Build Web Apps with React & Firebase

23h 34m 47s

React is a hugely popular front-end library and React developers are always in hight demand in the web dev job market. In this course you'll learn how to use React from the ground-up to create dynamic & interactive websites, and by the time you finish you'll be in a great position to succeed in a job as a React developer. You'll also have 4 full React projects under your belt too, which you can customize and use in your portfolio!

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Throughout the course you'll learn exactly what React is and why it's such a popular choice to make interactive & dynamic websites. You'll learn how to set up a React website from scratch, how to create React components, how to use state to manage component data & how to work with interactive events such as click events & form submissions.

You'll also get hands-on practise with the React Router (which is used in React to create website with "multiple pages") and you'll see how these are actually known as Single Page Applications (or SPA's for short).

We'll dive into React Hooks such as useState, useEffect, useParams & useHistory and use them to help us create 4 full React projects from scratch - a memory game, a recipe website, a finance tracker & a project management application.

You'll also learn some more avanced topics such as the React Context API to handle global state & reducers (including the useReducer hook) to help manage more complex state.

Once you've mastered React, we'll take our websites to the next level by integrating them with Firebase - a backend as a service. You'll learn how to add services such as a real-time databaseauthentication into your React sites as well as how to allow end-users to upload files from their computers with the help of Firebase Storage. Finally, I'll teach you how to build & deploy your React sites to the web using Firebase Hosting.

By the end of the course you'll have a solid understanding of React & be able to make your own production-ready websites!

