Advanced FrontEnds

8h 58m 38s
January 19, 2024

"Advanced FrontEnds" is a comprehensive course by Gary Simon, focusing on creating highly animated, interactive landing pages. It covers JavaScript, GSAP, and Three.js, with a progression from simple animations to intricate projects. The course includes practical challenges and a final project, aiming to enhance front end development skills for 2024.

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# Title Duration
1 Project Files & Intro 03:44
2 JavaScript Fundamentals Course 01:21
3 From and To Method 14:27
4 FOUC & Controlling Tweens 11:45
5 Set, Stagger & fromTo 11:46
6 Challenge Sports Loader 03:08
7 Sports Loader Solution 04:24
8 Timeline 14:50
9 Sidebar Navigation Interaction 07:21
10 Challenge Portfolio Navigation 03:17
11 Portfolio Navigation Solved 13:57
12 ScrollTrigger Basics 18:52
13 toggleActions 09:14
14 Scrub & Pin 15:38
15 Challenge: Art Gallery 05:24
16 Art Gallery Solution 18:10
17 splitType 09:35
18 Scrolling splitType Reveal 08:37
19 SVG Text Masks 09:46
20 Simple Scroller 16:04
21 Lifting Shoes Scroller 26:16
22 Lifting Shoes Scroller (Timeline) 09:15
23 Deep Sea Creatures 03:01
24 Deep Sea Creatures Solution 17:35
25 CandyVerse Parallax 09:53
26 Cyberspace 16:56
27 Challenge: Bonkers Challenge 01:49
28 Bonkers Challenge Solution 07:26
29 Flip Plugin Basics 11:08
30 Emoticon Flip 13:24
31 Challenge: Shoe Sorting Challenge 02:16
32 Shoe Sorting Solved 10:23
33 matchMedia Basics 09:43
34 Event Handling 05:56
35 Prefers Reduced Motion 07:11
36 Overview & Boilerplate 18:09
37 Dat.gui & GSAP 18:28
38 Importing Models & Scroll Animations 25:35
39 Challenge: Coffee Table Challenge 03:57
40 Coffee Table Challenge Solved 23:48
41 Project Preview 03:05
42 Installing Dependencies 05:35
43 HTML 10:51
44 CSS 17:31
45 JavaScript Setup 05:52
46 ThreeJS Setup 12:48
47 Hero Section 08:44
48 Inspection Section 05:07
49 Slider Section 07:25
50 Wrapping Up 18:11

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