MongoDB - The Ultimate Administration and Developer's Guide

37h 45m 15s

Join this course on MongoDB to learn everything about this highly popular database and query language from scratch, in the smallest details, and with plenty of practical examples!

MongoDB is one of the most important NoSQL databases that you can work with today. MongoDB is capable of handling large volumes of data, maximizing performance, and utilizing a flexible schema approach, providing you maximum flexibility in data modeling.

In this course, you will learn MongoDB from scratch. No prior experience with MongoDB or databases is required!

The curriculum is extensive and designed to take you from a beginner to an advanced level.

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In detail, you will learn:

  • ... how to design, develop, and administer a MongoDB database system using the latest version 6.0
  • ... how to install and use MongoDB locally on Windows and Linux
  • ... how to implement high availability in MongoDB using a replica set and work with it
  • ... how to implement high scalability in MongoDB using sharding and work with it
  • ... how to effectively perform data modeling
  • ... how to ensure data security on database instances and work with it
  • ... how to work with various database tools for backup/restore and statistical purposes
  • ... how to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations in MongoDB databases
  • ... how to effectively filter data
  • ... how to work with Mongo shell
  • ... how to work with different types of indexes in MongoDB
  • ... how to enhance query performance using indexes (and how to use the right indexes!)
  • ... how to use the amazing "Aggregation Framework" built into MongoDB
  • ... and much more!

This course is hands-on — you will learn by working alongside me. We will work with a wide range of sample data and cases, and by the end of the course, you will have all the knowledge necessary to work with MongoDB in your next project!

