The Modern GraphQL Bootcamp (with Node.js and Apollo)

23h 26m 42s

GraphQL is quickly changing how Node.js developers write their APIs and backend applications. It offers a much-needed replacement to the traditional REST HTTP API. It’s by far the most exciting change we’ve seen to Node.js development in a long time. Goodbye Express. Hello GraphQL. Who should learn GraphQL? Anyone building backend applications with Node.js!

Read more about the course

In this class, you’ll learn how to use GraphQL to replace the standard Express HTTP API, as well as support features like authentication, real-time applications, and more. GraphQL can be used with any client that has internet access, whether it’s a web app, mobile app, or server-side application.

Big and small companies, from Twitter and Facebook to Yelp and Twitch, are switching from frameworks like Express to GraphQL.

I designed this class to give you the skills and real-world experience needed to build and launch your own GraphQL apps.

To kick the class off, we’ll answer a few important questions. What is GraphQL? Why is it useful? How is GraphQL going to help me build better applications with Node.js?

Next, you’ll master the fundamentals of GraphQL by building out a blogging application. You’ll learn about GraphQL schemas, data types, queries, mutations, subscriptions, and many other fantastic GraphQL features.

From there, you’ll set up advanced features like authentication, database storage, production deployment, automated test suites, and more.

Throughout the course you’ll learn how to:

  1. Model your application data using schemas

  2. Create queries and subscriptions allowing clients to access data in the database

  3. Create mutations allowing clients to create and change data in the database

  4. Query and change your data from the browser by making requests with Apollo Client

  5. Work with the Prisma ORM (v1) to communicate with your database via a GraphQL API

  6. Deploy your GraphQL applications to production

  7. Secure your application data with an authentication system

  8. Write an automated test suite for your application

Learn GraphQL by Writing Code

This course was designed to be interactive, with more than 80 challenges along the way to get you writing code and solving problems on your own. This will give you the real-world skills and experience needed to write GraphQL applications once you’re done with the class.

Everything you need comes in one easy-to-use package.

There’s no need to worry whether you’re learning the right skills to land that GraphQL job or launch that GraphQL app. I’ve mapped out everything you need to know in an interactive, easy-to-follow package designed to get you up and running in a couple of weeks.

Get access to fast support if you get stuck.

There’s nothing worse than getting stuck ten hours into a course and not getting the help you need to continue. Getting stuck is part of the learning process. That’s why I’m here to answer every single question.

I guarantee this is the most up-to-date and engaging GraphQL course available, and it comes with a Udemy 30-day money-back guarantee.

The first videos are available as a free preview, so I’ll see you inside the class!

- Andrew Mead


  • Development: A basic understanding of Node and JavaScript is required.

  • Hardware: A computer with an internet connection (Windows, macOS, or Ubuntu).

Who this course is for:
  • This course is for anyone who wants to learn how to build advanced Node applications.
  • This course is for anyone interested in keeping their Node skills up-to-date.

What you'll learn:

  • Learn and master GraphQL by building real-world Node applications.
  • Use Prisma v1 to store and access data from a production database.
  • Use Apollo Client to communicate with GraphQL from your web app.
  • Learn how to deploy and test your GraphQL applications.
  • Test your skills and gain confidence by completing more than 80 coding challenges.
  • Get access to a free 110-page PDF guide with lecture notes, code samples, and documentation links.

