Getting Started: Blazor

7h 4m 32s
June 13, 2024

Blazor is a modern front-end web framework based on HTML, CSS, and C# that helps you build web apps faster by allowing you to use your existing knowledge of C# and minimizing the need to use JavaScript to a minimum amount. It is an incredible tool that can help developers be very productive by unifying the front-end stack with the back-end one. In this course, Microsoft MVP Jimmy Engström will assume you have no experience with Blazor, and he will spend the better part of 7 hours teaching you what Blazor is, how it works and how you can use it to build complex, production-grade web applications using C#.

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# Title Duration
1 Welcome 01:51
2 What will you learn in this course? 01:17
3 Who is the course for and prerequisites 00:32
4 What is Blazor? 01:37
5 The web before Blazor 04:07
6 WebAssembly 02:50
7 The origin of Blazor 04:15
8 What makes Blazor great? 05:49
9 Do companies use Blazor? 01:58
10 Installing the tools 01:31
11 Blazm Extension 01:37
12 Hosting models 17:56
13 Looking at the templates 27:49
14 Third party controls 01:29
15 Razor Syntax 06:23
16 @Page + Routing 07:30
17 Parameters 03:25
18 Dependency Injection Inject 09:54
19 @typeparam 03:54
20 @attribute 01:20
21 @attributes 04:01
22 @Using + _Imports 02:19
23 @layout 03:10
24 @onclick & EventCallbacks 05:18
25 Binding data 12:52
26 StateHasChanged 06:36
27 Cascading parameters 12:21
28 Where should I put the code? 08:12
29 Lifecycle events 06:16
30 Prerendering 07:54
31 Render modes 04:52
32 SSR 03:18
33 WebAssembly standalone 04:22
34 Introduction 01:19
35 Session/local Storage 04:47
36 Database 05:17
37 Injected Service 06:27
38 Introduction 00:59
39 The built-in template 09:32
40 Auth0 02:28
41 Introduction 00:32
42 Virtualize 09:33
43 NavLink 02:46
44 NavigationManager 06:48
45 ErrorBoundary 04:41
46 NavigationLock 04:54
47 QuickGrid 05:51
48 HeadContent / PageTitle 02:03
49 Section / Section outlet 06:20
50 Router 02:01
51 Introduction 00:18
52 EditForm 06:43
53 Validation 09:05
54 The controls 03:47
55 Creating a Form component (Textbox) 06:07
56 SSR Form 05:33
57 Introduction 01:12
58 Render fragments 07:35
59 HTMLRenderer 05:45
60 RenderFragment from method 03:49
61 Introduction 01:20
62 What library should I choose 02:09
63 Abstraction Layer 15:05
64 Introduction 00:17
65 Debugging Blazor Server 03:56
66 Debugging WebAssembly 03:46
67 Hot Reload 02:52
68 Introduction 00:50
69 CSS 03:15
70 Isolated CSS 07:11
71 Introduction 00:30
72 Blazor to JavaScript 11:14
73 JavaScript to Blazor 06:26
74 Introduction 00:36
75 bUnit 08:54
76 Introduction 06:22
77 Adding a list 13:06
78 Editing a todo 04:02
79 Adding a board 05:48
80 Going overboard with SignalR 05:34
81 Adding Progress and filters 04:05
82 Wrap up 01:24
83 Conclusion 01:03

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