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# Title Duration
1 Welcome to the Course! 08:22
2 Introduction to NoSQL 04:39
3 Types of NoSQL Databases 08:58
4 Introduction to MongoDB 03:19
5 Difference between MongoDB and RDBMS 03:24
6 Introduction to CAP Theorem 03:34
7 Introduction to JSON 07:11
8 Introduction to BSON and Types 05:08
9 Introduction to MongoDB Document 02:22
10 MongoDB Installation Options 04:59
11 MongoDB Installation on Windows 12:09
12 MongoDB Installation on Linux (Ubuntu) 15:38
13 MongoDB Installation on Linux (Tarball) 15:59
14 Databases and Collections 02:50
15 Views and Capped Collections 04:51
16 What is MongoDB Shell 05:39
17 Configuring MongoDB Shell 11:06
18 Accessing the MongoDB Shell Help 03:58
19 Understanding Data Types in MongoDB Shell 03:41
20 Introduction to CRUD Operations 01:33
21 Creating Database and Collections 17:15
22 Insert Operation 02:24
23 Read (Query) Operation 02:24
24 Update Operation 02:01
25 Delete (Remove) Operation 01:32
26 Overview of Insert Methods 01:02
27 insert() Method 07:25
28 insertOne() Method 05:29
29 InsertMany() Method 04:35
30 _id Field 02:15
31 Inserting Complex Documents 08:41
32 Overview of Read Methods 01:50
33 findOne() Method 05:43
34 find() Method 05:06
35 Query Nested or Embedded Documents 09:44
36 Query an Array Field in Documents 07:25
37 Query an Array of Embedded Documents 14:22
38 Project Fields to Return from Query 15:06
39 Iterate the Cursor 13:05
40 Query and Projection Operators 03:08
41 Comparison Operators - $eq, $in, $ne, $nin 23:30
42 Comparison Operators - $gt, $gte, $lt, $lte 10:06
43 Logical operators - $and, $or 19:38
44 Logical operators - $not, $nor 11:05
45 Element Operators - $exists, $type 19:33
46 Evaluation Operators - $expr, $regex 22:37
47 Array Operators - $all, $elemMatch, $size 23:31
48 Projection Operators - $, $elemMatch 21:38
49 Overview of Update Methods 01:30
50 update() Method with $set Operator 18:55
51 update() Method with $unset Operator 08:51
52 updateOne() Method 04:16
53 updateMany() Method 05:28
54 replaceOne() Method 05:01
55 Update with Upsert Operations 14:57
56 Field Update Operators 01:31
57 $currentDate Operator 12:12
58 $rename Operator 04:35
59 $inc, $min, $max, $mul Operators 19:43
60 Array Update Operators 01:18
61 Placeholder Operator - $ 07:54
62 $addToSet Operator 08:31
63 $pop Operator 06:32
64 $pull, $pullAll Operators 16:46
65 $push Operator 04:42
66 $each Operator with $push and $addToSet Operators 12:55
67 Sort Array Elements using $sort+ $push Operators 10:49
68 Overview of Delete Methods 01:27
69 deleteOne() Method 04:08
70 deleteMany() Method 04:25
71 remove() Method 08:12
72 Dropping MongoDB Collections 03:11
73 Dropping MongoDB Databases 04:36
74 Overview of Additional CRUD Methods 01:49
75 findOneAndDelete() Method 13:42
76 findOneAndReplace() Method 13:58
77 findOneAndUpdate() Method 14:17
78 findAndModify() Method 16:45
79 bulkWrite() Method 15:36
80 Introduction to MongoDB Aggregation 04:02
81 Introduction to Aggregation Pipeline 06:15
82 Aggregation Pipeline Stages 01:50
83 $match Stage 03:49
84 $group Stage 11:23
85 $project Stage 13:03
86 $count Stage 06:57
87 $collStats Stage 14:41
88 $indexStats Stage 05:59
89 $set Stage 07:16
90 $unset Stage 04:12
91 $unwind Stage 04:26
92 $lookup Stage 12:58
93 $unionWith Stage 10:15
94 $limit Stage 02:50
95 $skip Stage 02:59
96 $sort Stage 03:59
97 $out Stage 09:05
98 Aggregation Pipeline Operators 04:30
99 Arithmetic Expression Operators 08:49
100 Array Expression Operators 08:45
101 Boolean Expression Operators 10:43
102 Comparison Expression Operators 08:26
103 String Expression Operators 13:35
104 Type Expression Operators 12:12
105 Aggregation Pipeline Optimization 13:05
106 Aggregation Pipeline Limits 03:59
107 SQL Terms vs MongoDB Aggregation Operators 03:00
108 Introduction to MongoDB Data Modeling 02:11
109 Embedded Data Model 06:05
110 References Data Model 05:40
111 Perform Schema Validations 08:51
112 Introduction to MongoDB Indexes 05:18
113 Different Types of Indexes 03:41
114 Index Creation in MongoDB 04:13
115 Specify the Name to the Index 05:03
116 Listing the Indexes 03:08
117 Default _id Index 01:35
118 Drop an Index 05:40
119 Single Field Index 07:02
120 Compound Index 06:21
121 Prefixes in Compound Index 05:14
122 Multikey Index 08:37
123 Covered Query 07:52
124 Text Index 08:57
125 2d Index 14:40
126 2dsphere Index 25:27
127 Hashed Index 05:33
128 Wildcard Indexes 12:41
129 Overview of Index Properties 02:15
130 TTL Index 08:08
131 Unique Index 08:52
132 Partial Index 12:28
133 Case Insensitive Index 12:51
134 Hidden Index 13:54
135 Sparse Index 06:47
136 dropIndexes() Method 08:55
137 totalIndexSize() Method 03:58
138 Overview of Performance Tuning in MongoDB 01:45
139 Database Profiler 01:51
140 Setup Database Profiling 02:30
141 Database Profiling Commands 10:07
142 system.profile Collection 13:08
143 Index Strategies 14:07
144 cursor.explain() Method 04:36
145 queryPlanner Explain Mode 06:31
146 executionStats Explain Mode 07:51
147 allPlansExecution Explain Mode 13:10
148 Explain Result without an Index 09:24
149 Explain Result with an Index 13:33
150 Introduction to MongoDB Replication 05:00
151 Primary, Secondary and Arbiter 04:25
152 Automatic Failover 04:52
153 Oplog 05:06
154 Initiate a Replica Set - rs.initiate() Method 04:27
155 rs.status() Method 03:01
156 Build 3 Node Replica Set 38:18
157 Primary Election Process 06:25
158 Journaling 04:22
159 Write Concern 04:49
160 Write Concern Specification 11:21
