Mastering NodeJS with Interview Questions 2024

12h 39m 9s

Explore the dynamic universe of server-side web development with this meticulously crafted Node.js course, tailored for both aspiring learners and seasoned professionals looking to master server-side JavaScript. This progressive guide takes you on a hands-on exploration of Node.js, the powerhouse behind scalable and efficient web applications.

In this course, you’ll learn the correct approach to tackle real-world projects - ensuring that you gain practical skills that are directly applicable in professional settings.

Adding to that, I’ll equip you with a curated collection of interview questions, preparing you to confidently navigate Node.js technical assessments.

Here are the key features of this course:

Master Node.js Fundamentals - Grasp the foundational principles of Node.js.

Express.js and API Development Skills - Master middleware techniques for building robust web applications and APIs.

Interview-Ready Confidence - Real-world interview preparation, ensuring confidence in tackling Node.js technical assessments.

Effective Database Integration - Seamless database integration, mastering CRUD operations and scalability strategies for optimal application performance.

I’ll keep you in the loop on what's next for Node.js to be always ahead of the game with insights into the future of this tech powerhouse.

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# Title Duration
1 What is Node,js? 02:07
2 Installation and Environment Setup 02:02
3 Initializing Project using NPM 02:16
4 First Application 01:20
5 Introduction to Modules 03:10
6 Exporting Object Literal - Multiple Exports 03:59
7 Basic Debugging 03:58
8 Global Objects 02:10
9 setTimeout() - Global object Method 02:23
10 clearTimeout() - Global object Method 01:54
11 setInterval() - Global Object Method 02:34
12 clearInterval() - Global Object Method 01:43
13 The “process” Global Object 01:53
14 Process.argv 02:30
15 “process.on()” - Process Event Handling 02:18
16 Chalk library 02:24
17 OS Module 01:52
18 What is REPL? 01:22
19 Event Loop 04:20
20 Introduction to Buffers 00:46
21 Numeric Systems 04:05
22 Character sets - Unicode 01:58
23 Working with Buffers 02:07
24 Buffer.from() 01:27
25 Changing Buffer Values 01:15
26 What is File System Object? 02:16
27 Does it Exist? - fs.existsSync() 01:42
28 Reading Files With ‘fs’ Object 01:38
29 Writing Files - writeFile() 01:29
30 readFile() vs readFileSync() 04:15
31 fs.copyFile() 03:30
32 Assignment - Copy Any File to a Given Location 01:11
33 fs.appendFile() 03:11
34 Reading Directory Using “readdir()” 01:07
35 Assignment - Count files & folders of directory 01:37
36 Renaming and moving Files - fs.rename() 01:52
37 Deleting a File - fs.unlink() 01:31
38 readdir() Vs readdirSync() 02:22
39 Creating Folder using fs.mkdir() 01:37
40 Delete Folder - fs.rmdir() & recursive 02:11
41 Introduction - What is a server? 03:28
42 Creating Server with "http" 05:16
43 Decoding "The Request" object 02:24
44 Auto Restart Server - "Nodemon" 01:36
45 Responding to request - Response object 02:49
46 Routes - Request.url 04:49
47 Sending JSON Response 02:52
48 Assignment - Get Server Date & Time 02:21
49 <form>, Query String - GET method 05:26
50 Request with POST method 02:16
51 POST-ing Data 02:34
52 “querystring” - Parsing 03:48
53 Assignment - POST data to a JSON file on server 02:36
54 Introduction 01:01
55 Creating Server with Express.js 02:06
56 Understanding the Request 02:30
57 Responding to the Request 03:24
58 Headers & JSON Response 02:18
