Complete Web Developer in 2023: Zero to Mastery
35h 23m 21s
Learn to code. Get hired. This is one of the most popular, highly rated coding bootcamps online. It's also the most moderen and up-to-date. Guaranteed. You'll go from complete beginner to learning to code and getting hired as a Developer (this year!) at companies like Google, Tesla, and Amazon. You'll learn HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Node.js, Machine Learning, and much more.
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# | Title | Duration |
1 | The Complete Web Developer: Zero to Mastery | 05:05 |
2 | Course Outline | 08:39 |
3 | Browsing the Web | 06:01 |
4 | Breaking Google | 03:00 |
5 | The Internet Backbone | 05:30 |
6 | Traceroute | 02:25 |
8 | What Does A Developer Do? | 01:40 |
9 | WWW vs Internet | 03:31 |
10 | HTML, CSS, Javascript | 05:05 |
12 | Developer History | 03:09 |
13 | Build Your First Website | 07:49 |
15 | HTML Tags | 08:40 |
16 | HTML Tags 2 | 01:50 |
17 | Self Closing HTML Tags | 05:35 |
18 | Anchor Tag | 04:53 |
19 | Q&A: index.html | 02:06 |
20 | Q&A: Relative vs Absolute Path | 03:47 |
21 | HTML Forms | 10:58 |
22 | HTML Forms 2 | 03:10 |
23 | Submitting A Form | 08:19 |
24 | HTML Tags 3 | 03:52 |
25 | HTML vs HTML 5 | 06:39 |
26 | Copy A Website | 02:27 |
27 | HTML Challenge | 01:08 |
28 | Your First CSS | 13:43 |
29 | CSS Properties | 10:36 |
30 | CSS Selectors | 16:34 |
31 | Text and Font | 07:33 |
32 | Images In CSS | 04:07 |
33 | Box Model | 05:09 |
34 | px vs em vs rem | 03:05 |
35 | Critical Render Path | 03:58 |
36 | Flexbox | 08:26 |
37 | CSS 3 | 08:15 |
38 | Responsive UI | 01:40 |
39 | Exercise: Robot Animation | 00:53 |
40 | Evolving Technology | 04:48 |
41 | Bootstrap Introduction | 04:01 |
42 | Bootstrap | 08:52 |
43 | Bootstrap 5 Update | 04:19 |
44 | Bootstrap Grid | 05:19 |
45 | Exercise: Startup Landing Page | 00:55 |
46 | Exercise: Startup Landing Page 2 | 03:59 |
47 | Exercise: Startup Landing Page 3 | 08:24 |
48 | Exercise: Startup Landing Page 4 | 08:26 |
49 | Exercise: Startup Landing Page 5 | 11:34 |
50 | Exercise: Adding Email Subscribe Form With MailChimp | 09:22 |
51 | Exercise: Putting Your Website Online | 05:49 |
52 | Exercise: Putting Your Website Online 2 | 02:51 |
54 | Using Templates | 03:19 |
55 | Section Overview | 01:51 |
56 | CSS Grid vs Flexbox vs Bootstrap | 04:41 |
57 | CSS Grid 1 | 07:56 |
58 | CSS Grid 2 | 04:15 |
59 | CSS Grid 3 | 06:26 |
60 | CSS Grid 4 | 07:08 |
61 | CSS Grid 5 | 01:57 |
62 | Exercise: CSS Layout | 03:38 |
63 | Solution: Navigation Bar | 08:38 |
64 | Solution: Navigation Bar 2 | 04:23 |
65 | Solution: Cover | 04:42 |
66 | Solution: Project Grid + Footer | 08:55 |
67 | Solution: Prettify | 07:00 |
68 | The Truth About CSS | 03:52 |
69 | Career Of A Web Developer | 14:26 |
70 | What If I Don't Have Enough Experience? | 15:04 |
72 | Introduction To Javascript | 01:37 |
73 | What Is Javascript? | 05:34 |
74 | Your First Javascript | 11:42 |
