NextJS E-Com Masterclass: Learn The All New Next JS

19h 17m 40s
December 26, 2023

Welcome to the NextJS E-Com Masterclass: Learn The All New Next JS!

Ready to create your very own online store? Join us on a fun-filled journey where you'll learn to build amazing e-commerce websites from start to finish. We'll show you how to use Next.js (a supercharged version of React), along with easy-to-understand tools like TypeScript, MongoDB, Cloudinary, and Mailtrap.

Don't worry if you're new to full stack development – I'll guide you every step of the way. By the end, you'll proudly have a full-stack skill set and the ability to craft impressive online shops. Get started now and let's bring your e-commerce dreams to life!


Why Next.js, you ask? Well, it's more than just another JavaScript library – it's a dynamic framework that supercharges your React applications with server-side rendering, efficient routing, and a fantastic developer experience. With the rise of e-commerce, having a deep understanding of Next.js is a game-changer, and that's exactly what you'll gain through our hands-on approach.

But that's not all – this course is designed to make you a well-rounded developer by introducing you to a variety of essential tools and technologies. From TypeScript, the user-friendly programming language, to MongoDB, a powerful and flexible database solution, you'll learn how to seamlessly integrate these components into your projects.

Cloudinary, the cloud-based image and video management platform, will become your ally in optimizing media for optimal performance and user experience. With Mailtrap, you'll master email testing and debugging, a crucial aspect of delivering reliable communication to your users.

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# Title Duration
1 Project Intro 11:16
2 Let Me Guide You 02:01
3 Node JS 01:41
4 Mongodb 02:28
5 VS Code 01:36
6 Node JS 01:30
7 Homebrew 01:07
8 Mongodb 02:29
9 Mongodb Compass 01:04
10 12-Running Mongodb In The Background 01:34
11 VS Code 00:49
12 Open With VS Code 01:01
13 React TS Project Setup 02:15
14 Rendering App 07:50
15 Component & Props 09:51
16 Input & Change Handler 09:43
17 Project Setup 11:35
18 Layout 03:42
19 Navbar 09:02
20 Navbar Explained 08:59
21 Sign up Form 04:20
22 Form State & Validation 08:27
23 Rendering Errors 09:24
24 API Route 07:33
25 Connecting to Local Database 04:16
26 User Model 07:39
27 Creating New User 05:27
28 Hashing Password 07:10
29 Comparing Password 04:52
30 Sending Emails 05:38
31 ChatGPT & Email Verification Token 10:45
32 Generating Verification Token 05:02
33 Email Verification Page 03:37
34 Verify Token Route 08:44
35 Verifying Token 06:07
36 Rendering Notification 04:33
37 Next Auth 11:25
38 Sign in Route 09:12
39 Sign in UI 08:09
40 Auth Session 05:36
41 Auth Errors 05:56
42 Sign out 04:43
43 Guest Route 07:06
44 Customizing Session 09:28
45 Forget Password UI 02:35
46 Forget Password API Route 07:06
47 Sending Link to Email 06:12
48 Submitting Request 04:59
49 Validating Password Reset Token 08:46
50 Resetting Password 15:23
51 Production Build 05:35
52 Publishing Application 09:53
53 Refactoring Send Email 10:55
54 Sign in along with Sign up 04:42
55 Private Route 05:17
56 Fixing Auth Session Profile 11:00
57 Email Reverification 13:38
58 Admin Sidebar 07:06
59 Fixing Navbar 06:55
60 Product Table 05:32
61 Product Form 11:36
62 Product Model 07:26
63 Server Action 07:32
64 Validating Product Info 05:50
65 Using Validation Schema 05:11
66 Cloud Storage 06:28
67 Cloud Signature 03:00
68 Uploading Image 08:40
69 Creating New Product 11:51
70 About Action 05:53
71 Fetching New Products 07:46
72 Update Product Page 08:15
73 Update Product Form 09:17
74 Fixing Warning 02:03
75 Let's Understand How to update 02:43
76 Remove Image From Cloud 01:55
77 Removing Images 13:36
78 Removing Images From Cloud 08:10
79 Update Product 1 11:05
80 Update Product 2 08:47
81 Generating Dummy Product 03:20
82 Generating Multiple Dummy Products 07:35
83 Pagination 07:42
84 Fetching & Rendering Products 06:46
85 Few Little Fixes 04:18
86 Dynamic Route 05:27
87 Rendering Single Product 07:10
88 Hero Slider 07:14
89 Cart Model 05:42
90 Cart API 1 05:41
91 Cart API 2 06:42
92 Adding to Cart 10:18
93 Featured Product Model 04:20
94 Featured Product Form 05:06
95 Submitting Featured Product Form 04:54
96 Creating Featured Product 04:50
97 Featured Product Table 01:56
98 Rendering Featured Product 02:59
99 Update Featured Product 1 06:26
100 Update Featured Product 2 05:02
101 Deleting Featured Product 07:12
102 Few Little Fixes 05:44
103 Featured Product Slider 07:44
104 Responsive Slider 02:47
105 Horizontal Scroll Menu 05:06
106 Products by Category 07:15
107 Cart Items Count 11:22
108 Profile Page 09:18
109 Updating User Profile 10:26
110 New Profile Page UI 08:00
111 Loading UI 08:29
112 Error Page 04:02
113 Image Component 07:20
114 Cart Page 03:58
115 Fetching Cart Details 18:45
116 Updating Cart Items 04:49
117 Deleting Cart 02:01
118 Empty Cart Message 02:25
119 Setting up Stripe 10:02
120 Checkout Session URL 15:31
121 Final Checkout 07:32
122 Order Model 07:27
123 Stripe CLI 04:09
124 Using Webhook 12:07
125 Creating New Order 10:41
126 Recounting Stock 04:05
127 Instant Checkout 07:55
128 Creating Order 06:58
129 Fetching Orders of Profile 05:08
130 Rendering Orders 04:17
131 Orders UI Admin 15:15
132 Update Delivery API Route 05:31
133 Updating Delivery Status 04:44
134 Review Form 05:57
135 Review Model 03:43
136 Create/Update Review 07:08
137 Submitting Review Form 05:47
138 Fetching Review Details 08:42
139 Rendering Reviews 08:28
140 Average Rating 09:11
141 Rating Stars 11:12
142 Rendering Rating Stars 05:45
143 Fetching Sales History 18:47
144 Sales Chart 08:57
145 Sales Page UI 04:02
146 Fixing Review Issue 06:32
147 Fixing Sales Page Issue 01:53
148 Out of Stock 02:15
149 Fetching Similar Products 03:12
150 Rendering Similar Products 08:58
151 Latest Order inside Profile Page 03:26
152 History Model 03:55
153 Recording History 08:50
154 Admin Search 08:19
155 Search Bar 04:49
156 Search Filter UI 02:35
157 Search Filter 18:38
158 Searching Products 09:21
159 Clear Filter 03:26
160 Wishlist Button 03:22
161 Wishlist Api Route 08:30
162 Updating Wishlist 04:04
163 Fetching Wishlisted Products 07:24
164 Wishlisted Products UI 07:44
165 Updating Wishlist 02:38
166 Using Real Database 11:55
167 Custom Domain 03:37
168 Verify Domain Inside Mailtrap 04:20
169 Sending Real Emails 10:49
170 The Fix 11:21
171 Stripe Webhook 07:15

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