59 Defining Routes 01:27
60 Wildcard Characters in Routing 02:27
61 Dealing with URL parameters 03:19
62 POST Request With Express.js 04:52
63 Accessing POST Data with Middleware 02:45
64 express.Router() - Better Approach for Routes 03:39
65 POSTMAN - Introduction & Installation 02:01
66 Making Request Using POSTMAN 01:38
67 PUT, PATCH, DELETE Request 02:27
68 res.sendFile() - Serving HTML Files 04:15
69 express.static() 03:40
70 Introduction to Middleware 02:13
71 First Custom Middleware 02:47
72 Assignment - Create a Middleware to Check Content-Type 04:27
73 The bodyParser() Middleware 02:51
74 Introduction to Server Side Rendering 03:28
75 Project Scaffolding 01:31
76 Creating Store HTML - Nav & Product Cards 05:25
77 Converting HTML to Pug 03:47
78 Rendering the Pug File 01:36
79 Creating Form Using Templating Engine 03:03
80 Fetching the Product Data 02:22
81 Rendering Products Using 02:39
82 Conditional Rendering - No Product Section 01:19
83 Inherited Reusable Interface - Template Layout 02:55
84 Giving Dynamic Classes With Pug 01:51
85 Configuring Handlebars 03:48
86 Adding Dynamism With Handlebars 04:13
87 Working with Default Layout in Handlebars 02:51
88 Introduction to EJS 04:32
89 Component Based EJS? - Partials 02:33
90 Setting up the Project 01:45
91 Connecting to the Database 04:08
92 Querying the Database - pool.query() 01:24
93 Inserting Data with pool.query() 01:26
94 Updating Records with pool.query() 02:26
95 Deleting Records with pool.query() 01:25
96 Safer Approach for Query Execution - pool.execute() 01:22
97 Introduction to APIs 02:44
98 API Creation 02:37
99 Status Codes 03:18
100 Inserting Data with POST Request 02:39
101 Deleting Records With API 01:22
102 Updating Database with PUT 02:33
103 Refactoring the Code Structure 06:19
104 Introduction to MyStore 01:54
105 MyStore Application Flow 01:23
106 Creating Home Route 02:49
107 Configuring the Template Files 01:52
108 Creating Navbar with "includes" 02:36
109 Creating Home Interface 06:25
110 Conditional Rendering - No Product Found 01:46
111 Configuring Add Product Route 02:31
112 Creating “Add Product” Interface 05:29
113 Configuring Edit Product Route 02:27
114 Interface and Functionality - “Edit Product” 03:09
115 Setting Up MySQL 01:30
116 Fetching the Products 01:59
117 Adding Product to Database 04:31
118 Editing the Product 04:30
119 Deleting the Product 02:14
120 Introduction 01:07
121 Authentication Workflow 02:09
122 Understanding Cookies 03:13
123 Creating Cookie Using setHeader() 02:33
124 res.setHeader() vs. res.cookie() 01:15
125 Reading a Cookie 02:31
126 Expiring Cookie - expires & maxAge Attributes 05:39
127 Optional Security Attributes of Cookie 02:51
128 Introduction 02:37
129 Setting Up the Route for SignUp 03:39
130 Designing the SignUp Form 03:04
131 Show/Hide Password Functionality 05:00
132 Validating Password 01:47
133 Registering User to the Database 03:23
134 Configuring Login Page 01:41
135 Validating User and Sending Cookie 04:38
136 Reading the Cookie - cookie-parser 03:11
137 Rendering DOM Based on Login Status 03:00
138 Implementing Logout 01:21
139 Why Need Session Cookie? 01:54
140 Configuring express-session 03:12
141 Sending Session Cookie to Client 02:08
142 Reading and Configuring Session Cookie 02:11
143 Storing Session in MySQL - express-mysql-session 04:58
144 Logout - Destroying Session 02:38
145 Introduction to JSON Web Token 02:10
146 Understanding JWT Practically 02:59
147 Verifying a Token with JWT 01:50
148 Sending Token on Login 03:38
149 Validating Request with Custom Middleware 04:44
