TimCo Retail Manager Phase 1

25h 56m 13s
May 13, 2024

Businesses today are using .NET Framework in their applications. Moving forward, they are going to need to upgrade to .NET Core. Will you be ready? This course works hard to make you ready. We build a real-world .NET Framework application then, in the culmination of the course, we upgrade everything to .NET Core.


Note that this course is available on YouTube for free. This paid course provides everything from the YouTube course plus all of the source code, downloadable lessons, a certificate of completion, and more. Note that this course ends after the upgrade to .NET Core. The YouTube course will continue with new features and options. An add-on course may be offered in the future to gain access to those lessons and the source as well.

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# Title Duration
1 Course Introduction 24:03
2 GitHub Setup 33:24
3 WebAPI Setup 40:50
4 Swagger Setup 42:51
5 SQL Database Setup 09:44
6 WPF Setup with MVVM 14:17
7 WPF Dependency Injection Setup 33:01
8 Register Design 42:45
9 Register Database Tables 40:25
10 Create Login Form 01:04:38
11 Wire Up Login Form 46:34
12 Login Failure Configuration 37:29
13 Get User Data Part 1 01:13:38
14 Get User Data Part 2 47:08
15 Create the Sales Form 52:42
16 Event Aggregation 38:30
17 Product Data 01:17:22
18 Add To Cart 50:39
19 Add Taxable 42:37
20 Early Refactoring 40:41
21 Posting API to the Data 01:47:45
22 Automapper and INotifyPropertyChanged 50:01
23 Debugging and Clean Up 45:42
24 Sql Transactions 51:37
25 Transaction Bug Fix 11:06
26 Admin API Endpoints 38:52
27 Adding User Roles 36:44
28 Permissions Error Handling 27:11
29 Displaying Users and Groups 46:15
30 Managing User Roles 01:12:42
31 Front-End Class Library Upgrade 38:23
32 Back-End Class Library Upgrade 18:14
33 Back-End API Project Upgrade 56:07
34 API Authentication in .NET Core 01:14:16
35 Front-End WPF Project Upgrade 28:00

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