SQL & MySQL Subqueries: Understanding the weird parts

8h 53m 49s
July 23, 2024

Master the Art of SQL Subqueries with this Comprehensive Course - Take Your Data Management Skills to the Next Level! Whether you're a beginner or an experienced SQL user, learn to effectively use subqueries to extract and manipulate data from your databases. Learn SQL & MySQL SUBQUERY - Understanding the Weird Parts

With this course, you will delve into different types of subqueries, including nested, correlated, scalar, row, column, and inline view subqueries. You'll also learn essential SQL techniques such as JOIN, EXISTS, WHERE, HAVING, GROUP BY, and many more. Our expert instructor will show you how to use these techniques to solve real-world problems and how to combine subqueries with other SQL techniques for maximum efficiency.

By the end of this course, you will have a deep understanding of how subqueries work and how to use them to extract the information you need from your databases. You'll be able to create complex and powerful queries to analyze and manage your data like never before.

The course is designed for users of all levels, from beginner to experienced SQL users, and covers a wide range of databases including MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, and Oracle Database. Our step-by-step approach starts with the basics and builds up to more advanced techniques, providing you with a comprehensive understanding of SQL subqueries.

With hands-on exercises and practical projects, you'll gain hands-on experience working with subqueries. Our experienced instructor and supportive online community are always available to answer your questions.

Enroll in this course now and take your data management skills to the next level. Master SQL subqueries and become an expert in extracting and manipulating data from your databases.