150 Enabling The Conditional Rendering 06:05
151 Introduction & Installing Bcrypt 01:50
152 Generating Salt with Bcrypt 03:36
153 Hashing with Bcrypt 02:28
154 Validating a Hashed String 01:31
155 Hashing the Password on SignUp 02:19
156 Validating Login Credentials 01:41
157 Introduction 02:23
158 Configuring Multer as Middleware 02:55
159 Storing Files Using Multer 04:46
160 Updating the Database 02:43
161 Introduction 03:28
162 Connecting to MySQL using Sequelize 05:25
163 Creating Model With Sequelize 05:31
164 Entering records in the table 02:10
165 Displaying records from table 03:21
166 Updating records from table 01:50
167 Deleting records from table 02:04
168 Validations And Constraints With Sequelize 03:15
169 Empty String Validation 02:23
170 Setting Unique Constraint 03:55
171 Validating Length of Characters 02:50
172 Built-in min and max validator 02:31
173 Applying Custom Validations 02:55
174 Getting the field value 02:15
175 Assignment - Implementing User Validation 10:22
176 Introduction 01:21
177 Configuring Sequelize with MyStore 04:10
178 Updating Products Model 03:28
179 Updating Users Model 01:25
180 Synchronizing models with the database 01:53
181 Updating Product CRUD Operations 08:58
182 Updating User Auth 03:50
183 Managing Login Session With Sequelize 03:14
184 Introduction To MongoDB 03:29
185 Installing MongoDB 05:56
186 Creating Database with MongoDB 04:46
187 Connecting MongoDB with Node.js 05:52
188 Inserting document 05:33
189 Finding Data From Collection 07:01
190 What is a Cursor? 04:56
191 Sorting and Limiting 04:58
192 Counting Documents 03:41
193 Assignment - Total Employees Earning Above 50K 04:01
194 Updating Documents 04:40
195 Assignment - Increase and decrease salary by department 02:31
196 Deleting Documents 03:37
197 Introduction To Mongoose 03:47
198 Installing Mongoose 03:27
199 Creating Collection Using model() 06:27
200 Schema - A Better Way 01:56
201 Required Constraints In Schema 04:01
202 Unique Constraints In Schema 03:47
203 Built-in Validators (minLength & maxLength) 02:10
204 Built-in Numeric min & max Validators 01:57
205 Implementing Custom Validations 04:58
206 { VALUE } Placeholder 01:44
207 Assignment - UserSchema with Password and Email Validation 08:41
208 CRUD With Mongoose (CREATE Operation) 02:44
209 CRUD With Mongoose (READ Operation) 02:25
210 CRUD With Mongoose(UPDATE Operation) 04:20
211 CRUD With Mongoose (DELETE Operation) 02:10
212 Introduction 01:48
213 Configuring Mongoose with MyStore 03:24
214 Creating Product Schema and Model 01:35
215 Creating User Schema and Model 03:44
216 Defining Product CRUD Operations 10:20
217 Defining User Auth 06:05
218 Managing Login Session With MongoDB 04:13
219 Introduction to web sockets 05:05
220 Getting Started With Web Socket 03:23
221 Configuring Socket.IO Server 06:16
222 Disconnecting Socket.IO With Client 01:18
223 Socket.IO Events - Part 1 (Transfer messages in real time) 06:02
224 Socket.IO Events - Part 2 (Broadcasting message) 03:29
225 Assignment - Broadcasting message to connected clients 04:13
226 Event Acknowledgements 03:57
227 Rendering Messages Inside The Template 05:38
228 Creating A Join Page 04:22
229 Storing & Displaying Connected Users In Chat Page - Part 1 08:23
230 Storing & Displaying Connected Users In Chat Page - Part 2 02:39
231 Sorting The Displayed Users 05:51
232 Updating the UI 04:18
233 Sending Private Message 08:02
234 Implementing A Persistent User ID 09:49
235 Sending Images in the Chat 07:12
236 Finalizing the chat app 02:26

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