Coding Interview Class (Back To Back SWE)

33h 12m 16s

Back To Back SWE started as a small YouTube channel run by Benyam Ephrem. Since then we have grown into a full platform for preparing for software engineering interviews. Since starting, we have helped tens of thousands of engineers prepare for their coding interviews. Don't believe us? Read our YouTube comments. We have taken our years of interview prep & teaching experience and built a fully integrated platform for you to excel in your coding interviews.

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Your End-To-End Solution To Land The Job

We don’t just offer videos. We don’t just offer exceptional teaching. We offer a full, growing, complete platform.

When you are a student with us you get:

The Best Questions: We are classically trained (Computer Scientists? Sort of?) in algorithms so we know the best questions you need to learn to become exceptional in the least amount of time.
A Fully Featured Coding Environment: Write test cases and run your code all in one place as you learn. Learn and implement to solidify understanding.Gray Check Mark
Exceptional Video Explanations: We will explain these questions how they should be explained. In “Explain Like I’m Five” style.
Clean Solutions To All Problems: All content items with code have solutions that we painstakingly maintain for quality and optimality.

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# Title Duration
1 Getting Referrals 06:09
2 Effective Recruiter Communication 05:53
3 Online Code Screening Assessments 04:30
4 Standing Out From Other Candidates 06:13
5 The Technical Interview 05:42
6 The Behavioral Interview 07:15
7 Applying and the Resume 15:04
8 Introducing Asymptotic Measures 05:17
9 Asymptotic Bounding 101 23:16
10 O(1) Time “Constant Time” 04:56
11 O(n) "Linear Time" 13:55
12 Memoization 09:37
13 O(log(n)) “Logarithmic Time” 16:05
14 O(n * log(n)) 15:20
15 O(n!) "Factorial Time" 11:06
16 O(|V| + |E|) 21:22
17 The Master Theorem 08:54
18 Useful Recurrence Generalizations 15:16
19 Approximating Time Complexities of Recursive Functions 25:25
20 Check If A Number Is A Palindrome 10:31
21 Reverse Bits 08:59
22 Changing Base 13:14
23 Rotating a 2D Matrix 16:04
24 The 3-Sum Problem 12:44
25 Enumerate All Primes To N 14:40
26 Spiral Traversal of A Matrix 12:19
27 Count Subarrays That Sum To K 20:13
28 Next Permutation 12:40
29 Pattern Matching 12:25
30 Longest Palindrome Construction 12:08
31 Zigzag Conversion 12:56
32 Word Subsets 23:50
33 Linked List Fundamentals 16:48
34 Design A Linked List 09:06
35 Even Odd Partition 11:26
36 Testing For Overlapping Lists (No Cycles) 06:55
37 Remove kth To Last Element 09:13
38 Right Shift A Singly Linked List 11:59
39 Add 2 Integers Represented As Linked Lists 13:39
40 Swap Linked List Nodes In Pairs 20:04
41 Testing For Cycles 11:27
42 Clone A Linked List (With Random Pointers) 17:38
43 Sublist Reversal 12:40
44 Flatten A Multilevel Doubly Linked List 10:14
45 The Balanced Parentheses Problem 20:01
46 Compute Buildings With A Sunset View 11:47
47 Implement Text Editor Undo Redo 11:42
48 Implement A Circular Queue 07:42
49 Implement A Queue With A Max API 13:36
50 Implement A Queue Using Stacks 15:00
51 Test If A Binary Tree Is Symmetric 11:52
52 Sum Root To Leaf Paths 16:14
53 Test A Tree For The BST Property 13:55
54 Build A Min-Height BST From A Sorted Array 06:55
55 Binary Tree Bootcamp 20:00
56 Lowest Common Ancestor In A BST 06:12
57 Binary Tree Diameter 16:34
58 Inorder Traversal Without Recursion 12:39
59 Tree Reconstruction 20:23
60 Insertion and Deletion In A BST 13:53
61 Populating Level Pointers 19:20
62 Test If A Binary Tree Is Height Balanced 14:17
63 Serialize and Deserialize A Binary Tree 15:19
64 Compute A Node's Inorder Successor 17:40
65 Implement A Trie 10:58
66 AVL Trees & Rotations 32:48
67 Heaps Fundamentals 13:43
68 K Smallest Elements In An Array 08:10
69 K Largest Elements In An Immutable Max-Heap 08:32
70 Implement A Binary Heap 20:19
71 Merge K Sorted Lists 16:36
72 Compute The Median of Online Data 13:46
73 Intersection of 2 Sorted Arrays 11:35
74 Minimum Item In A Rotated Sorted Array 10:27
75 Search A 2D Sorted Matrix 29:31
76 Find the k'th Largest or Smallest Element 29:13
77 Hashtable Fundamentals 14:38
78 Nearest Repeated Entries In An Array 07:56
79 Implement An LRU Cache 16:44
80 Minimum Window Substring 22:34
81 Naive Sorting Algorithms (Bubble, Insertion, Selection) 15:27
82 Merge Sort 36:50
83 Quicksort 26:31
84 Sort A K Sorted Array 14:25
85 Heapsort 40:18
86 The Most Visited Pages Problem 20:03
87 Search A Linked List With Jump References 19:41
88 The Backtracking Blueprint 13:44
89 Divide and Conquer Methodology 09:08
90 Phone Number Mnemonics 13:12
91 IP Address Restoration 13:20
92 Generate The Powerset 10:12
93 Palindromic Decompositions 07:08
94 Permutations 07:06
95 Implement A Sudoku Solver 19:04
96 The N Queens Problem 18:18
97 Generate All Subsets of Size K 11:31
98 Generate All Strings With n Matched Parentheses 12:01
99 Dynamic Programming Fundamentals 23:38
100 Buy and Sell Stock Once 13:49
101 Number of Ways To Traverse A Matrix 10:32
102 Minimum Weight Path In A Triangle 06:36
103 1D Subproblems vs. 2D Subproblems 11:27
104 Score Combinations 24:10
105 Decode Ways 16:01
106 The Change Making Problem 23:12
107 The 0-1 Knapsack Problem 20:25
108 Levenshtein Distance 15:58
109 Longest Non-Decreasing Subsequence 16:32
110 DNA Sequence Alignment 22:52
111 Max Contiguous Subarray Sum 19:38
112 Longest Common Subsequence 25:31
113 Greedy Algorithms Fundamentals 05:47
114 Erase Interval Overlaps 10:41
115 Interval Scheduling Maximization 20:20
116 Minimum Spanning Trees 11:51
117 Dijkstra's vs Prim's 20:36
118 Scheduling To Minimize Wait Time 08:37
119 Graphs Fundamentals 19:46
120 Depth First Search and Breadth First Search 21:27
121 Keys and Rooms 14:35
122 Paint A Matrix 16:00
123 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal 12:56
124 Check If A Graph Is Bipartite 15:28
125 Search A Maze For An Exit 10:29
126 Compute Enclosed Regions 13:19
127 Detect A Cycle In A Graph (Deadlock Detection) 20:17
128 String Transformations 17:29
129 Topological Sorting 13:09
130 Testing Strong Connectivity 20:38
131 Clone A Graph 11:44
132 All Nodes Distance K In A Binary Tree 15:55
133 Directory Access (Dropbox) 14:00
134 Concurrency Fundamentals 11:14

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