Ecommerce on the Jamstack with Snipcart, Next.js, & WordPress
4h 18m 15s
Welcome to E-commerce on the Jamstack with Snipcart, Next.js & WordPress! In this series, we will learn how make a fast, modern, e-commerce site using Next.js, Snipcart, and WordPress.
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# | Title | Duration |
1 | Introduction | 01:31 |
2 | NextJS | 08:15 |
3 | Netlify & Github | 15:47 |
4 | Sass, Components, Store Header | 21:34 |
5 | Products, CSS Grid, Button component | 22:40 |
6 | Snipcart, Env Variables | 17:17 |
7 | WordPress, WPGraphQL | 18:54 |
8 | GraphQL, Apollo Client | 14:05 |
9 | Autodeploy with Web Hooks | 05:51 |
10 | Dynamic Routes | 19:28 |
11 | Custom Snipcart Hook | 16:40 |
12 | Shared Layout | 08:23 |
13 | Branding & Personality | 23:27 |
14 | Snipcart Theming & Customization | 24:14 |
15 | Custom Taxonomy | 23:18 |
16 | Search | 16:51 |
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