SQL - The Complete Guide (MySQL, PostgreSQL & more)

19h 35m 38s
November 21, 2023

SQL is THE most important query language you can learn! It's used by many popular database management systems like MySQL or PostgreSQL. But it's also used by data analysis and big data frameworks and tools like Apache Spark. Hence knowing SQL opens up an endless amount of opportunities and jobs - no matter if you're going to work with relational databases or if you're becoming a data scientist, knowing SQL will be key!


This course teaches you SQL from the ground up and in extremely high detail! In addition, this course comes with two main paths that you can take:

  1. The "Complete Course" path where you go through the entire course, step by step, learning about ALL the key features and concepts you have to know
  2. The "Quick Summary" path where you can learn the key SQL essentials within a few hours

Both paths are included in this course (i.e. with one single purchase) and you can switch between them or take both - simply as it makes most sense for you! Dive into the free first course section to learn all about this course and these two paths (and how to take them).

SQL is a standardized language and therefore learning SQL will help you apply it in all kinds of contexts. Nonetheless, different database systems also support different aspects of SQL or bring their own variations of the SQL language. Therefore, this course dives into SQL by exploring all key features at the example of the two most popular database systems: MySQL and PostgreSQL. All query and command examples are shown for both database systems, ensuring that you feel comfortable working with SQL in either environment!

This course will enable you to write your own (simple or complex) SQL queries, create basic or advanced database and table structures and work with data of different shape and complexity!

In detail, you will learn:

  • What exactly SQL is and how the core syntax looks like
  • How to write SQL commands
  • How to install MySQL & PostgreSQL as well as various clients
  • How to create and structure database tables
  • Which data types you may use and when to use which data type
  • How to perform CRUD operations: Create, Read, Update & Delete Data
  • How to insert data into tables
  • How to query and filter data
  • Why you should split data across multiple tables (and how to do that)
  • How to join (merge) data into combined result sets
  • How to write basic and more complex queries
  • How to aggregate and group data
  • How to use built-in database functions to work with numbers, text or dates
  • How to optimize databases with indexes
  • And much, much more!

Watch Online SQL - The Complete Guide (MySQL, PostgreSQL & more)

