse Proxy Setup 05:55
75 Domain, SSL & Wrap Up 11:39

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