NgRx (with NgRx Data) - The Complete Guide (FREE E-Book)

6h 11m 19s

This course is a complete guide to the new NgRx Ecosystem, including NgRx Data, Store, Effects, Router Store, NgRx Entity, and DevTools, and comes with a running Github repo.

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This Course in a Nutshell

State management is the number one topic to know when it comes to frontend architecture design choices. Why choose to do state management in a single page application, when to do it and why, what are the benefits, and what are tradeoffs?

These are all critical questions that we will address in this course, as we give you an extended guided tour of the NgRx Ecosystem.

The most popular state management library in the Angular space is NgRx, and for good reasons. The latest release of NgRx is probably one of the most important releases in the whole Angular ecosystem recently. Although backward compatible, it contains so much new functionality that it's almost a brand new state management library.

Under the hood, the core concepts of Actions, Reducers, Effects, Entities, and Selectors remain the same, but we have now a brand new API for managing these concepts in a much less verbose way. Also, we have the inclusion of NgRx Data, which is a new and very powerful way of managing Entity Data.

Actually, NgRx Data is a powerful abstraction layer on top of NgRx, that allows us to add state management to large parts of our application without having to write much code at all!

Course Overview

In this course, we are going to take a small existing application that is built without any state management. We are going to understand what are the consequences of not doing state management by identifying some problems that the application has in its initial form.

Then we are going to start refactoring the application, and we are going to add state management to the application multiple screens step-by-step. We are going to start with the Authentication features of the application, and then we are going to move on to the entity data management part.

We are going to explain at length all the key concepts of NgRx: Actions, Reducers, Effects, and Selectors, and we are going to explain in detail the Store architecture itself and understand its benefits.

Throughout the course we are going to introduce step-by-step and explain in detail the NgRx Store module, NgRx Effects, we are going to cover in detail NgRx Entity and the Entity format, we are going to install and do a guided tour of the NgRx Dev Tools, the NgRx Router Store, and the time-travelling debugger.

We are also going to learn how to make the most out of NgRx Data, and learn how to customize it in order to manage entity data with minimal application code. We will cover NgRx while keeping in mind best practices like good Action hygiene.

Table of Contents

This course covers the following topics:

  • Introduction to State Management

  • The Store Architecture In Detail

  • NgRx Key Concepts

  • Actions and Action Creators

  • Reducers

  • NgRx Effects

  • Selectors

  • Adding Authentication to an NgRx Application

  • NgRx Entity and the Entity Format

  • NgRx DevTools

  • NgRx Time Travelling Debugger

  • NgRx Runtime checks and Store Immutability

  • NgRx Router Store

  • NgRx Data and Entity State Management

  • NgRx Best Practices

What Will You Learn In this Course?

At the end of this course, you will feel comfortable with the notions of state management and the centralized store solution in general.

You will feel comfortable designing new Applications using NgRx, using a simple methodology and you will know in-depth the complete Ngrx library ecosystem: including the Ngrx Store, Effects, Entity, and NgRx Data libraries.

You will know how to quickly scaffold parts of the solution using Ngrx Schematics, and how to set up the Ngrx DevTools from scratch, including the router integration.

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# Title Duration
1 NgRx (with NgRx Data) - Helicopter View 06:37
2 NgRx The Complete Guide - Development Environment Setup 08:04
3 What is NgRx, Why State Management and what are the benefits? 11:47
4 Installing NgRx and the NgRx DevTools 07:13
5 Configuring an NgRx Feature Module using NgRx Schematics 08:17
6 The Store Service API - Implementing the Login Screen 07:29
7 Defining NgRx Actions using Action Creators 11:10
8 Grouping Actions Together with Action Types 03:45
9 NgRx Reducers - Step-by-Step Implementation 08:56
10 Key Concepts Summary - NgRx Actions and Reducers In Action 06:01
11 How to Query the Store Data - An Example 12:38
12 NgRx Selectors - An In-Depth Explanation 12:01
13 NgRx Feature Selectors - a Simple Explanation 04:56
14 Implementing User Logout (Practice Lesson ) 04:31
15 Implementing a Router Authentication Guard (Practice Lesson) 08:13
16 Introduction to NgRx Effects - What is a Side Effect? 05:50
17 Understanding NgRx Effects - A Simple Example 07:17
18 NgRx Effects - Step-by-Step Implementation 08:39
19 Implementing the Logout Effect (Practice Lesson) 06:53
20 Setting up NgRx Router Store and the Time-Travelling Debugger 10:34
21 NgRx Runtime Checks - How do they work? 08:31
22 NgRx Metareducers - Step-by-Step Implementation 06:50
23 NgRx Entity - Section Kickoff 03:36
24 NgRx Feature Design - Defining Actions First 06:08
25 Loading NgRx Entity Data using a Router Resolver 10:18
26 NgRx Effects - Fetching Data From the Backend 06:57
27 Understanding the NgRx Entity Format 05:54
28 Implementing Reducers Using the NgRx Entity Adapter 08:12
29 NgRx Entity Selectors - Refactoring the Home Component 10:08
30 Entity Adapter Configuration - Understanding sortComparer and selectId 04:26
31 NgRx Data Fetching Solution - How to Load Data Only If Needed 10:34
32 Optimistically Editing Entity Data - The Edit Course Dialog 10:43
33 Optimistic Data Editing - Reducer Implementation and Demo 04:07
34 Optimistic Data Editing - Saving Data in the background with an Effect 06:01
35 Why NgRx Data? New Section Introduction 05:54
36 Setting Up NgRx Data in a Lazy Loaded Module 08:24
37 How Does NgRx Data Work? Transparent Fetching Data In Action 09:12
38 NgRx Custom Data Service - Fetching Data From the Backend 11:21
39 Controlling Data Loading with the NgRx Data loaded flag 05:19
40 Querying Store Data with NgRx Data and the entities$ Observable 08:17
41 NgRx Data CRUD - Why use Optimistic Updates? 13:23
42 NgRx Data CRUD - Why Pessimistic Data Creation? 06:44
43 NgRx Data CRUD - Optimistic Delete Implementation 07:09
44 Setting Up a new Entity - The Lesson Entity 03:43
45 Implementing the Course Component Using NgRx Data 05:16
46 Lessons Pagination using NgRx Data 12:13
47 Switching an NgRx Application to OnPush Change Detection 06:39
48 Angular NgRx Course Conclusion 04:29

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