MERN Invoice Web App with Docker,NGINX and ReduxToolkit

24h 38m 4s
November 10, 2023

Hi, welcome to this course on building a functional fullstack MERN app, that can be used for generating invoices, quotations and receipts.

We shall build this app, step by step, by leveraging tools and technologies such as Docker, NGINX, NGINX Proxy manager, Makefiles,Portainer, shell scripts, MongoDB, Express, ReduxToolkit and Redux Toolkit query, also called RTK-Query.

You will also learn how to serve your application on a custom domain name, and serve it securely over HTTPS with SSL Certificates from letsencrypt.

This course is NOT for absolute beginners. It is aimed at those with at least 1 year of relevant Fullstack Javascript experience. Having prior exposure to the MERN Stack will be advantageous.

This app was built by one person(myself), so of course, none of us is perfect. You might discover bugs here and there , or see ways of improving the codebase. Kindly, if you are able to fix any bugs you come across,or see ways of improving the codebase, please raise a PR on the repo.

I will review and merge in the changes for the benefit of all the other learners of this course.

Who am I? I am Alpha Ogilo, a self-taught full-stack software developer, currently working as a Senior Software Engineering Manager.

My Hope is that you shall gain immense value from this.

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# Title Duration
1 Introduction 01:20
2 Lecture 2: Course Requirements 01:18
3 Lecture 3: What you are getting yourself into - Demo 18:54
4 Create Working Directory and setup Github 02:54
5 Project Initialization 13:02
6 Intro to Insomnia 04:19
7 Dockerfile Config 09:00
8 Docker Compose Config 17:27
9 Building Backend Docker Containers 06:59
10 How to setup and use Makefiles 05:58
11 Introduction to Logging 02:15
12 Logging Setup 14:08
13 Introduction 07:34
14 Theory of NGINX as a reverse proxy/load Balancer(Don't skip please) 03:38
15 NGINX Backend config 11:03
16 Add client and NGINX to docker compose 09:30
17 Mongoose Config 08:29
18 Mongo Sanitize 01:46
19 User Model 20:41
20 Verification Token Model 04:17
21 Helpers 04:50
22 Middleware 22:54
23 Email Utilities 11:10
24 What is the difference between access and refresh tokens? 03:41
25 Register and Verify User Emails 34:51
26 Login User, get Access and Refresh Tokens 20:07
27 Refresh Token Controller 14:19
28 Resend Email Verification Tokens 13:02
29 Reset User Password 20:02
30 Logout User 06:43
31 Get User Profile Controller 07:38
32 Update User Profile 10:07
33 Delete My User Account 04:35
34 Get All Users - Admin Only 12:28
35 Delete User Account 06:31
36 Deactivate User Account 05:52
37 Install packages, Setup React Router Dom 06:16
38 Common Components Part 1 20:45
39 Common Components Part 2 12:25
40 Setup HomePage and custom theme 23:41
41 Create Auth and Register API Slice 16:58
42 Password Strength Indicator 07:09
43 Register Form Part 1 16:35
44 Register Form Part 2 21:31
45 Register Form Part 3 07:52
46 AuthWrapper 01:41
47 Register Page 14:06
48 Verification Page 13:02
49 Login AuthSlice and Service 09:48
50 Login Form 16:10
51 Login Page 14:59
52 LogoutUser API Slice 06:28
53 Auth Nav 11:19
54 Profile Info 23:27
55 Logo 04:36
56 MenuList 17:41
57 Resend Email Verification Link 18:51
58 Password Reset Service 02:03
59 Password Reset Pages 21:53
60 Auth Required 05:02
61 Dummy Dashboard and Users List Page 11:07
62 Re-Authentication with Refresh Token 14:49
63 UsersList Page 32:48
64 Passport Install and Configuration 10:07
65 Register App on Google 06:49
66 Google Controllers/Routes 13:50
67 useAuthUser Hook 09:29
68 Customer & Document Model 17:14
69 Create & Update Customer Controllers 11:20
70 Delete & Get All Customers Controllers 25:15
71 Create & Update Documents 09:03
72 Get & Delete Document controller 18:50
73 Install and setup Multer 09:05
74 Cloudinary Config 14:02
75 User Profile API Slice 08:50
76 Profile Page 29:16
77 Edit Profile Page Form 34:42
78 UsersList Page 09:54
79 CRUD CustomersApiSlice 07:33
80 Customers Page 22:53
81 Customer Create Form 21:14
82 Customer Edit Form 21:14
83 Single Customer Page 21:01
84 Custom PhantomJS Image 07:13
85 Create Email Template 12:15
86 Create PDF Template 36:26
87 Generate pdf controller 09:03
88 Create Payment controller 07:29
89 Documents Api Slice 06:07
90 Documents Components 17:23
91 Global Documents Components 06:25
92 Documents Page 23:48
93 Document Create Edit Form Part 1 23:16
94 Document Create Edit Form Part 2 26:24
95 Document Create Edit Form Part 3 33:34
96 Payment Form 15:42
97 Single Doc Page Part 1 19:52
98 Single Doc Page Part 2 40:04
99 Payment History 08:03
100 Dashboard Page 28:49
101 Intro to IaaS,PaaS and Dbaas 02:20
102 Digital Ocean Droplet 09:37
103 Mailgun Config 11:17
104 Client Production Config 01:54
105 MongoDB Atlas Config 04:35
106 Server Config 13:09
107 NGINX Proxy Manager Setup 14:54
108 Portainer Setup 11:04
109 Project Setup 11:58
110 Bash Deployment 17:18

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