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# Title Duration
1 Welcome To The Course! 02:25
2 What Is SQL? 06:05
3 A Closer Look At SQL & Databases 06:11
4 Course Content 03:36
5 There Are Two Ways Of Taking This Course! 02:16
6 How To Get The Most Out Of This Course 03:06
7 Module Introduction 00:49
8 Understanding The Core SQL Syntax 06:37
9 SQL in Action 03:34
10 The Core SQL Rules 03:50
11 Data Definition vs Data Manipulation 03:33
12 Module Introduction 02:43
13 Installing Different Database Management Systems 02:59
14 What We Need To Install 07:13
15 MySQL Setup Overview & macOS Setup 10:35
16 MySQL Windows Setup 08:10
17 Postgresql Setup Overview & macOS Setup 06:15
18 Postgresql Windows Setup 04:32
19 Connecting To Database Servers (MySQL & Postgresql) With Various Clients 15:30
20 Setting Up Visual Studio Code With The SQLTools Extension (Course Environment) 10:44
21 Configuring VS Code & Exploring SQLTools 11:59
22 Module Introduction 02:02
23 Key Terms When Working With Data Definition Statements & Commands 02:43
24 Introducing The Course Section Example 02:24
25 Introducing Key Data Definition Clauses 03:12
26 Creating a new Database (CREATE DATABASE) 09:57
27 The Importance Of Data Types (Value Types) 05:22
28 Introducing Key Text Value Types 06:38
29 Introducing Numeric Values, Date Types & More 05:51
30 How Do You Store Files? 03:37
31 Getting Started With The CREATE TABLE Statement & Syntax 05:17
32 Creating a First Text Column 03:50
33 Creating a Numeric Value Column 09:04
34 Working with Enums & Finishing Table Creation 07:07
35 Inserting Data Into The Created Table (INSERT INTO) 06:20
36 Inserting & Querying More Data 04:03
37 Working With Fixed Point & Floating Point Numbers 08:54
38 Adding Boolean Value Types 01:59
39 Creating a new Table with Text & Timestamp Data 05:11
40 Inserting Data Into The New Tables 07:33
41 Introducing Default Column Values 03:14
42 Deleting (Dropping) Tables & Inserting Data With Default Values 05:22
43 Updating Tables & Columns 08:58
44 Dealing With "No Data" (NULL) vs "0" 06:28
45 Exploring the NOT NULL Constraint 09:24
46 Exploring the CHECK Constraint 12:35
47 We Need Unique Values & Identifiers! 11:40
48 Working With Auto Incrementing IDs & Primary Keys 10:21
49 Constraints - Summary 02:46
50 Understanding Text Encoding & Collation 07:36
51 Temporary Tables & Tables From Other Tables 02:41
52 Creating Generated Columns 07:49
53 Module Summary 03:03
54 Time To Practice: Problem 04:00
55 Time To Practice: Solution (1/2) 13:49
56 Time To Practice: Solution (2/2) 08:56
57 Module Introduction 01:22
58 What Are CRUD Operations? 02:34
59 Inserting Data: Theory 02:35
60 Selecting Data: Theory 01:25
61 Updating Data: Theory 01:38
62 Deleting Data: Theory 01:23
63 Introducing The Section Example 03:34
64 Setting Up An Example Database & Table 07:47
65 Example: Inserting Data 07:27
66 Inserting More (Dummy) Data 01:12
67 Updating In Action 05:23
68 Deleting In Action 02:09
69 Selecting Data - The Basics 04:43
70 SELECT, Column Names & Data Expressions 05:03
71 Filtering with WHERE: Available Comparison Operators & Variations 04:24
72 Filtering In Action (WHERE In Action) 03:40
73 Combining Comparisons With AND & OR 03:37
74 Greater, Smaller & Ranges 07:16
75 Filtering Text Values 04:30
76 Working With Dates & Date Differences 05:17
77 Introducing ORDER BY & LIMIT 02:10
78 Ordering & Limiting Results In Action 07:24
79 Looking For DISTINCT Values 01:42
80 Subqueries & Views 07:06
81 Module Summary 02:34
82 Module Introduction 01:46
83 A First Look At Related Data 04:10
84 Data Normalization - First Steps 04:04
85 Splitting Data Into Tables 09:49
86 Forms Of Data Normalization 03:06
87 Our First Section Example 04:10
88 Creating Tables With Relations 10:24
89 Inserting Related Data 08:12
90 Joining Data & Introducing INNER JOIN 04:07
91 Using INNER JOIN 08:11
92 Combining Multiple JOINs 04:14
93 Data Joining & Filtering 03:49
94 Introducing LEFT JOIN 02:11
95 Using LEFT JOIN 03:58
96 Combining Multiple LEFT JOINs 02:41
97 What About RIGHT JOIN? 01:24
98 Example Time & INNER JOIN vs LEFT JOIN 12:11
99 Introducing CROSS JOIN 01:44
100 UNION & Why It's Different 08:52
101 What's Wrong With Our Foreign Keys? 05:08
102 Introducing Foreign Key Constraints 04:07
