6h 52m 28s
October 6, 2024

This is simply the best course on the internet if you want to build and deploy the best authentication system that you can take and use in all of your projects , and i am talking from login, register, forgot and reset password, send emails, from validation, protected routes and more. We will use Next auth mixed with typescript to provide strong typed code while benefiting from Next js server side capabilities.


Which makes this build really hard to compete with from:

  • We will use tailwind css for styling our application
  • Strong form validation with react-hook-form and zod
  • Strong login system using next auth secure sessions
  • Login with credentials, google, facebook, twitter, github, discord, auth0...
  • Strong register system with validation in frontend and backend
  • Manipulating next auth callbacks for our advantage
  • Sending emails using nodemailer and smtp services including gmail
  • Handling tokens secretly with emails
  • Writing high quality production ready code
  • Learn how work with typescript even as a beginner or someone who never used it
  • Setup Mongodb cluster and Mongodb  connection from our application with typescript
  • Add the users to our database where we handle the accounts while we handle the tokens in cookies using json web tokens
  • Working with next js api
  • Learning about handlebars and use it to replace in our html files
  • Deployment to vercel


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# Title Duration
1 Full Showcase 12:08
2 Create next app 06:50
3 Setup tailwind css 04:47
4 Setup Mongodb Atlas Cluster 06:41
5 Connect to the database from our application using typescript 12:35
6 Setup next auth and testing login process with github 13:50
7 Setup Google Provider 09:57
8 Setup Discord Provider 05:04
9 Setup Twitter Provider 04:04
10 Deploy our application and test providers on production mode 13:30
11 Setup Facebook Provider 08:13
12 Setup Auth0 provider 10:45
13 Add user to database when sign in with a provider 08:41
14 Session strategy: database vs jwt 03:54
15 Explaining callbacks and getting the provider name when sign in 10:51
16 Styling the home page part 1 11:14
17 Styling the home page part 2 08:44
18 Protected routes with Next js middlware 09:08
19 Auth page setup and custom input 14:01
20 Finishing custom input styles 05:15
21 React Hook Form setup 12:13
22 Adding zod for validation 05:18
23 Email and phone number inputs and validation 08:38
24 Password and confirm password inputs and validation 05:16
25 Password strength validation 11:54
26 Accept terms and conditions validation 06:43
27 Side submit button 09:01
28 Show and hide password 04:53
29 Adding the background and setup toastify and fixing some issues 10:01
30 Register a user to the database 17:42
31 After submit reset and loader 04:54
32 Setup the template 04:29
33 Setup smtp accounts 05:07
34 SendMail function with nodemailer and handlebars 12:43
35 Sending email test with registeration 12:33
36 Activate account 19:38
37 Sign in provider and switch between forms and backgrounds 17:25
38 Sign in, csrfToken... 12:39
39 Adding our custom providers 14:37
40 Forgot password page and form 06:05
41 Forgot password backend api 06:08
42 Reset password - frontend 07:09
43 Reset password api 05:05
44 Deploy to vercel 12:05

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