DNS course for developers

2h 44m 2s

Learn DNS once and for all. They say you should learn the fundamentals, and the rest will fall into place. DNS is right at the foundation of the internet. Having a clear understanding of DNS will help you configure and debug DNS many times throughout your career.

DNS hasn't changed that much since its introduction in 1983 and it's unlikely to start now. DNS isn't going anywhere. The earlier you learn DNS, the longer you'll benefit. The great thing about DNS is that all the information is public. You can have perfect clarity if you know where to look.

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Who is this course for?

This course is for you if you want to gain mastery over DNS.

It assumes you have a basic understanding of how the internet works, but you don't need to be an expert. This course assumes no prior networking experience and involves no programming.

If you've worked on DNS full-time for over a year, this course is probably not for you. Otherwise, you'll learn a lot! If you invest in your knowledge today, you'll benefit for the rest of your career.

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# Title Duration
1 DNS is a database 03:01
2 The DNS is organized as a tree 02:58
3 Zone delegation 03:22
4 The root zone 03:08
5 Authoritative DNS servers 00:49
6 Zone transfer 04:00
7 Top-level domains 03:44
8 Second and third-level domains 01:02
9 Registries, registrars & registrants 03:07
10 ICANN-s oversight 01:38
11 WHOIS & RDAP 05:18
12 International domain names 02:15
13 The domain name lifecycle 02:58
14 Domain transfer 03:16
15 Recursive queries 04:23
16 Glue records 02:01
17 DNS caching 04:17
18 Negative caching 01:11
19 The DNS protocol 08:26
20 EDNS 04:19
21 Transport protocols 04:59
22 Public DNS resolvers 03:45
23 DDNS 02:11
24 Dynamic DNS responses 03:19
25 An overview of DNS record types 02:16
26 A and AAAA records 04:04
27 CNAME records 08:37
28 TXT records 03:22
29 SRV records 05:23
30 PTR records 05:17
31 DNSSEC-related record types 02:18
32 An overview of email configuration 04:35
33 Receiving email Resources and references 05:17
34 DANE Resources and references 08:08
35 MTA-STS Resources and references 06:29
36 SPF Resources and references 12:14
37 DKIM Resources and references 05:15
38 DMARC Resources and references 09:20
39 BIMI Resources and references 02:00

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