Create a Personal Portfolio using Angular 2 & Behance

2h 8m 10s

The project you're going to learn how to build is based on a personal portfolio site, powered by Angular 2 which grabs projects in real-time with the Behance API. 

First, we step into Adobe XD (Experience Design) to design the website mockup from scratch. These videos are 30 minutes and they're available to watch for free at our youtube channel.

Read more about the course

The project you're going to learn how to build is based on a personal portfolio site, powered by Angular 2 which grabs projects in real-time with the Behance API. 

First, we step into Adobe XD (Experience Design) to design the website mockup from scratch. These videos are 30 minutes and they're available to watch for free at our youtube channel.

After we complete the mockups and protoyping, we'll begin development by setting up an Angular project with the angular-cli. Then we'll march forward through all of the various steps required to make this project a reality in the browser.

Requirements & Suggestions:

  • Adobe XD (Experience Design)
    This is only required if you wish to follow along with the first 3 lessons, otherwise skip these.
  • Code Editor
    I use Visual Studio Code, which is free.
  • Basic understanding of Angular 2
    Don't worry, watch our free angular 2 course here first.

What you'll learn:

  • Website UI Design in Adobe XD
  • Starting an Angular 2 Project with the Angular-cli
  • Generating Components
  • Generating Services
  • Creating an Angular Router
  • Fetching Data from an API (Behance)
  • Writing HTML
  • Writing CSS

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# Title Duration
1 Designing the Header and Thumbnail Gallery 10:45
2 Finishing the Home Page 11:31
3 Details Page Design 08:38
4 Starting the Angular Project 05:19
5 Generating the Components 02:31
6 Integrating Foundation 02:09
7 Setting up the Router 05:29
8 Writing the Header HTML 08:34
9 Writing the Header CSS 07:34
10 Making the Navigation Responsive 10:45
11 Behance API Overview 02:52
12 Generating & Coding the Service 05:24
13 Integrating the Service in the Gallery Component 02:43
14 Writing the HTML 05:40
15 Writing the CSS 08:18
16 Making the Gallery Responsive 02:45
17 Integrating Angular Animations 04:01
18 Connecting the Router 03:10
19 Writing the HTML 05:32
20 Writing the CSS 07:40
21 Integrating Angular Animations 06:50

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