Full-Stack Web Developer Bootcamp with Real Projects
22h 11m 13s
This Course covers full process of web development from scratch till deployment with domain name. We will use Node, Express, MongoDB to build Server side which is Back-End, and we will use HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript and jQuery to build Client side which is Front-End. No coding experience is necessary.
Read more about the course
- Computer or laptop
- Internet connection
Who this course is for:
- Anyone who wants to build their own online business
- Everyone who wants to learn full-stack web development process
What you'll learn:
- At the end, students will become full-stack web developer and they can build complete web applications
- After taking this course, students will be able to run online business
- Students will learn Nodejs, Expressjs, Passport, Stripe, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript and jQuery
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# | Title | Duration |
1 | Installation to setup Development Environment | 03:03 |
2 | Create a project | 08:36 |
3 | Building Server / Back-end | 07:51 |
4 | Build Client / Front-End | 10:23 |
5 | Introduction to HTML | 13:52 |
6 | Nodemon | 05:06 |
7 | Introduction to CSS | 15:31 |
8 | Introduction to JavaScript | 08:18 |
9 | JavaScript-Data-Type | 18:24 |
10 | JavaScript Objects and Arrays | 25:07 |
11 | JavaScript Arrays | 09:54 |
12 | Arrays of Objects | 11:46 |
13 | Bootstrap | 13:52 |
14 | Adding-Bootstrap-Form | 15:17 |
15 | Push-Source-Code to GitHub | 11:33 |
16 | Create Zodiac Array of Objects | 17:49 |
17 | Retrieve data from Array of Objects | 18:54 |
18 | Dislaying-Data-on-the-Web | 16:11 |
19 | Styling web pages with CSS and Bootstrap | 13:39 |
20 | Deployment to Heroku | 06:43 |
21 | installation | 01:24 |
22 | Build Server / Back-end using Node and Express | 13:36 |
23 | Setup Template as a View Engine | 07:59 |
24 | Nodemon module | 06:52 |
25 | Set Express Static Folder | 04:19 |
26 | Styling web pages with CSS | 06:47 |
27 | Bootstrap | 05:57 |
28 | JavaScript and jQuery | 07:26 |
29 | JavaScript Functions | 07:30 |
30 | DOM manipulation by JavaScript | 05:01 |
31 | Push Project to GitHub | 10:15 |
32 | jQuery AJAX request | 12:44 |
33 | Display Data on the web by JavaScript | 11:50 |
34 | For Loop | 06:18 |
35 | Display title of Books | 21:49 |
36 | Styles using CSS and Bootstrap | 11:14 |
37 | Display Author and Country of Books | 19:17 |
38 | Push changes to Github | 06:43 |
39 | Fetching Published Year and Publisher from Data | 17:09 |
40 | Styles with CSS | 09:58 |
41 | Push changes to Github | 03:38 |
42 | Deployment to Heroku | 05:20 |
43 | Setup development environment | 04:29 |
44 | Building Server / Back-end | 13:09 |
45 | Nodemon module | 06:51 |
46 | Setup Template as a View Engine | 09:28 |
47 | Set Express Static Folder | 10:29 |
48 | Bootstrap | 11:08 |
49 | Create Remote Database | 16:52 |
50 | Push project to Github | 15:14 |
51 | UX Design | 13:38 |
52 | UI Design | 10:53 |
53 | Mongoose Model | 16:01 |
55 | Google Strategy | 13:30 |
56 | Authenticate Google Users | 19:40 |
57 | Storing User Data into MongoDB | 12:12 |
58 | Saving User Data into Remote Database | 07:36 |
59 | Handling Promise Rejection | 04:12 |
60 | Fetch User Data from MongoDB | 12:01 |
61 | Display User Profile Page | 10:34 |
62 | Logout User | 12:13 |
63 | Push changes to Github | 03:57 |
64 | Config Keys for Production | 14:31 |
65 | Deployment to Heroku | 05:05 |
66 | Setup Config Vars | 10:37 |
67 | Passport-Facebook Module | 17:25 |
68 | Facebook Strategy | 07:09 |
69 | Retrieve Facebook Users Data | 04:54 |
70 | Storing Facebook Data into MongoDB | 17:32 |
71 | Facebook Signup for Production | 19:31 |
72 | UX for User Profile | 17:12 |
73 | Push changes to Heroku | 02:59 |
74 | Push changes to Github | 03:14 |
75 | Passport-Instagram | 10:09 |
76 | Instagram-Client-Keys | 08:25 |
77 | Fetch Instagram Users Data | 07:41 |
78 | Storing and Displaying Instagram Data | 16:45 |
79 | Adding Email Form | 14:58 |
80 | Instagram Authenticate for Production | 12:36 |
81 | Ensure Authentication | 07:42 |
82 | Ensure Guest | 07:14 |
83 | Push changes to Heroku | 04:39 |
84 | Adding Phone into Database | 14:58 |
85 | User Location | 10:06 |
86 | Push changes to Heroku | 03:37 |
87 | Prevent empty form submit | 02:50 |
88 | Fetch and Display all Users from Collection | 14:59 |
89 | UI styling for User Page | 09:19 |
90 | Adding Footer | 05:53 |
91 | Conditional Rendering Template | 06:58 |
92 | Display User Location | 06:34 |
93 | Display User Profile | 12:10 |
94 | UI for User Profile | 04:34 |
95 | Create Model for Post | 11:14 |
96 | Adding Form for Post Collection | 14:07 |
97 | Submitting Form | 09:34 |
98 | Saving Post Collection to MongoDB | 13:13 |
99 | Display Public Posts | 10:43 |
100 | UX for Public Posts Page | 08:23 |
101 | Display User Posts in Profile Page | 13:20 |
102 | Adding Edit Icon | 04:56 |
103 | Editing Post | 11:51 |
104 | Save edited post into Database | 13:05 |
105 | Push Changes to Heroku and Deploy | 10:26 |
106 | Adding Delete Icon to delete Posts | 08:18 |
107 | Add Comment Form | 12:55 |
108 | Storing and Displaying Comments | 16:40 |
109 | Display a User Profile | 08:06 |
110 | Display All Public Posts of a User | 13:29 |
111 | Deploy changes to Heroku | 11:03 |
112 | Accepting Payments | 07:59 |
113 | Stripe Module | 14:40 |
114 | Display Payment Form | 07:29 |
115 | Install Stripe Module | 08:59 |
116 | Charging Customers | 18:23 |
117 | Stripe Keys for Producton | 09:12 |
118 | UX Styling | 26:57 |
119 | Deploy changes to Heroku | 13:31 |
120 | Access Control | 14:40 |
121 | Adding Domain Name | 26:12 |
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