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# Title Duration
1 Importance of Subquery 05:32
2 Beginning Subquery - With Example I 11:26
3 Beginning Subquery - With Example II 07:00
4 Beginning Subquery - With Example III 05:30
5 Nested Subquery - SubQuery with LIKE 06:12
6 Nested Subquery - Mangers of Employee SubQueries 10:22
7 Nested Subquery - Employee Territories 05:25
8 Nested Subquery - CategoryName 03:37
9 Nested Subquery - Suppliers 03:24
10 Nested Subquery - Product Ordered 02:40
11 Nested Subquery - Employee Without Orders 02:45
12 Nested Subquery - Employees with same region 03:10
13 Nested Subquery - Territories not assigned to employee 02:35
14 Nested Subquery - Freight of orders 02:24
15 Nested Subquery - Supplied categories of seafood 04:38
16 Nested Subquery - customers in the same city 02:46
17 Nested Subquery - Employees with same manager 03:43
18 Nested Subquery - Products with reorderLevel 04:14
19 Nested Subquery - Employee under managers who have managers 15:08
20 Nested Subquery - Supplier who live in Spain 05:52
21 Nested Subquery - Territories names Assigned to Employees 04:33
22 Nested Subquery - Products Supplied by Same Company 02:49
23 Nested Subquery - Customers who placed orders 05:49
24 Nested Subquery - Products never ordered 02:21
25 Nested Subquery - Territories never assign to Employees 02:58
26 Nested Subquery - Customers Who Never Placed Orders 02:37
27 Nested Subquery - Employees not assigned to Territories 01:42
28 Nested Subquery - Order Placed in 2008 03:32
29 Nested Subquery - Employees who have the same territories 03:30
30 Nested Subquery - Products ordered by customers 01:50
31 Nested Subquery - Employees Managed by Funk 03:06
32 Nested Subquery - Suppliers who supplied products to a customers 04:50
33 Nested Subquery - Customers who placed order more than 30 03:00
34 Nested Subquery - Employees with same territory 03:03
35 Nested Subquery - Customer Ordered Beverages Products 04:30
36 Nested Subquery - Suppliers for London Customers 03:23
37 Question - Product Never Order by Retails - Subquery 00:43
38 Solution - Product Never Order by Retails - Subquery 07:14
39 Question - Category of Products Ordered in Germany 00:53
40 Solution - Category of Products Ordered in Germany 02:36
41 Question - Territories Assigned to Sale Rep Employees 00:24
42 Solution - Territories Assigned to Sale Rep Employees 02:23
43 Question - Customers who ordered beverages products 00:15
44 Solution - Customers who ordered beverages products 03:01
45 Question - Employees in Charge of Seattle 00:16
46 Solution - Employees in Charge of Seattle 03:10
47 Question - Products Ordered By Customers Who are Owners of Business 00:22
48 Solution - Products Ordered By Customers Who are Owners of Business 02:38
49 Question - Products Ordered By Customers From Germany - Subquery 00:22
50 Solution - Products Ordered By Customers From Germany - Subquery 02:39
51 Question - Supplier Who Supplied to Customer in WA Region - Subquery 00:22
52 Solution - Supplier Who Supplied to Customer in WA Region - Subquery 01:49
53 Question - Supplier Who Supplied to Customer in WA Region & Cost Above 4000 00:30
54 Solution - Supplier Who Supplied to Customer in WA Region & Cost Above 4000 04:52
55 Question - Customers Ordered UK Suppliers Products 00:17
56 Solution - Customers Ordered UK Suppliers Products 01:31
57 Introduction to JOIN 02:59
58 Introduction to Inner Join by Example 06:20
59 Rearranging your query 00:45
60 Indicating Source of Columns 03:58
61 Alias with Join 05:14
62 "USING" with Join 02:19
63 Inner Join - ProductName, UnitPrice and SupplierName 04:09
64 Inner Join - ProductName and Categories 03:06
65 Inner Join - Product Name, Supplier and Category 03:03
66 Inner Join - Quantity of Product, ProductName and Suppliers 06:18
67 HAVING - Understanding Having for Join and Subquery 07:04
68 HAVING - Understanding Having Example 02:42
69 Customers, Employee and Orders 03:21
70 Number of Orders per Employee Exercise with Solution 02:47
71 Suppliers, Products and Total Quantity 04:25
72 Question - Join - CategoryName and TotalQuantity 01:17
73 Solution - Join - CategoryName and TotalQuantity 02:02
74 Question - Join - Customer Purchased above 100 dollars 00:37
75 Solution - Join - Customer Purchased above 100 dollars 02:53
76 Question - Customers Who Ordered from a Specific Supplier 01:07
77 Solution - Customers Who Ordered from a Specific Supplier 02:13
78 Question - Customer, Supplier, Quantity and Total Price 00:14
79 Solution - Customer, Supplier, Quantity and Total Price 02:51
80 Question - AveragePrice, Products and Customers 00:30
81 Solution - AveragePrice, Products and Customers 02:34
82 Question - customers, products, supplier in Germany 00:31
