supastarter - SaaS starter kit for Next.js & Nuxt

0h 0m 0s

Supastarter is a powerful starter kit for creating scalable and production-ready SaaS applications based on Next.js. Save hundreds of development hours and focus on creating value for your customers.

Read more about the course

Everything you need for your SaaS:

  • Authentication: Registration and login via password, magic link, or OAuth. Full control over user data and customization of all processes.
  • Payments: Supports subscriptions with a choice of payment providers (Lemonsqueezy, Stripe, Chargebee) and the possibility to integrate your own solution.
  • Multilingual Support: Built-in internationalization support to reach a global audience.
  • Emails: Ready-made templates and integrations with email services for sending transactional emails.
  • Styling: Modern and stylish interface with complete customization to fit your brand, compatible with shadcnUI.
  • Backend: Use tRPC and Prisma to create an API that can be extended, add new endpoints, and manage access. A fully typed API is suitable for both web and mobile applications.
  • Artificial Intelligence: Ready integration with AI based on Vercel AI SDK. Connect to OpenAI, LangChain, Hugging Face, and other popular providers.

Quick launch and convenience:

Supastarter is developed based on feedback from hundreds of users to provide you with all the necessary tools for creating SaaS. Launch your project in record time and start earning today.

Supastarter is everything you need for a successful start to your SaaS!


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