Namaste Frontend System Design

72h 31m 50s
August 29, 2024
The "Namaste Frontend System Design" course covers topics such as network technologies, communication protocols, security, testing, performance optimization, databases and caching, accessibility, and much more. It is intended for developers of various experience levels and focuses on practical learning with real-world examples.

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# Title Duration
1 1.1 Networking - Akshay & Chirag's Experience (Networking) 34:33
2 1.2 How the Web Works 01:20:41
3 1.3 Communication Protocols 16:14
4 1.4 REST APIs 02:41:08
5 1.5 GraphQL 01:58:01
6 1.6 gRPC 01:19:18
7 2.1 Communication - Akshay & Chirag's Experience (Communication) 21:08
8 2.2 Communication Overview 09:43
9 2.3 Short Polling 19:54
10 2.4 Long Polling 20:01
11 2.5 Web Sockets 33:38
12 2.6 Server Side Events 22:22
13 2.7 WebHooks 15:12
14 3.1 Security - Akshay & Chirag's Experience (Security) 24:55
15 3.2 Security Overview 13:00
16 3.3 Cross-site Scripting (XSS) 01:03:27
17 3.4 iFrame Protection 37:59
18 3.5 Security Headers 26:07
19 3.6 Client-side Security 17:39
20 3.7 Secure Communication (HTTPs) 08:41
21 3.8 Dependency Security 14:25
22 3.9 Compilance and Regulation 20:33
23 3.10 Input Validation and Sanitization 11:26
24 3.11 Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) 12:56
25 3.12 Server-Side Javascript Injection (SSJI) 13:06
26 3.13 Feature Policy - Permissions-Policy 18:31
27 3.14 Subresource Integrity (SRI) 14:40
28 3.15 Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) 30:13
29 3.16 Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) 40:40
30 4.1 Testing - Akshay & Chirag's Experience (Testing) 34:01
31 4.2 Testing Overview 38:41
32 4.3 Unit and Integration Testing 49:04
33 4.4 E2E and Automation Testing 56:27
34 4.5 A-B Testing 31:15
35 4.6 Performance Testing 33:16
36 4.7 Test-Driven Development Overview 52:35
37 4.8 Security Testing 40:12
38 4.9 Bonus Namaste React - Time for Test (4 hours).... 04:08:33
39 5.1 Performance Overview 13:47
40 5.2 Performance Importance 27:30
41 5.3 Performance Monitoring 40:19
42 5.4 Performance Tools 39:58
43 5.5 Network Optimization 01:52:36
44 5.6 Rendering Pattern 01:24:01
45 5.7 Build Optimization 58:48
46 6.1 Database & Caching - Akshay & Chirag's Experience (Database and Caching) 27:59
47 6.2 Database and Caching Overview 10:41
48 6.3 Local Storage 18:53
49 6.4 Session Storage 16:59
50 6.5 Cookie Storage 25:18
51 6.6 Indexed DB 19:42
52 6.7 Normalization 24:43
53 6.8 HTTP Caching 25:52
54 6.9 Service Working Caching 14:25
55 6.10 API Caching 14:25
56 6.11 State Management 20:10
57 7.1 Logging And Monitoring - Akshay & Chirag's Experience (Logging and Monitoring) 32:32
58 7.2 Logging and Monitoring Overview 05:25
59 7.3 Telemetry 50:41
60 7.4 Alerting 14:59
61 7.5 Fixing 15:32
62 8.1 Accessibility Overview 07:01
63 8.2 Keyboard Accessibility 27:52
64 8.3 Screen Reader 54:53
65 8.4 Focus Management 30:09
66 8.5 Color Contrast 15:57
67 8.6 Accessibility Tools 18:35
68 8.7 How to fixaccessibility 26:57
69 9.1 Service Workers 01:23:47
70 9.2 Progressive Web Applications (PWAs) 01:12:22
71 10.1 Component Design (Low Level Design) 55:57
72 10.2 Config driven UI 40:43
73 10.3 Shimmer UI 43:00
74 10.4 Routing and Protected Routes 01:04:00
75 10.5 State Management + Libraries 46:57
76 10.6 Multi Language Support 28:25
77 10.7 Infinite Scroll 36:58
78 10.8 Accordion 46:13
79 10.9 Reddit Nested Comments 44:49
80 10.10 Image Slider 39:30
81 10.11 Pagination Part 1 01:14:54
82 10.12 Pagination Part 2 01:17:07
83 10.13 Real-Time Updates 41:57
84 10.14 YouTube Live Stream Chat UI 01:30:45
85 10.15 Autocomplete and Search Bar 01:08:38
86 11.1 HLD Overview (High Level Design) 38:27
87 11.2 HLD - Photo Sharing App (Instagram) 01:36:31
88 11.3 HLD - E-commerce App (Amazon , Flipkart) 01:39:58
89 11.4 HLD - News Media Feed (Facebook, Twitter) 01:24:11
90 11.5 HLD - Video Streaming (Netflix) 01:39:42
91 11.6 HLD - Music Streaming (Spotify) 01:03:37
92 11.7 HLD - Live Commentary (CricInfo, Crickbuzz) 44:04
93 11.8 HLD - Email Client 37:45
94 11.9 HLD - Diagram Tools (Excalidraw) 57:10
95 11.10 HLD - Analytics Dashboard (Google Analytics) 48:35
96 12.1 Bonus - Salary Negotiation Masterclass (Bonus Masterclass) 01:12:10
97 12.2 Bonus - Resume Masterclass 01:05:19
98 12.3 Bonus - Personal Branding Masterclass 41:14
99 12.4 Bonus - LinkedIn Masterclass 01:06:11

Read Book Namaste Frontend System Design

# Title
1 1.0 Important guidelines (Networking)
2 13.1 Security Interview Questions (Bonus Interview Questions)
3 13.2 Communication Protocol Interview Questions
4 13.3 Database Caching Interview Questions
5 13.4 Logging Monitoring Interview Questions
6 13.5 Networking Interview Questions
7 14.1 Component Design Notes (Lecture Notes)
8 14.2 Shimmer UI Notes
9 14.3 Config Driven UI Notes
10 14.4 State Management Notes
11 14.5 Cross site scripting (XSS) Notes
12 14.6 iFrame Protection Notes
13 14.7 Security Headers Notes
14 14.8 Client Side Security Notes
15 14.9 Secure Communication (HTTPs) Notes
16 14.10 Dependency security Notes
17 14.11 Compliance and Regulation Notes
18 14.12 Input Validation and Sanitization
19 14.13 Server side Request Forgery (SSRF) Notes
20 14.14 Server Side JavaScript Injection (SSJI) Notes
21 14.15 Feature Policy Permission Policy Notes
22 14.16 Subresource Integrity (SRI) Notes
23 14.17 Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) Notes
24 14.18 Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Notes
25 14.19 Local Storage Notes
26 14.20 Session Storage Notes
27 14.21 Cookie Storage Notes
28 14.22 Indexed DB Notes
29 14.23 Normalisation Notes
30 14.24 HTTP Caching Notes
31 14.25 Service Worker Caching Notes
32 14.26 API Caching Notes
33 14.27 State Management Notes

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