Angular Interview Hacking

5h 23m 20s
March 15, 2024

Be prepared for the upcoming Angular Interview and increase a chance to get the desired job offer. Enrolling in this course may dramatically increase your chance to get a job offer for a position you always wanted and this is how the course can help you with it.

  • Constantly growing Database of the most popular Interview Questions (more then 90 questions)
  • Extensive Answers to Questions with code Examples
  • Covering of Possible Follow-Up Questions
  • Included Possible RxJS and TypeScript Questions
  • Recommendations From the Instructor Who Has Been on Both Sides as Interviewer and Interviewee
  • Questions cover Junior, Middle and Senior Levels

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# Title Duration
1 Intro 00:41
2 Prepare your CV 03:34
3 Prepare Social Media Profiles 02:15
4 Do Company Research 02:06
5 What to expect during phone screening interview? 10:28
6 Name Main Building Blocks in Angular 07:11
7 Let's talk about Angular Modules 07:07
8 Questions about Attribute Directives 06:02
9 Structural Directives in Angular 04:13
10 Angular Pipes. What / Why & When 05:26
11 More About ASYNC Pipe in Angular 04:02
12 Questions about Angular Services 07:38
13 Directives vs Components 02:37
14 Types of Angular App Compilation (AOT & JIT) 06:38
15 Server-side rendering in Angular (SSR) 08:49
16 Lifecycle Hooks in Angular Components/Directives/etc 05:34
17 What New Angular Features You Know 03:34
18 Which Feature You Are Missing in Angular? 03:59
19 Explain Dependency Injection Pattern 11:06
20 Dependency Injection - Explain Hierarchical Structure 06:42
21 Dependency Injection - How Angular Resolves Dependencies 05:43
22 Resolution Modifiers in Angular DI 07:54
23 Dependency Providers in Angular DI 05:02
24 Questions about Injection Tokens 04:29
25 Angular IVY 08:28
26 Angular Change Detection Questions Pt.1 09:21
27 Angular Change Detection Questions Pt.2 06:04
28 Forms In Angular 08:16
29 Questions about Form Validations in Angular 08:14
30 Questions about Standalone Componets 07:23
31 TypeScript Basic Questions 05:57
32 Declaration Merging 02:30
33 Type Aliase vs Interfaces 06:45
34 Union Types in Typescript 03:20
35 Generics in TypeScript 15:15
36 Function & Method overloading 03:42
37 Mapped Types in TypeScript 07:51
38 Utility Types 04:36
39 Any vs Unknown Type 12:36
40 Ambient Declarations 09:05
41 RxJs Basics 06:58
42 Operators in RxJS 10:03
43 Subjects in RxJS 10:46
44 Promises vs Observables 05:38
45 Hot vs Cold Observables 06:26
46 RxJs - Memory leaks 12:02
47 Flattening Operators - What is that & When We Should Use Them 06:32
48 Flattening Operators - mergeMap vs switchMap vs concatMap vs exhaustMap 07:25
49 Unsubscribing & Observable Completion 05:17

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