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# Title Duration
1 Welcome to the Course 02:57
2 React at a Glance 04:05
3 What You Should Already Know 01:19
4 Environment Setup 03:08
5 Using the Course Files 01:38
6 Using React with a CDN 05:08
7 Making a React Component 04:40
8 JSX & Templates 03:51
9 Template Expressions & Variables 04:46
10 Click Events & Event Handlers 06:08
11 Making a React Site (create-react-app) 03:57
12 Project Structure Walkthrough 07:24
13 Running the Application 04:36
14 Using Images 03:34
15 Using Stylesheets 03:19
16 Why We Need State 07:14
17 Using the useState Hook 06:52
18 How State & Rendering Works 04:51
19 Outputting Lists 08:19
20 Using the Previous State 09:37
21 Conditional Templates 06:54
22 useState Limitations 01:36
23 Using Mutliple Components 01:39
24 Creating a Title Component 05:31
25 Intro to Props 05:52
26 React Fragments 03:48
27 Children Prop (Making a Modal Component) 07:46
28 Functions as Props 04:56
29 CHALLENGE - Showing the Modal 02:29
30 Portals 03:51
31 CHALLENGE - Reusable Event List Component 06:54
32 Class Components Overview 02:47
33 Using Global Stylesheets 03:10
34 Component Stylesheets 06:38
35 Using Inline Styles 03:21
36 Dynamic Inline Styles 02:37
37 Conditional CSS Classes 02:47
38 CSS Modules 06:23
39 Forms & Labels in React 07:16
40 The onChange Event 06:17
41 Controlled Inputs 05:36
42 Submitting Forms (onSubmit) 06:21
43 Adding Events to the Event List 06:36
44 Using the useRef Hook 06:33
45 Select Boxes 05:22
46 New Project & JSON Server 07:01
47 Why We Need useEffect 08:19
48 Fetching Data with useEffect 07:49
49 The useEffect Dependency Array 09:25
50 useCallback for Function Dependencies 08:30
51 Creating a Custom Fetch Hook 14:04
52 Adding a Loading/Pending State 04:25
53 Handling Errors 08:43
54 Why We Need a Cleanup Function 04:40
55 Aborting Fetch Requests 05:45
56 useEffect Gotcha - Infinite Loops 06:16
57 Project Preview & Setup 05:43
58 Setting up & Shuffling Cards 08:06
59 Creating a Card Grid 04:19
60 CHALLENGE - Creating a Card Component 04:11
61 Making Card Choices 05:57
62 CHALLENGE - Comparing Choices 07:15
63 Adding a 'matched' Property to Cards 05:58
64 Flipping Cards 08:58
65 Flipping Animation (CSS) 02:20
66 Making Cards "disabled" 05:04
67 Finishing Touches 03:52
68 Multi-Page React Sites 05:40
69 React Router Setup 06:59
70 Switch & Exact Match 06:03
71 Links & Nav Links 07:15
72 Fetching Data 07:25
73 Route Parameters 06:36
74 The useParams Hook 06:51
75 Programmatic Redirects 05:41
76 Redirect Component 02:29
77 Query Parameters 05:23
78 Project Preview & Setup 06:39
79 Router & Pages Setup 06:19
80 Making a Navbar Component 04:54
81 Fetching Data 04:41
82 Recipe List Component 09:46
83 CHALLENGE - Fetching a Single Recipe 05:18
84 Recipe Details Template 05:04
85 Making a "Create Recipe" Form 08:41
86 Adding Multiple Ingredients 12:35
87 Making a POST Request 12:34
88 CHALLENGE - Redirecting the User 03:43
89 Making a Search Bar Component 07:13
90 Search Results Page 08:17
91 Finishing Touches 03:22
92 Prop Drilling 02:36
93 What is the Context API? 02:55
94 Creating a Context & Provider 07:35
95 Accessing Context Values 03:40
96 Creating a Custom Context Hook 05:49
97 Reducers & useReducer 13:58
98 Making a Color Theme Selector 10:37
99 Light & Dark Mode Selector 12:23
100 Styling Light & Dark Modes 06:41
101 What is Firebase? 03:32
102 Firestore Databases 05:04
103 Connecting to Firebase 07:11
104 Fetching a Firestore Collection 11:48
105 Fetching a Firestore Document 09:38
106 Adding Firestore Data 05:53
107 Deleting Firestore Data 05:36
108 Real-Time Collection Data 07:48
109 Updating Documents 04:41
110 Real-Time Document Data 04:31
111 Project Preview & Setup 03:18
112 CHALLENGE - Creating Pages & Routes 05:17
113 Creating a Navbar 04:44
114 Making the Login Form 07:20
115 CHALLENGE - Making the Signup Form 04:55
116 Firebase Setup 03:49
117 Firebase Authentication Setup 04:03
118 Creating a Signup Hook 11:15
119 Using the Signup Hook 09:10
120 Creating an Auth Context 11:40
121 Dispatching a Login Action 06:08
122 Creating a Logout Hook 06:32
123 Using the Logout Hook 04:49
124 Adding Cleanup Functions 08:15
125 Creating a Login Hook 04:49
126 Using the Login Hook 03:58
127 Conditionall Showing User Content 08:07
128 Firebase Auth State Changes 09:29
129 Waiting Until Auth is Ready 04:23
130 Route Guarding 06:01
131 Making a Transaction Form 12:15
132 Creating a useFirestore Hook 13:03
133 Adding Firestore Documents 10:58
134 Firestore Timestamps 03:42
135 Using the useFirestore Hook 09:37
136 Creating a useCollection Hook 11:20
137 Listing Transactions 07:55
138 Firestore Queries 10:30
139 Ordering Firestore Queries 06:09
140 Deleting Transactions 08:36
141 What Are Firestore Rules? 04:57
142 The Firebase CLI 05:44
143 Securing Collection Data 06:16
144 Deploying Firestore Rules 03:48
145 Building a React App 02:11
146 Deploying to Firebase 03:10
147 Updating the Site & Re-Deploying 01:58
148 Rolling Back Deployments 01:22
149 Project Preview & Setup 06:26
150 Firebase Setup 06:42
151 Firebase Init (Rules, Hosting & Storage) 02:41
152 Re-using Firebase Hooks & Auth Context 05:54
153 Router & Pages Setup 06:54
154 Navbar Component 07:05
155 Sidebar Component 11:59
156 Creating a Signup Page 07:22
157 Handling File Inputs 13:47
158 Firebase Storage Setup 02:41
159 Uploading Profile Images 10:48
160 Signing a User Up 04:37
161 Creating User Documents 10:36
162 Logging Users Out 06:24
163 Making a Login Page 04:17
164 CHALLENGE - Logging Users In 05:07
165 Redirects & Route Guards 09:00
166 CHALLENGE - Conditional Navbar Links 03:45
167 User Avatar Component 07:07
168 Fetching Users 08:46
169 Showing Users Online 04:15
170 Making the "Create Project" Form 09:00
171 Using React-Select 05:32
172 Assigning Users 11:29
173 Setting Form Errors 07:28
174 Creating a Project Object 11:23
175 CHALLENGE - Saving New Projects 06:06
176 Fetching Projects 07:44
177 Making a Project List / Grid 09:39
178 Making a useDocument Hook 07:28
179 Project Details Page (fetching a project) 09:08
180 Project Summary Component 08:05
181 Making a Comments Form 10:13
182 Updating Firestore Documents 07:12
183 Adding Comments 04:47
184 Listing Comments 06:58
185 Completing / Deleting Projects 09:33
186 Making a Filter (part 1) 10:02
187 Making a Filter (part 2) 05:00
188 Making a Filter (part 3) 10:55
189 Adding Firestore Rules 11:21
190 Final Touches 03:48
191 Deploying the App 04:21
192 Intro & Starter Project 09:13
193 Firebase Config File 04:34
194 Getting Documents 08:16
195 Real-Time Collection Data 08:40
196 Adding Data 03:34
197 Deleting Data 03:20
198 Setting Up Firebase Auth 01:09
199 Signing Users Up 06:54
200 Logging Users Out 03:18
201 Logging Users In 04:08
202 Adding Auth Context 07:31
203 Dispatching Actions 06:15
204 Route Guards & Redirects 04:55
205 Assigning Users to Books 04:32
206 Firestore Queries 06:21
207 Firebase Further Reading 01:30
208 Introduction to React Router 6 13:59
209 The Route Component 07:41
210 Redirects & useNavigate 07:54
211 Nested Routes 10:38
212 Refactoring the Recipe Site 09:35
213 Refactoring the Project Management Site 12:37
214 Extra JavaScript Lessons 00:38
215 Destructuring 07:01
216 Import & Exports 05:05
217 Filter & Map Methods 06:23
218 Spread Syntax 02:14
219 Template Strings 02:11
220 Arrow Functions 02:47
221 Fetch API and Promises 05:27
222 Async & Await 03:02

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