103 Diving Deeper Into Foreign Key Constraints 05:36
104 Foreign Key Constraints In Action 12:06
105 Data Relationship Types: One-to-Many, Many-to-Many, One-to-ONe 04:35
106 A Bigger Example 05:40
107 Example: Adding First Tables & Relations 16:57
108 Example: Adding More Tables & Data 11:11
109 Many-to-Many Relationships & Intermediate Tables ("Linking Tables") 07:19
110 Querying The Example Data 08:58
111 Practicing JOINs With Filtering 09:14
112 Experimenting With Referential Integrity 06:01
113 Module Introduction 01:31
114 Remember: Primary Keys Don't Have To Be Auto-Incrementing IDs! 02:52
115 Introducing Composite Primary Keys 07:53
116 Defining Composite Primary Keys (Composite Keys In Action) 02:37
117 Composite Foreign Keys 04:48
118 Composite Keys In Action 02:52
119 Self-Referencing Relationships (Self-Referential Relationships) 09:25
120 Self-Referencing Many To Many Relationships 07:59
121 Module Introduction 01:28
122 The Module Project 04:38
123 What are Aggregate Functions - Theory 04:24
124 Understanding COUNT() 10:56
125 Working with MIN() & MAX() and Adding Aliases to Aggregate Functions 07:39
126 Using SUM(), AVG() & ROUND() 06:17
127 Working with Filters & Joining Tables 11:35
128 Theory Time - Understanding GROUP BY 05:04
129 Applying GROUP BY in Practice 04:41
130 GROUP BY & Joined Queries 06:12
131 Understanding WHERE vs HAVING 10:01
132 Applying HAVING in Practice 07:30
133 Working with Nested Subqueries 11:01
134 Introducing Window Functions 08:19
135 Understanding ORDER BY and RANK() 07:01
136 Module Introduction 01:57
137 The Module Project 03:12
138 Working with Mathematical Functions & Arithmetic Operators 14:29
139 Understanding String Functions with SELECT 06:57
140 Using String Functions with INSERT 08:49
141 Understanding Date / Time Functions 04:41
142 Working with Weekdays 08:08
143 Calculating INTERVALS 09:42
144 Adding INTERVALS to Dates 07:55
145 Understanding LIKE & Pattern Matching 09:52
146 Understanding EXISTS 06:19
147 Working with Subquery Expressions and EXISTS 03:57
148 Working with Subquery Expressions and IN 08:10
149 Introducing Conditional Expressions 07:16
150 Challenge Solution 04:41
151 Database (SQL) vs Application Level 03:21
152 Module Introduction 00:53
153 Understanding Transactions 02:19
154 Applying Transactions & ROLLBACK 09:20
155 Committing Changes 08:15
156 Working with Savepoints 04:37
157 Transactions in PostgreSQL 04:53
158 Module Introduction 01:16
159 What Are Indexes? And Why Would You Need Them? 06:40
160 Don't Use Too Many Indexes! 04:33
161 Index Types: An Overview 05:07
162 Setting Up Some Example Data 03:16
163 EXPLAINing Queries & Query Planning 05:17
164 Creating & Using Single-Column Indexes 05:52
165 Unique Indexes 02:06
166 Working With Multi-Column Indexes (Composite Indexes) 09:21
167 Partial Indexes 02:37
168 Module Introduction 01:49
169 What Is SQL? 06:05
170 A Closer Look At Databases In General 06:11
171 The Core SQL Syntax 06:50
172 Course Setup (For Following Along) 05:06
173 Analyzing The Section Example Project 06:07
174 Introducing "Data Normalization" 03:36
175 Planning Tables & Relationships 10:26
176 Creating A New Database 04:13
177 Choosing Identifier Names 03:11
178 Defining Columns 03:44
179 Exploring Important Data Types 05:33
180 How To Store Files & Adding More Data Types 04:14
181 Constraints: An Introduction 05:20
182 Introducing Database Functions 02:37
183 Understanding Primary Keys & Unique IDs 06:38
184 INSERTing Data 08:13
185 Basic Data Querying (via SELECT) 02:29
186 UPDATE & DELETE In Action 05:58
187 Filtering (WHERE) & Sorting (ORDER BY) 04:37
188 Adding More Tables 08:24
189 Relations & Foreign Keys 09:11
190 Understanding ON DELETE & ON UPDATE 03:39
191 Adding More Tables & Relationships 07:15
192 Many To Many Relationships & Linking (Intermediate) Tables 08:48
193 Inserting Related Data 13:27
194 Connecting Data With INNER JOIN 11:18
195 Combining Multiple Joins 05:21
196 Introducing LEFT JOIN 10:33
197 Joining Data & Filtering 04:02
198 Filtering Text With LIKE 06:03
199 Introducing Aggregate Functions 03:57
200 Grouping Aggregate Results (GROUP BY) 05:43
201 The HAVING Clause (vs WHERE) 03:32
202 Module Summary 01:45
203 Congratulations + More Content 00:54

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