Database Design & Implementation
2h 7m 49s
Backend starts from Your Database. When you have a solid database design coding is easy. In this course you will learn how to design databases for your backend applications. You will learn how to design a subset of YouTube Platform allowing you design your own databases.
Read more about the course
- Capture Entities
- Designing ERD
- ERD Cardinalities
- One to One Relationships
- One to Many Relationships
- Many to Many Relationships
- Defining Constraints
- Database Normalisation
- SQL Implementation
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# | Title | Duration |
1 | Quick word | 01:23 |
2 | ERD Design Tool | 03:25 |
3 | Capturing Entities | 04:33 |
4 | Entities Properties | 06:50 |
5 | Identifying Unique constraints | 03:18 |
6 | DataTypes | 06:12 |
7 | SQL for user_profile | 06:23 |
8 | Identifying Relationships | 05:11 |
9 | Foreign Keys | 02:46 |
10 | Cardinality | 08:49 |
11 | 1 to 1 Relationships | 06:12 |
12 | 1 to Many Relationships | 05:00 |
13 | Many to Many Relationships | 07:59 |
14 | Many to Many Relationship SQL | 03:46 |
15 | Installing Postgres On Mac | 03:34 |
16 | Datagrip | 03:07 |
17 | Datagrip Installation | 02:28 |
18 | Connect to Databases using Datagrip | 04:58 |
19 | Executing SQL | 06:14 |
20 | Insert Data To Our Tables | 08:35 |
21 | Testing Constraints | 04:55 |
22 | Database Normalisation | 00:53 |
23 | Frist Normal Form - 1NF | 03:24 |
24 | Second Normal Form - 2NF | 05:19 |
25 | Third Normal Form - 3NF | 02:11 |
26 | Final say on Database Normalisation | 01:00 |
27 | Exercise | 02:18 |
28 | Exercise Solution | 05:27 |
29 | Next steps | 01:39 |
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