Full-Stack Vue with GraphQL - The Ultimate Guide

9h 52m 3s

This entire course within the context of a practical application that we will build literally from the first line of code to live deployment on the web. We'll be building an image-sharing social application called VueShare, similar to that of Pinterest or Instagram. Authenticated users of our app will be able to like and unlike, share, comment on, search for, edit, and delete image-related posts.

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Includes Apollo Server 2, Apollo Boost and the Vue CLI 3!

Interested in building next-level apps with Vue and GraphQL? Look no further than this course!

This course is your one-stop guide to learning...

  • Complete CRUD functionality (create, read, update, and delete) with Vue and GraphQL / Apollo 2

  • The latest and greatest Apollo tools: Apollo Server 2, Apollo Boost and Vue Apollo

  • Using the new Vue CLI 3 to create/scaffold Vue apps, add plugins and deploy to the web

  • GraphQL Syntax, including types (scalar/object), and creating schemas with typeDefs

  • Writing and executing GraphQL queries and mutations on both the client and server

  • Essential Apollo features  such as the update function, optimistic responses, and refetching queries

  • Error handling with Apollo Server 2 with the new AuthorizationError and formatErrors features

  • User authentication with JSON Web Tokens

  • State management with Vuex, in concert with ApolloClient

  • Stunning UIs with Vuetify, a Material Design Component Library for Vue

  • Form Validation with the help of Vuetify

  • Vue Router (including protected routes, page transitions, router props, and dynamic segments)

  • Building resolvers using many MongoDB methods and operators

  • Search Functionality with MongoDB

  • Advanced GraphQL features such as infinite scrolling

  • GraphQL shorthands to make our schemas and queries concise, such as inputs and fragments

  • Lots of work with the Chrome/Firefox Vue Dev Tools Extension to Debug Vue / Vuex / Apollo

  • Using the service Now to deploy Vue / GraphQL Apps

  • Advanced UI tricks, including notifications and loading skeletons

  • App Deployment with Heroku and Now v2

  • And more...

How does the course develop as we go along?

In the beginning of the course, we'll cover the basic GraphQL / Apollo concepts that we need to get started, then dive into building our app. We'll build out our backend, cover creating a GraphQL server and database (hosted by MongoDB Atlas), and how to write resolver functions with MongoDB. Then we'll move over to the frontend, create our Vue app and connect it with our backend, develop an interface and build client-side functionality with Vue, Vuetify, and Vue Apollo / Vuex. We'll learn how to write and execute queries and mutations using Apollo to our backend to get and modify what we need. Once we cover and integrate all the essential features of our application (listed above), we'll move on to deploying our app to the web. After deployment, for those who want to stick around and make their app truly production-ready, we'll cover a number of cool features to make our app more functional, attractive and reliable.

I wanted to make this course as comprehensive as I could, but also give you the fast track to learning new technologies in an engaging way. GraphQL is an exciting new technology in the web development community and new Apollo releases such as Apollo Server 2 and Apollo Boost have made working with GraphQL easier than ever.

There's never been a better time to start working with GraphQL, especially as a JavaScript developer. Join me and let's get started!


  • A basic familiarity with Vue

  • A basic understanding of ES6 JavaScript will help, but it's not required

Who this course is for:
  • Anyone who wants to learn how to build full-stack applications with Vue and GraphQL!

What you'll learn:

  • Learn in-depth how to use Apollo Server 2 and Apollo Boost to create powerful full-stack apps
  • Learn how to handle errors on the client and server with Apollo / GraphQL
  • Be able to implement session-based JWT authentication to GraphQL applications
  • Integrate Apollo with Vuex for more reliable and scalable state management
  • Implement infinite scrolling functionality using Vue-Apollo
  • Deploy full-stack JavaScript / GraphQL applications using Heroku and Netlify
  • Learn how to write queries and mutations in the GraphQL language on both the client and server
  • Utilize many useful MongoDB methods and features
  • Create attractive, sophisticated UIs using the Vuetify component framework
  • Use the best in ES6 - ESNext features like async / await, destructuring, spread operators, arrow functions, etc

