React Router v4

6h 44m 1s
February 16, 2024

For good reason, React Router is the most popular 3rd party library in the React ecosystem. If you're using React, odds are you're also using React Router. React Router v4 introduced a new dynamic, component based approach to routing. If you're used to static routing (like in Express, Angular, or Ember), this new paradigm might be difficult to grasp. The goal of this course is to tackle every scenario you might encounter when building an app with React Router so that when the time comes, you're ready.


With over six hours of video, 18 different routing scenarios, and an entire real world project you'll build, we can confidently say this course is the most comprehensive and effective way to learn React Router. 


A solid understanding of React and ES2015+ or our "React" course.

What you'll learn:

  • Philosophy of React Router v4
  • URL Parameters
  • Client side routing
  • Nested Routes
  • Programatically navigating
  • Redirects (Authentication)
  • 404 Pages
  • Ambiguous Matches
  • Redux Integration
  • Passing props to Link
  • Sidebars
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Route Configs
  • Custom Link components
  • Preventing transitions
  • Passing props to Router components
  • Query Strings
  • Recursive Paths
  • Server Rendering
  • Code Splitting
  • Testing
  • Animated Transitions

Who is this course for?

  • Newcomers to React Router who want to better understand how to utilize React Router's component based API
  • Experienced developers who want to better understand React Router's abstraction
  • Advanced developers who are looking how to code split their React and React Router apps
  • Developers wanting to leverage URL parameters with React Router
  • Developers wanting to understand the differences between different client side routing techniques like hash history and HTML5 history
  • Developers looking to learn how to set up nested routes with React Router
  • Advanced developers wanting to learn about server rendering a React app with React Router
  • Developers looking to create sidebar or breadcrumb navigation with React Router
  • Developers wanting to add animated transitions to their routes
  • Developers looking how to integrate Redux with React Router
  • Developers wanting to how to programatically navigate with React Router and the different use cases of Redirect and history.push

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# Title Duration
1 Introduction and Philosophy behind React Router v4 22:26
2 URL Parameters with React Router v4 05:07
3 (Solution) URL Parameters 03:04
4 Nested routes with React Router v4 19:34
5 (Solution) Nested Routes 12:29
6 Pass props to a component rendered by React Router v4 04:14
7 (Solution) Passing Props 02:32
8 Programmatically navigate using React Router v4 07:04
9 (Solution) Programmatically Navigate (Declarative) 02:56
10 (Solution) Programmatically Navigate (Imperative) 01:58
11 Query Strings with React Router v4 05:54
12 (Solution) Query Strings 03:10
13 Handling 404 pages (catch all routes) with React Router v4 06:39
14 (Solution) Catch All Routes 02:42
15 Ambiguous Matches with React Router v4 05:44
16 (Solution) Ambiguous Matches 03:11
17 Pass props to React Router v4's Link component 04:19
18 (Solution) Passing Props to Link 04:19
19 Rendering a Sidebar or Breadcrumbs with React Router v4 07:05
20 (Solution) Sidebar 04:08
21 Customizing your own Link component with React Router v4 06:35
22 (Solution) Customizing Link 02:19
23 Project - Introduction and Starter Files with Create React App 04:47
24 Project - Given code for Project 05:14
25 Project - Setting up the initial routes 05:12
26 Project - Setting up a catch-all (404) route 01:47
27 Project - Setting up the Home route 04:03
28 Project - Fetching the players 14:23
29 Project - Rendering the players 07:28
30 Project - Fetching the teams 03:09
31 Project - Rendering the teams 11:23
32 Project - Setting up the teams page 15:44
33 Project - Fetching the team's articles 05:48
34 Project - Rendering the team's articles 08:06
35 Project - Creating a Loading component 05:18
36 Animated Transitions with React Router v4 22:52
37 (Solution) Animated Transitions 04:01
38 Project - Adding in Animated Transitions 04:55
39 Code Splitting with React Router v4 15:54
40 (Solution) DynamicImport 02:45
41 (Solution) React.lazy 01:41
42 Project - Code Splitting 07:06
43 Protected routes and authentication with React Router v4 18:39
44 (Solution) Protected Routes 05:09
45 Preventing transitions with React Router v4 08:47
46 (Solution) Preventing Transitions 02:51
47 Route Config with React Router v4 10:19
48 (Solution) Route Config 05:47
49 (Bonus) Server Rendering with React and React Router v4 52:40
50 (Bonus) Recursive paths with React Router v4 10:44

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