75 | Variables | 15:10 |
76 | Control Flow | 16:37 |
77 | Javascript On Our Webpage | 09:06 |
78 | Functions | 23:54 |
79 | Data Structures: Arrays | 13:07 |
80 | Data Structures: Objects | 15:26 |
81 | Exercise: Build Facebook | 11:17 |
82 | Javascript Terminology | 03:44 |
83 | Loops | 22:23 |
84 | Exercise: Build Facebook 2 | 08:03 |
85 | Javascript Keywords | 03:03 |
86 | Document Object Model | 08:43 |
87 | DOM Selectors | 17:13 |
88 | DOM Events | 26:58 |
89 | Exercise: Background Generator | 19:26 |
90 | jQuery | 06:50 |
92 | Scope | 10:26 |
93 | Advanced Control Flow | 11:43 |
94 | ES5 and ES6 | 26:42 |
95 | Advanced Functions | 20:05 |
96 | Advanced Arrays | 16:41 |
97 | Advanced Objects | 24:52 |
98 | Pass By Value vs Pass By Reference | 17:07 |
99 | Type Coercion | 09:03 |
100 | ES7 (ES2016) | 03:07 |
101 | ES8 (ES2017) | 09:20 |
102 | ES10 (ES2019) | 16:50 |
103 | Advanced Loops | 12:05 |
104 | ES2020 Part 1 | 10:08 |
105 | ES2020 Part 2 | 03:30 |
106 | ES2020 Part 3 | 04:11 |
107 | ES2021 | 03:09 |
108 | ES2022 | 03:26 |
109 | Debugging | 08:24 |
110 | How Javascript Works | 24:13 |
111 | Modules | 13:20 |
112 | Exercise: Imposter Syndrome | 02:56 |
113 | Using The Terminal | 10:06 |
114 | Sublime Text | 09:30 |
115 | VS Code | 06:56 |
116 | Terminal | 06:37 |
117 | Git + Github Part 1 | 17:41 |
118 | Git + Github Part 2 | 16:53 |
119 | Contributing To Open Source | 14:45 |
120 | Contributing To Open Source 2 | 09:43 |
121 | A Typical Day | 08:17 |
122 | Introduction To NPM | 07:09 |
123 | Setting Up NPM and package.json | 06:40 |
124 | Update: Latest Node.js and NPM | 03:25 |
125 | Installing And Using Packages | 24:09 |
126 | Why Update Packages? | 06:01 |
127 | Exercise: Create A Portfolio | 15:11 |
128 | Introduction To React.js | 12:22 |
129 | Create React App | 07:09 |
130 | React App Folder Structure | 08:15 |
131 | React 18 Update | 04:49 |
132 | React Fundamentals | 03:56 |
133 | React Fundamentals 2 | 05:00 |
134 | Class vs Functional App.js | 04:03 |
135 | Hooks vs Classes | 02:14 |
136 | Your First React Component | 20:14 |
137 | Building A React App 1 | 16:04 |
138 | Building A React App 2 | 09:48 |
139 | Building A React App 3 | 26:36 |
140 | Styling Your React App | 05:00 |
141 | Building A React App 4 | 15:31 |
142 | Building A React App 5 | 08:54 |
143 | Building A React App 6 | 09:06 |
144 | Keeping Your Projects Up To Date | 08:31 |
145 | Solution: Try Upgrading to React 18 | 03:57 |
146 | React Review | 02:35 |
147 | Error Boundary In React | 08:12 |
148 | Deploying Our React App | 05:11 |
149 | HTTP/HTTPS | 19:59 |
150 | JSON | 07:26 |
151 | AJAX | 13:38 |
152 | Promises | 22:27 |
153 | ES8 - Async Await | 15:23 |
154 | ES9 (ES2018) | 05:22 |
155 | ES9 (ES2018) - Async | 11:12 |
156 | ES2020: allSettled() | 04:23 |
157 | Backend Basics | 12:08 |
158 | Introduction to APIs | 13:32 |
159 | Snapshot Model of Learning | 06:17 |
160 | Deliberate Practice | 06:34 |
