Testing React Apps with React Testing Library

6h 48m 20s

Tired of piecing together disconnected tutorials or dealing with rambling, confusing instructors? This course is for you! It's perfectly structured into a series of bite-sized, easy-to-follow videos that cover both theory and practice.

Read more about the course
  1. Master the fundamentals of testing React applications with React Testing Library.
  2. Write maintainable, robust, and trustworthy tests that consistently deliver value.
  3. Efficiently mock API responses with Mock Service Worker (MSW).
  4. Mock data using @mswjs/data and @faker-js.
  5. Simulate user events in a test environment.
  6. Dive into advanced testing techniques involving authentication, state management, routing, etc.
  7. Master refactoring techniques that pros use to make their code more readable and maintainable.
  8. Learn from real-world examples and exercises that prepare you for the job.
  9. Use ESLint to catch code quality issues early.

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# Title Duration
1 Introduction 01:23
2 Prerequisites 01:41
3 Course Structure 01:47
4 How to Take this Course 01:53
5 Setting Up the Development Environment 01:01
6 Setting Up the Starter Project 05:57
7 Setting Up Vitest 03:49
8 Setting Up React Testing Library 02:59
9 Introduction 00:59
10 What to Test 03:17
11 Testing Rendering 08:42
12 Simplifying Test Setup 03:04
13 Exercise- Testing UserAccount 05:37
14 Testing Lists 06:06
15 Exercise- Testing ProductImageGallery 04:22
16 Testing User Interactions 08:57
17 Exercise- Testing ExpandableText 11:13
18 Simplifying Tests 03:02
19 Exercise- Testing SearchBox 08:36
20 Testing Asynchronous Code 04:17
21 Exercise- Testing ToastDemo 03:50
22 Working with Component Libraries 09:48
23 Exercise- Simplifying Code 03:51
24 Exercise- Testing OrderStatusSelector 09:35
25 Is Unit Testing Worth It 01:48
26 Catching Common Issues with ESLint 02:25
27 Introduction 00:39
28 Setting Up Mock Service Worker 06:54
29 Testing Data Fetching 06:25
30 Exercise- Testing Data Fetching 12:29
31 Generating Fake Data 02:37
32 Mocking Data 10:05
33 Exercise- Mocking Data 03:04
34 Testing Errors 01:58
35 Exercise- Testing Errors 01:33
36 Testing the Loading State 05:44
37 Exercise- Testing the Loading State 00:25
38 Refactoring- Using React Query 08:36
39 Wrapping Components for Testing 03:21
40 Exercise- Using React Query 04:31
41 Exercise- Testing BrowseProductsPage 02:12
42 Exercise- Testing Loading Skeletons 10:16
43 Exercise- Testing Error Handling 05:47
44 Exercise- Testing Data Rendering 13:28
45 Exercise- Refactoring Tests 08:37
46 Exercise- Testing Filtering 07:35
47 Exercise- Refactoring Tests 10:25
48 Code Coverage 02:33
49 Exercise- Refactoring with React Query 08:20
50 Exercise- Extracting CategorySelect 06:40
51 Exercise- Extracting ProductTable 03:19
52 Introduction 00:35
53 What to Test 01:39
54 Testing Rendering 08:39
55 Exercise- Testing Initial Data 03:51
56 Exercise- Refactoring Tests 06:27
57 Exercise- Testing Focus 03:17
58 Testing Validation Rules 03:30
59 Parameterizing Tests 03:47
60 Exercise- Testing Validation Rules 03:55
61 Exercise- Extracting a Function for Filling Forms 10:47
62 Resolving the Act Warning 03:57
63 Exercise- Testing Form Submission 07:30
64 Testing Form Feedback 03:26
65 Introduction 00:36
66 What to Test 00:39
67 Exercise- Testing Components that Use Context 10:50
68 Exercise- Testing Quantity Selector 17:34
69 Exercise- Extracting Utility Functions 06:06
70 Exercise- Testing Components that Use Redux 03:30
71 Exercise- Replacing Redux with React Query 04:50
72 Introduction 00:23
73 What to Test 01:23
74 Mocking the Authentication Status 05:14
75 Exercise- Testing AuthStatus 05:06
76 Introduction 00:19
77 What to Test 00:28
78 Testing Routes 07:42
79 Extracting navigateTo 02:56
80 Exercise- Testing Routes with Parameters 03:00
81 Exercise- Testing Invalid Routes 00:51
82 Testing Protected Routes 03:01
83 Exercise- Testing ProductDetailPage 04:34
84 Course Wrap Up 00:26

Read Book Testing React Apps with React Testing Library

12- Testing Components
23- Mocking APIs
34- Testing Forms
4Forms- Additional Exercises
5Routing- Additional Exercises

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