83 Solution - customers, products, supplier in Germany 02:02
84 Question - Total Quantity of Products for Customer and Supplier in Same Country 00:53
85 Solution - Total Quantity of Products for Customer and Supplier in Same Country 02:05
86 Question - List of Customers, Products, Categories & Suppliers 00:21
87 Solution - List of Customers, Products, Categories & Suppliers 06:05
88 Question - Employees and a Specific Supplier 00:32
89 Solution - Employees and a Specific Supplier 01:01
90 Question - Employees Who Managed More than 10 Orders 01:48
91 Solution - Employees Who Managed More than 10 Orders 04:30
92 Question - Average UnitPrice, Supplier and Customers from France 00:16
93 Solution - Average UnitPrice, Supplier and Customers from France 02:18
94 Question - Total Quantity of Product, Suppliers sold more than 1200 units 00:33
95 Solution - Total Quantity of Product, Suppliers sold more than 1200 units 00:20
96 Final Join Question 00:33
97 Final Join Solution 00:46
98 NEXT? 00:38
99 Question & Solution 1 - Join & Subquery 10:54
100 Question & Solution 2 - Join & Subquery 04:49
101 Question & Solution 3 - Join & Subquery 09:22
102 Question & Solution 4 - Join & Subquery 02:28
103 Question & Solution 5 - Join & Subquery 02:20
104 Question & Solution 6 - Join & Subquery 08:29
105 Question & Solution 7 - Join & Subquery 02:43
106 Question & Solution 8 - Join & Subquery 02:57
107 Question & Solution 9 - Join & Subquery 02:52
108 Question & Solution 10 - Join & Subquery 04:01
109 Introduction to Single-Row Subquery 03:29
110 Example 1 - Employee who has been with the company the longest 04:43
111 Example 2 - Customer Who Placed the latest Order 03:50
112 Example 3 - Product with highest unitPrice 02:17
113 Example 4 - Order with Highest Freight Value 01:28
114 Example 5 - Number of OrderID by Customer With Most Orders 04:12
115 Exmaple 6 - Most Expensive Products Per Category 04:21
116 Introduction to CTE 01:58
117 CTE Subquery by Example 04:37
118 CTE - Retrieve all Customers with Total Ordeer Amount 05:08
119 CTE - Product Sales Per Category 02:37
120 CTE - Top Selling Products 02:03
121 CTE - Average unit price per category 03:08
122 CTE - Total and Average Sales 10:37
123 CTE - TotalSales and RegionSales 04:37
124 CTE - Top Five Customers 02:23
125 CTE - Discontinued Products 01:59
126 CTE - Average Order Value 02:09
127 CET - Top Five Products By Sales 02:14
128 Understanding Inline View Subquery 03:58
129 Inline View - Discount Amount for Products 05:08
130 Inline View - Average Order Value Per Customer 12:10
131 Inline View - Top 5 Customers By Total Orders 04:46
132 Inline View - Product Ordered By Largest Number of Customers 06:32
133 Inline View - Top 10 By Quantity Sold 06:00
134 Understanding Scalar Subquery 02:01
135 Scalar Subquery - Customers with Orders More than 20 04:28
136 Scalar Subquery - Employees who sold more than 100k 04:54
137 Scalar Subquery - Orders shipped by the most recent Employee 02:09
138 Scalar Subquery - Categories where average unit price greater than $30 02:48
139 Scalar Subquery - Orders of employees with fewest orders 05:05
140 Understanding Multiple-Row Subquery 03:52
141 Multiple-Rows Subquery - Products Ordered More Than 50 Times 02:18
142 Multiple-Rows Subquery - Customers who placed orders in 2008 00:58
143 Multiple-Rows Subquery - Employees that have made at least one sales 00:44
144 Multiple-Rows Subquery -Categories with at least 10 products 00:57
145 Multiple-Rows Subquery - Suppliers with product more than 100 01:04
146 Multiple-Rows Subquery - Products that have UnitPrice greater than its category 01:35
147 Multiple-Rows Subquery - More exercise and solution 05:04
148 Understanding Correlated Subquery I 04:13
149 Understanding Correlated Subquery II 02:41
150 EXISTS for Correlated Subquery 01:42
151 Correlated Subquery - At one order in Beverages category 03:26
152 Correlated Subquery - Customers who have not placed any order in condiments 01:25
153 Correlated Subquery - Products not ordered by customers from Germany 01:47
154 Correlated Subquery - Customers Placed Orders for Discontinued products 00:52
155 Correlated Subquery - More Exercise with Solution 01:34
156 Selecting all columns 01:08
157 Selecting a Specific Column 01:27
158 Selecting Multiple columns 01:30
159 Selecting Multiple columns II 01:00
160 How to use DISTINCT 01:37
161 Distinct on multiple columns 02:25
162 Distinct on multiple columns II 01:57
163 Understanding WHERE (Filter) 04:35
164 Where and = by Example 01:52
165 Where and <> By Example 01:13
166 Where and != By Example 00:56
167 Where and > By Example 01:35
168 Where and >= By Example 00:46
169 Where and < By Example 00:17
170 Where and <= By Example 00:22

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