Duolingo Clone

11h 12m 32s
August 15, 2024

In this 11-hour course, you will learn how to create your own SaaS application for language learning, similar to Duolingo. Users will be able to select language courses and go through structured lessons with beautiful design, characters, audio, and visual effects. You will study Next.js 14, Drizzle ORM, PostgreSQL, Server Actions, Stripe, ShadcnUI, Tailwind, and much more.

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# Title Duration
1 Intro 02:24
2 Setup 09:52
3 Buttons 17:43
4 Marketing Page 09:24
5 Authentication 21:20
6 Footer 07:06
7 Main Layout 17:53
8 Sidebar 12:54
9 Learn Page Wrappers 22:09
10 Drizzle & Neon 13:59
11 Courses Page 18:21
12 User Progress 28:44
13 Seed Script 18:11
14 Schema 24:21
15 Units 27:38
16 Lesson Button 33:22
17 Course Progress 21:37
18 Lesson Header 20:44
19 Exit Modal 11:29
20 Challenge Cards 38:13
21 Challenge Footer 25:18
22 Challenge Actions 42:06
23 Challenge Finish Screen 35:44
24 Challenge Practice 17:12
25 Shop 17:39
26 Stripe 44:34
27 Details 45:02
28 Admin 55:39
29 Deployment 11:54

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