Angular Interview Hacking
5h 23m 20s
March 15, 2024
Be prepared for the upcoming Angular Interview and increase a chance to get the desired job offer. Enrolling in this course may dramatically increase your chance to get a job offer for a position you always wanted and this is how the course can help you with it.
- Constantly growing Database of the most popular Interview Questions (more then 90 questions)
- Extensive Answers to Questions with code Examples
- Covering of Possible Follow-Up Questions
- Included Possible RxJS and TypeScript Questions
- Recommendations From the Instructor Who Has Been on Both Sides as Interviewer and Interviewee
- Questions cover Junior, Middle and Senior Levels
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# | Title | Duration |
1 | Intro | 00:41 |
2 | Prepare your CV | 03:34 |
3 | Prepare Social Media Profiles | 02:15 |
4 | Do Company Research | 02:06 |
5 | What to expect during phone screening interview? | 10:28 |
6 | Name Main Building Blocks in Angular | 07:11 |
7 | Let's talk about Angular Modules | 07:07 |
8 | Questions about Attribute Directives | 06:02 |
9 | Structural Directives in Angular | 04:13 |
10 | Angular Pipes. What / Why & When | 05:26 |
11 | More About ASYNC Pipe in Angular | 04:02 |
12 | Questions about Angular Services | 07:38 |
13 | Directives vs Components | 02:37 |
14 | Types of Angular App Compilation (AOT & JIT) | 06:38 |
15 | Server-side rendering in Angular (SSR) | 08:49 |
16 | Lifecycle Hooks in Angular Components/Directives/etc | 05:34 |
17 | What New Angular Features You Know | 03:34 |
18 | Which Feature You Are Missing in Angular? | 03:59 |
19 | Explain Dependency Injection Pattern | 11:06 |
20 | Dependency Injection - Explain Hierarchical Structure | 06:42 |
21 | Dependency Injection - How Angular Resolves Dependencies | 05:43 |
22 | Resolution Modifiers in Angular DI | 07:54 |
23 | Dependency Providers in Angular DI | 05:02 |
24 | Questions about Injection Tokens | 04:29 |
25 | Angular IVY | 08:28 |
26 | Angular Change Detection Questions Pt.1 | 09:21 |
27 | Angular Change Detection Questions Pt.2 | 06:04 |
28 | Forms In Angular | 08:16 |
29 | Questions about Form Validations in Angular | 08:14 |
30 | Questions about Standalone Componets | 07:23 |
31 | TypeScript Basic Questions | 05:57 |
32 | Declaration Merging | 02:30 |
33 | Type Aliase vs Interfaces | 06:45 |
34 | Union Types in Typescript | 03:20 |
35 | Generics in TypeScript | 15:15 |
36 | Function & Method overloading | 03:42 |
37 | Mapped Types in TypeScript | 07:51 |
38 | Utility Types | 04:36 |
39 | Any vs Unknown Type | 12:36 |
40 | Ambient Declarations | 09:05 |
41 | RxJs Basics | 06:58 |
42 | Operators in RxJS | 10:03 |
43 | Subjects in RxJS | 10:46 |
44 | Promises vs Observables | 05:38 |
45 | Hot vs Cold Observables | 06:26 |
46 | RxJs - Memory leaks | 12:02 |
47 | Flattening Operators - What is that & When We Should Use Them | 06:32 |
48 | Flattening Operators - mergeMap vs switchMap vs concatMap vs exhaustMap | 07:25 |
49 | Unsubscribing & Observable Completion | 05:17 |
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