161 Read Preference 10:40
162 Read Preference Modes 09:15
163 Add Members to the Replica Set 15:23
164 Add an Arbiter to the Replica Set 11:54
165 Remove Member from the Replica Set 11:01
166 Replica Set Configuration - rs.conf() Method 02:52
167 rs.reconfig() Method 03:32
168 Priority 0 Replica Set Member 03:35
169 Prevent Secondary from becoming Primary 08:02
170 Force a Member to become Primary 07:03
171 Hidden Replica Set Member 02:28
172 Configuring Hidden Member 04:45
173 Votes 02:30
174 Configuring non-Voting Member 05:00
175 Delayed Replica Set Member 02:21
176 Configure a Delayed Member 08:15
177 Change an Oplog Size 15:02
178 Chained Replication 07:21
179 Configuring Secondary's Sync Target 06:53
180 rs.printSecondaryReplicationInfo() Method 03:04
181 rs.printReplicationInfo() Method 02:56
182 rs.stepDown() Method 05:23
183 rs.freeze() Method 03:37
184 Replica Set Member States 06:30
185 Introduction to MongoDB Security 03:05
186 Authorization, Authentication and Encryption 05:25
187 Understanding Roles and Users 04:49
188 Localhost Exception 02:32
189 User Creation – db.createUser() Method 14:00
190 SCRAM Authentication Mechanism 03:32
191 Enable Access Control (Authorization) 15:16
192 Internal Authentication 05:23
193 Enforce keyfile Authentication on Existing Replica Set (With Downtime) 21:34
194 Enforce keyfile Authentication on Existing Replica Set (No Downtime) 34:37
195 Built-in Roles 09:06
196 User Defined Roles – db.createRole() Method 11:34
197 db.getRole() and db.getRoles() Methods 12:03
198 db.getUser() and db.getUsers() Methods 06:27
199 db.grantRolesToUser() Method 04:55
200 db.revokeRolesFromUser() Method 04:10
201 db.grantPrivilegesToRole() Method 06:13
202 db.revokePrivilegesFromRole() Method 07:00
203 db.revokeRolesFromRole() Method 03:41
204 db.grantRolesToRole() Method 04:01
205 db.updateUser() Method 08:44
206 db.updateRole() Method 10:55
207 db.dropUser() and db.dropAllUsers() Methods 04:32
208 db.dropRole() and db.dropAllRoles() Methods 05:05
209 Change User Password 05:38
210 Collection Level Access Control 03:48
211 Introduction to MongoDB Database Tools 02:38
212 Installation of MongoDB Database Tools 04:21
213 mongodump 04:38
214 mongodump Examples 10:48
215 mongorestore 04:13
216 mongorestore Examples 13:03
217 bsondump 03:04
218 bsondump Examples 06:23
219 mongoexport 02:40
220 mongoexport Examples 12:24
221 mongoimport 04:28
222 mongoimport Examples 13:50
223 mongostat 04:08
224 mongostat Examples 08:48
225 mongotop 02:37
226 mongotop Examples 05:34
227 Introduction to Storage and Storage Engine 02:09
228 WiredTiger Storage Engine 07:50
229 In-Memory Storage Engine 06:33
230 GridFS 09:16
231 GridFS – mongofiles 14:02
232 Introduction to MongoDB Sharding 06:47
233 Shards 01:48
234 Config Server 02:19
235 mongos (Router) 02:29
236 Shard Key 04:43
237 Sharding Architecture 03:46
238 Choosing a Shard Key 08:30
239 Hashed Sharding 04:15
240 Ranged Sharding 03:50
241 Overview of Sharding Setup 05:26
242 Setup 2 Shard Replica Sets 15:29
243 Setup Config Server Replica Set 06:57
244 Setup mongos Router 04:55
245 Add Shard 1 to the Sharded Cluster (Converting Replica Set to Sharded Cluster) 06:44
246 Shard a Collection 08:34
247 Check the Status of Sharded Cluster – sh.status() Method 04:15
248 Balancer Process 03:16
249 Add Shard 2 to the Sharded Cluster 04:49
250 Balancer State – sh.getBalancerState() Method 01:38
251 sh.setBalancerState() Method 02:44
252 sh.isBalancerRunning() Method 02:07
253 sh.stopBalancer() Method 02:09
254 sh.startBalancer() Method 02:11
255 Chunks and Jumbo Chunk 04:59
256 Overview of Split Chunks 02:47
257 sh.splitAt() Method 07:55
258 sh.splitFind() Method 06:38
259 Merge Chunks with mergeChunks Command 05:30
260 Migrating a Chunk using moveChunk Command (or sh.moveChunk() Method) 10:31
261 Modify Chunk Size 07:24
262 Primary Shard and movePrimary Command 08:47
263 sh.balancerCollectionStatus() Method 03:42
264 sh.disableBalancing() and sh.enableBalancing() Methods 04:52
265 sh.disableAutoSplit() and sh.enableAutoSplit() Methods 05:27
266 Changing a Shard Key 01:49
267 Refining a Shard Key 07:53
268 Reshard a Collection 11:04
269 Back Up Sharded Cluster Metadata 09:56
270 Remove Shards from an Existing Sharded Cluster 11:08
271 Config Database 11:58
272 What If – mongos become unavailable 01:53
273 What If – Single member of Shard becomes unavailable 01:44
274 What If – All members of Shard become unavailable 01:21
275 What If – Single member of Config Replica Set become unavailable 01:57
276 Overview of MongoDB Administration 00:58
277 MongoDB Version Upgrade 13:00
278 DEMO: Upgrade a Replica Set v4.4.17 to v5.0.13 29:07
279 DEMO: Upgrade a Replica Set v5.0.13 to v6.0.2 22:33
280 MongoDB Version Upgrade Approach for Sharded Cluster 07:31
281 db.currentOp() and db.killOp() and cursor.maxTimeMS() Methods 12:44
282 Recover a Standalone using -- repair 03:20
283 Compact Operation 05:45
284 MongoDB Log Rotation 06:16
285 db.setLogLevel() Method 03:45
286 Statistics and Informative Methods 22:09
287 Rename a Collection 04:06
288 allowDiskUse() Method 03:18
289 db.fsyncLock() and db.fsyncUnlock() Methods 05:51
290 db.shutdownServer() Method 05:31
291 Convert Command-Line Options to YAML 08:19
292 System Collections 04:30
293 Operations Checklist for Production MongoDB Deployment 12:06
294 MongoDB Limits and Thresholds 14:02
295 Help() Methods 03:47
296 Congratulations and Thank you! 01:06

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