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# Title Duration
1 Preview our Completed App 18:29
2 Tools Used/Required 04:20
3 Formatting Vue Templates (And More) with VS Code 05:48
4 What is GraphQL? Using the SWAPI GraphQL API 19:52
5 What is Apollo? 02:57
6 Git Clone and Install Dependencies (Required) 02:29
7 Initializing Apollo Server 2 (Optional) 06:45
8 Adding Resolvers and Executing Queries in GraphQL Playground (Optional) 06:20
9 Writing and Running First Mutation in GraphQL Playground (Optional) 07:51
10 Exploring GraphQL Playground 03:40
11 Create MLab Database, Connect to GraphQL Server 05:33
12 Creating Mongoose Schemas 11:19
13 Creating typeDefs for Project 07:33
14 Write and Run signupUser Mutation 09:25
15 Write and Run addPost Mutation 07:26
16 Write and Run getPosts Query, Intro to populate 07:19
17 Create Vue Client with Vue-CLI 3 07:38
18 Adding Plugins with Vue GUI and Concurrently Dev Script 03:36
19 Structuring our Vue App 03:35
20 Installing Vuetify Plugin and Generating a Theme 10:14
21 Coolors.co for Creating Great Color Schemes (Optional) 04:03
22 Horizontal Navbar and Mobile First Design 11:48
23 Add Side Navbar 07:23
24 Add Routing and Page Transitions 08:36
25 Setting up Apollo Client / Vue Apollo, Firing getPosts Query from Client 08:14
26 Dive into Smart Queries in Vue Components 06:43
27 Executing Queries with the ApolloQuery Component 05:35
28 Add Carousel Component to Home Page 03:27
29 Firing getPosts Action with Vuex 06:32
30 Using Mutations and Getters 07:41
31 Add Loading Property, Loading Spinner and mapGetters 05:39
32 Create queries.js for Clientside Query / Mutation Definitions 03:07
33 Create Gravatar Avatar and Hash User Passwords on Signup 07:12
34 Write and Run signinUser Mutation 05:26
35 Sign Token and Return it Upon Signin/Signup 08:00
36 Using Variables in GraphQL, Signin / Signup Mutation Defs 05:31
37 Add Signin Form, Write and Run signinUser Action, Return JWT 08:46
38 Additional Config for ApolloClient, Send Token from LocalStorage 08:09
39 Verify JWT Token in server.js, Pass Result to currentUser in Context 06:46
40 Create getCurrentUser Query, Execute it from main.js 09:04
41 Redirect Home upon Signin with Watcher 07:40
42 Change Navbar for Signed-in User 08:57
43 Create Signout Action 06:06
44 Protected Routes and Clearing Malformed Tokens 05:08
45 Adding Global Form Alert Component 08:44
46 Add Loading Spinner to Signin Button 03:16
47 Form Validation with Vuetify in Signin Component 07:10
48 Show AuthSnackbar on Signin / Signup 04:49
49 Handle Authentication Errors, Show Auth Error Snackbar 08:41
50 Create Signup Form and Signup User Action 10:48
51 Make Add Post Form 08:30
52 Create and Execute addPost Action / Mutation 10:15
53 Update and Optimistic Response for addPost Mutation 11:11
54 Infinite Scroll on Posts Page; Add typeDef, Resolver, and Query 07:46
55 Add Infinite Scroll Functionality on Client 10:17
56 Add Grid Layout / Cards for Each Post in Posts Component 09:43
57 Create Post Component and Route 04:34
58 Create and Execute getPost Query 06:31
59 Build out Post Card in Post Component 07:50
60 Add Messages Section to Post Component 05:47
61 Create addPostMessage Mutation 06:31
62 Perform addPostMessage in Post Component 08:08
63 Add Validation for Message Input, Clear on Submit 04:52
64 Create typeDefs / resolvers / queries for Like / Unlike 07:31
65 Firing Like / Unlike Post Mutations from Client 08:55
66 Add Logic for Toggling Like / Unlike Post 05:17
67 Add Like Notification in Profile Tab 04:52
68 Add typeDef / resolver / query for searchPosts 07:21
69 Fire searchPosts Action, Log Search Results 03:49
70 Add searchResults to State, Build Search Result Card 04:46
71 Finishing Search Results, Making them Functional 06:21
72 Add User Details Card / Favorites Cards 06:24
73 Write getUserPosts Query 03:41
74 Execute getUserPosts Query, Create and Populate User Cards 09:10
75 Add Edit Post Dialog for Updating User Posts 05:38
76 Create updateUserPost Mutation 07:32
77 Executing updateUserPost Mutation with Vuex Action 13:28
78 deleteUserRecipe Mutation - Backend Creation to Frontend Execution 07:26
79 RefetchQueries for Fresh Data upon Executing Mutations 04:19
80 Formatting Dates with moment 05:31
81 Minor Improvements/Fixes 07:06
82 Deploying Backend / Frontend with Now 09:51

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