Hack the Tech Interview (The Pro Package)

7h 5m 32s

The course is an intensive bootcamp aimed at successfully passing programming interviews and securing a high-paying developer job.

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Frequent job changes every 2-3 years can increase your salary by 20-30%. Are you familiar with the following?

  • Difficulty articulating thoughts during programming interviews?
  • Stress and anxiety with technical questions?
  • Lack of confidence in solving complex problems?
  • Disappointment from constant rejections after interviews?
  • Need help understanding the interview process?

Technical interviews don't have to be so intimidating! What if you could stop buying courses and start truly learning?

How much faster would you learn if you knew what to focus on every day?

This interactive course will teach you everything you need to successfully pass your next programming interview. Here's what you get with the course "Hack the Tech Interview":

  • Elimination of anxiety in technical interviews
  • Mastery of whiteboard problem-solving techniques
  • Enhanced problem-solving skills and confidence with complex technical tasks
  • Strategies to help you stand out among competitors and impress interviewers
  • Access to insider tips for tackling common programming interview questions

The course covers the following topics:

  • Algorithm design and data structures necessary for successful interviews.
  • Algorithms and fundamental programming concepts for interviews, including whiteboard tasks.
  • Job hunting secrets: resume analysis, job searching, and methods to stand out in interviews.
  • Practical programming assignments.
  • JavaScript and Frontend: specific points that will help in technical interviews.

In the course, you will learn about:

  1. Data structures: stacks, queues, lists, trees, with progressively challenging tasks.
  2. Study plans and resources: how to prepare for interviews, checklists for different areas (frontend, blockchain, backend), and challenges for 30, 50, 100 days of preparation.
  3. The interview process: managers' expectations when reviewing test tasks, how to handle rejections, and improve results.
  4. Workshops: access to recordings on topics such as "LinkedIn for Job Hunting," "Creating a Personal Engineer Brand," and more.

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# Title Duration
1 Welcome and a note from me 00:39
2 What Is a Coding Take-Home and Why Do I Care? 04:10
3 The 4 Things Your Interviewer Is Looking For In The Take-Home 04:52
4 What To Do When You've Just Bombed the Coding Take-Home (Or if you want bonus points) 04:19
5 The 5 Reasons Your Coding Take-Home is Getting Rejected 13:28
6 Tell Me About Yourself 02:41
7 What Excites You About This Company? 02:29
8 Do You Have Any Questions For Us? 02:33
9 Whats Your Current Salary? 01:55
10 What Do You Dislike About Your Current Company? 03:09
11 Why Should We Hire You? 02:20
12 What Is Your Greatest Weakness? 01:39
13 Assignment: Call a friend 01:34
14 Stack Implementation 02:49
15 Queue Implementation 02:30
16 For Loops 00:08
17 Workshop: How to Solve Any Technical Problem 01:01:26
18 Linear Search 00:06
19 Using LinkedIn to Get Hired 01:10:54
20 Using LinkedIn To Get Hired: Part Two 52:07
21 Steps to Hack the Technical Interview 01:01:26
22 Top Resume Mistakes (and how to fix them!) 47:07
23 Cracking the Coding Take-Home 47:28
24 Easy Steps in Building your Brand 33:43

Read Book Hack the Tech Interview (The Pro Package)

1Hack the Tech Interview Checklist
2The Pre-Interview Checklist
3Questions to ask your interviwer
4The Technical Interview Cheat Sheet
5The Frontend Interview Prep Checklist
6The Backend Interview Prep Checklist
7The Blockchain Interview Prep Checklist
830 Days of Interview Prep Challenge
950 Days of Interview Prep Challenge
10100 Days of Interview Prep Challenge
11Big O Notation Cheatsheet
12Time Complexity

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