161 | What We Are Building | 01:50 |
162 | DEVELOPER FUNDAMENTALS: Maintain Your Codebase | 18:12 |
163 | Building Our Components | 36:20 |
164 | Before We Start The Big Part | 08:06 |
165 | Image Recognition API | 28:34 |
166 | Clarifai API Updates, Models and Troubleshooting | 09:18 |
167 | Face Detection Box | 23:47 |
168 | Sign In Form And Routing | 29:22 |
169 | Introduction To Node.js | 05:55 |
170 | Running script.js In Node | 03:06 |
171 | ES2020: globalThis | 03:15 |
172 | Modules In Node | 04:23 |
173 | ES6 Modules In Node | 09:00 |
174 | ES2022: Top Level Await | 03:47 |
175 | ES2022: Await Import | 05:06 |
176 | Types of Modules | 05:11 |
177 | Building a Server | 08:26 |
178 | Introduction to Express.js | 08:58 |
179 | Express Middleware | 03:00 |
180 | Postman | 08:14 |
181 | RESTful APIs | 11:23 |
182 | Node File System Module | 20:12 |
183 | Exercise: Santa's Node Helper | 04:03 |
184 | Solution: Santa's Node Helper | 20:52 |
185 | Setting Up Our Server | 10:21 |
186 | /signin and /register | 18:31 |
187 | /profile/:id and /image | 10:06 |
188 | Quick Note: Bcrypt | 02:01 |
189 | Storing User Passwords | 11:22 |
190 | Connecting To Our Front-End | 21:08 |
191 | Registering Users | 11:29 |
192 | User Profile Update | 09:00 |
193 | Introduction To Databases | 10:55 |
194 | Installing PostgreSQL | 06:54 |
195 | SQL: Create Table | 05:16 |
196 | SQL: Insert Into + Select | 04:34 |
197 | SQL: Alter Table + Update | 04:13 |
198 | SQL: Conditional Selections | 03:33 |
199 | SQL: Functions | 02:00 |
200 | Joining Tables Part 1 | 07:08 |
201 | Joining Tables Part 2 | 05:02 |
202 | SQL: Delete From + Drop Table | 01:43 |
203 | Setting Up Your Database | 08:51 |
204 | Connecting To The Database | 07:07 |
205 | Registering A User Part 1 | 04:51 |
206 | Registering A User Part 2 | 05:01 |
207 | Getting User Profiles | 07:04 |
208 | Updating Entries | 05:29 |
209 | Sign In | 17:31 |
210 | Putting It All Together | 04:05 |
211 | What's Next? | 02:19 |
212 | Deploying Our Files | 07:09 |
213 | Code Review | 23:23 |
214 | Security Review | 19:11 |
215 | Optional: Using gRPC API | 13:24 |
216 | Environment Variables | 07:14 |
217 | Deploying On Heroku | 18:59 |
218 | Deploying To Heroku Part 2 | 10:41 |
219 | Deploying To Heroku Part 3 | 01:51 |
220 | Deploying To Heroku Part 4 | 07:12 |
221 | Thank You! | 01:18 |
222 | Ask Me Anything - 1,000 Students | 19:04 |
223 | AMA - 100,000 Students!! | 38:31 |
224 | React Hooks | 03:43 |
225 | React Hooks 2 | 03:48 |
226 | React Hooks 3 | 03:26 |
227 | React Hooks 4 | 04:02 |
228 | React Hooks 5 | 03:46 |
229 | React Hooks 6 | 06:55 |
230 | React Hooks 7 | 09:17 |
231 | React Hooks 8 | 04:49 |
232 | React Hooks 9 | 05:59 |
233 | Introduction From Wolfgang | 01:04 |
234 | Git for Windows | 06:07 |
235 | Install NodeJS for Windows | 02:44 |
236 | Install PostgreSQL for Windows | 06:44 |
237 | Using PSQL and PGADMIN | 08:08 |
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