Unreal Engine C++ The Ultimate Game Developer Course

33h 39m 35s
Learn how to develop, code and package a complete video game in Unreal Engine.

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In this series, you will learn Unreal Engine C++ programming from the basics all the way up to packaging a complete video game. You will learn all of the following and more:

  • Object, Actor, Pawn and Character creation, and the differences between these classes

  • Coding a complete character class, complete with animations and user input

  • Finding a nearly endless selection of free assets and how to download and use them for your game

  • Enemy movement and behavior

  • Combat with melee weapons

  • Picking up and equipping items

  • Damage, Hit Points and Death

  • HUD elements including Health and Stamina Bars as well as Icons

  • How to create menus, including a Pause menu

  • Saving and Loading game data even after turning off the computer or exiting the game

  • Switching levels in game

  • Floating platforms using interpolation

  • Timers for delays in game logic

  • Trigger volumes, pressure switches, and doors

  • Bombs, explosives and hazards

  • Logging and drawing spheres for debug purposes

  • Using C++ concepts applied to game development

  • Much much more!

This is a C++ course and some basic knowledge of the C++ (or a similar language) is needed. If you don't have the basics of C++ down, my first course teaches everything you need to know for this course.

  • Basic understanding of C++ or a similar language (C#, Python, Java, etc.)
  • No experience in Unreal Engine needed.
  • Memory space on computer for Unreal Engine, Visual Studio or XCode, and game assets (meshes, animations, etc.)
Who this course is for:
  • Aspiring game developers.
  • Those wanting to enter the games industry as a game programmer.
  • Indie game developers who want to create their own games.
  • Anyone who wants a COMPLETE game in their portfolio!

What you'll learn:

  • How to program in Unreal Engine with C++.
  • How to create a complete UE4 game from start to finish.
  • Those with no experience in Unreal Engine will master Unreal.
  • Combat, adventure game mechanics, platforms, game saving/loading and menu design.
  • Those already experienced in game development will further expand their skills.
  • Those who already develop in another engine such as Unity will master Unreal.

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# Title Duration
1 Introduction 03:58
2 Installing Unreal Engine and the Unreal Community 09:00
3 The Viewport 08:09
4 Editor Overview 09:53
5 The Level Blueprint 09:28
6 Creating Blueprints 10:14
7 C++ Refresher and UE4 Hierarchy 11:45
8 Class Creation in Unreal Engine 09:39
9 Reflection and Garbage Collection 03:31
10 Creating a UObject 11:19
11 Using UObject in Blueprints 11:45
12 Actors and Actor Components 21:49
13 Position Vectors 19:06
14 The FVector 09:52
15 FVector (continued) 21:16
16 FVector (continued) 12:54
17 Intro to Collision 11:48
18 Collision (continued) 16:18
19 Sweeping 18:56
20 Local vs World Offset 17:19
21 Force and Torque 14:51
22 Random Numbers 16:47
23 The Sine Function 23:30
24 Deleting Classes 07:12
25 The Pawn Class 20:14
26 Pawn Movement Input 22:36
27 Pawn Movement Input (continued) 29:54
28 Pawn Movement Input (continued) 19:31
29 Pawn Movement Component 25:35
30 Pawn Movement Component (continued) 10:18
31 Pawn Camera Rotation 14:06
32 Environment Assets 10:57
33 Character Assets 16:25
34 Character Assets (continued) 19:18
35 The Character Class 20:55
36 The Character Class (continued) 19:56
37 The Character Class (continued) 28:02
38 The Character Class (continued) 23:54
39 The Animation Blueprint 24:27
40 The Animation Blueprint (continued) 12:26
41 The Animation Blueprint (continued) 12:46
42 Floor Switch 45:42
43 Floor Switch (continued) 35:47
44 Floor Switch (continued) 27:27
45 Spawn Volume 31:07
46 Spawn Volume (continued) 19:44
47 Floating Platform 47:37
48 Pickups 31:49
49 Pickups (continued) 30:37
50 Pickups (continued) 10:42
51 HUD (Heads Up Display) 26:49
52 HUD (continued) 09:13
53 HUD (continued) 22:26
54 HUD (continued) 13:10
55 HUD (continued) 13:42
56 HUD (continued) 33:42
57 HUD (continued) 45:25
58 Arrays and Debug Spheres 22:28
59 Attaching to Sockets 29:58
60 Weapon Equipping 22:06
61 Weapon Equipping (continued) 17:24
62 Switching Blendspaces 19:50
63 Anim Montages (Attack!) 18:05
64 Anim Montages (continued) 10:29
65 Anim Montages (continued) 05:16
66 Enemy Combat 26:31
67 Enemy Combat (continued) 34:51
68 Enemy Combat (continued) 11:48
69 Enemy Combat (continued) 20:45
70 Console Controller Input 13:50
71 Combat Mechanics 22:55
72 Combat Mechanics (continued) 20:59
73 Combat Mechanics (continued) 16:58
74 Combat Mechanics (continued) 44:24
75 Interpolating to the Enemy 18:09
76 Enemy Attack Delay 08:00
77 Damage and Death 37:42
78 Enemy Health Bar 39:19
79 Fine Tuning Character Death 14:35
80 Fine Tuning Character Death (continued) 05:13
81 Refining Pickups 07:51
82 Refining Sprinting 08:38
83 Extending the Enemy Class 22:39
84 Extending the Enemy Class (continued) 33:59
85 Refining Gameplay 36:59
86 Refining Gameplay (continued) 17:46
87 Weapon Trails 13:06
88 Spawn Volume Improved 28:50
89 Changing Levels in Game 21:03
90 Saving the Game 39:25
91 Saving the Weapon 50:00
92 Pause Menu 19:44
93 Pause Menu (continued) 18:50
94 Pause Menu (continued) 10:41
95 Pause Menu (continued) 12:51
96 Pause Menu (continued) 11:53
97 Pause Menu (continued) 19:17
98 Finishing Up 24:18
99 Removing All Unused Assets 46:22
100 Packaging the Game 07:10

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