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# Title Duration
1 Welcome to the Class! 05:28
2 Grab the PDF Guide 01:08
3 Why GraphQL? 13:09
4 Installing Node.js and VSC 03:16
5 Section Intro: GraphQL Basics: Schemas and Queries 00:31
6 What is a Graph? 06:11
7 GraphQL Queries 13:30
8 Nested GraphQL Queries 12:19
9 Setting up Babel 11:29
10 ES6 Import/Export 16:21
11 Creating Your Own GraphQL API 17:33
12 GraphQL Scalar Types 13:16
13 Live Reload for GraphQL-Yoga 04:44
14 Creating Custom Types 14:51
15 Operation Arguments 13:41
16 Working with Arrays: Part I 10:50
17 Working with Arrays: Part II 22:19
18 Relational Data: Basics 14:58
19 Relational Data: Arrays 06:24
20 Comment Challenge: Part I 06:28
21 Comment Challenge: Part II 08:42
22 Comment Challenge: Part III 12:44
23 Section Intro: GraphQL Basics: Mutations 00:40
24 Creating Data with Mutations: Part I 17:34
25 Creating Data with Mutations: Part II 20:29
26 The Object Spread Operator with Node.js 06:45
27 The Input Type 13:18
28 Deleting Data with Mutations: Part I 16:35
29 Deleting Data with Mutations: Part II 13:23
30 A Pro GraphQL Project Structure: Part I 17:22
31 A Pro GraphQL Project Structure: Part II 08:34
32 Updating Data with Mutations: Part I 11:52
33 Updating Data with Mutations: Part II 15:51
34 Section Intro: GraphQL Basics: Subscriptions 01:14
35 GraphQL Subscription Basics 15:25
36 Setting up a Comments Subscription 10:33
37 Setting up a Posts Subscription 07:48
38 Expanding the Posts Subscription for Edits and Deletions 19:39
39 Expanding the Comments Subscription for Edits and Deletions 09:56
40 Enums 08:51
41 Section Intro: Database Storage with Prisma 01:15
42 What is Prisma? 08:44
43 Prisma Mac Setup 13:05
44 Prisma Windows Setup 15:29
45 Prisma Ubuntu Setup 16:50
46 Prisma 101 17:17
47 Exploring the Prisma GraphQL API 12:55
48 Add Post type to Prisma 17:55
49 Adding Comment Type to Prisma 11:40
50 Integrating Prisma into a Node.js Project 17:13
51 Using Prisma Bindings 13:21
52 Mutations with Prisma Bindings 15:05
53 Using Async/Await with Prisma Bindings 17:35
54 Checking If Data Exists Using Prisma Bindings 15:20
55 Customizing Type Relationships 13:09
56 Modeling a Review System with Prisma: Set Up 10:34
57 Modeling a Review System with Prisma: Solution 16:50
58 Section Intro: Authentication with GraphQL 01:16
59 Adding Prisma into GraphQL Queries 15:44
60 Integrating Operation Arguments 14:18
61 Refactoring Custom Type Resolvers 09:14
62 Adding Prisma into GraphQL Mutations 14:08
63 Adding Prisma into GraphQL Update Mutations: Part I 13:27
64 Adding Prisma into GraphQL Update Mutations: Part II 16:26
65 Adding Prisma into GraphQL Subscriptions 19:13
66 Closing Prisma to the Outside World 08:07
67 Allowing for Generated Schemas 08:31
68 Storing Passwords 11:27
69 Creating Auth Tokens with JSON Web Tokens 20:20
70 Logging in Existing Users 16:13
71 Validating Auth Tokens 16:29
72 Locking Down Mutations (Users) 13:23
73 Locking Down Mutations (Posts and Comments) 15:42
74 Locking Down Queries: Part I 19:20
75 Locking Down Queries: Part II 09:34
76 Locking Down Individual Type Fields 11:27
77 Fragments 18:48
78 Cleaning up Some Edge Cases 10:48
79 Locking Down Subscriptions 10:14
80 Token Expiration 11:20
81 Password Updates 08:35
82 Section Intro: Pagination and Sorting with GraphQL 01:19
83 Pagination 11:06
84 Pagination Using Cursors 09:46
85 Working with createdAt and updatedAt 10:20
86 Sorting Data 16:28
87 Section Intro: Production Deployment 00:45
88 Creating a Prisma Service 14:24
89 Prisma Configuration and Deployment 11:10
90 Exploring the Production Prisma Instance 06:07
91 Node.js Production App Deployment: Part I 13:39
92 Node.js Production App Deployment: Part II 18:42
93 Node.js Production Environment Variables 18:15
94 Section Intro: Apollo Client and Testing GraphQL 01:01
95 Setting up a Test Environment 03:54
96 Installing and Exploring Jest 11:21
97 Testing and Assertions 20:49
98 Apollo Client in the Browser: Part I 06:59
99 Apollo Client in the Browser: Part II 17:04
100 Configuring Jest to Start the GraphQL Server 14:50
101 Testing Mutations 13:07
102 Seeding the Database with Test Data 11:35
103 Testing Queries 08:47
104 Expecting GraphQL Operations to Fail 12:12
105 Supporting Multiple Test Suites and Authentication 13:04
106 Testing with Authentication: Part I 17:33
107 Testing with Authentication: Part II 17:41
108 GraphQL Variables: Part I 18:34
109 GraphQL Variables: Part II 09:28
110 Testing Comments 19:06
111 Testing Subscriptions 22:52
112 Test Case Ideas 03:09
113 Section Intro: Creating a Boilerplate Project 01:13
114 Creating a Boilerplate Project 16:47
115 Using the Boilerplate Project 10:27
116 Section Intro: Wrapping Up 00:47
117 A New App Idea 05:05
118 Bonus: Where Do I Go from Here? 03:14

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