Build a Yelp! Clone for Restaurants with Flutter and Dart
13h 15m 53s
Build a comprehensive Flutter app for mobile (iOS & Android) and web that allows users to write reviews, ratings, photos, locations, and syncs via the Cloud.
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This isn't just any Flutter practice's a true portfolio project that allows you to dive deep and practice your Flutter and Dart skills while building a beautiful, enterprise-level app that will be the highlight of your portfolio!
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# | Title | Duration |
1 | Project Demo | 04:15 |
2 | Create Project | 04:26 |
3 | Integrating Version Control with Github | 03:14 |
4 | App Foundation | 05:59 |
5 | Base Folder Structure | 02:49 |
6 | Dark & Light Themes | 07:42 |
7 | Run Themes Changes | 03:22 |
8 | Introduction to Base Page Structure, Responsive Layout Builder and Navigation | 01:07 |
9 | Constants | 04:41 |
10 | Page Stubs Base Navigation | 04:58 |
11 | Responsive Layout Builder | 04:15 |
12 | Home Responsive Layout Builder - Mobile | 05:47 |
13 | Home Responsive Layout Builder - Web Desktop Tablet | 07:54 |
14 | Image Assets | 04:31 |
15 | Page Stubs Authentication - Review Entry Photo | 07:40 |
16 | Routes Class | 06:35 |
17 | Custom Clipper - Intro | 01:27 |
18 | Custom Clipper - Class | 04:33 |
19 | Reviews List AppBar with Custom Clipper | 04:58 |
20 | Different Ways to Add Packages | 02:52 |
21 | Add Packages Dependencies (Camera, Photo Album, Location, Reverse Geocoding, etc.) | 06:12 |
22 | iOS Info.plist - Image Picker Location Permissions | 01:49 |
23 | Android Manifest Location Permissions | 02:15 |
24 | Enable CORS | 02:43 |
25 | Different Ways to Create Firebase Project | 03:47 |
26 | Install Firebase CLI and FlutterFire CLI | 05:48 |
27 | Create New Firebase Project with FlutterFire CLI | 05:14 |
28 | Initialize Firebase | 02:21 |
29 | Android SDK Version | 02:05 |
30 | Enabling Authentication - Sign In Providers | 01:31 |
31 | Reviewing Authentication - Email Templates | 00:57 |
32 | Create Authentication Service - CreateUser | 06:43 |
33 | Create Authentication Service - Sign In & Out, Password Reset, Email Vertification | 06:30 |
34 | Authentication Business Logic - Part 1 (Validators, Error Handling) | 06:13 |
35 | Authentication Business Logic - Part 2 (Private Variables) | 07:58 |
36 | Authentication Business Logic - Part 3 (Check Register Email) | 05:51 |
37 | Authentication Business Logic - Part 4 (Create Login Logic) | 02:06 |
38 | Authentication Business Logic - Part 5 (Create User Model Calls, New User Default Values) | 04:35 |
39 | Authentication Business Logic - Part 6 (Create Database Service) | 05:49 |
40 | Authentication Business Logic - Part 7 (Get and Update User) | 06:32 |
41 | Authentication Business Logic - Part 8 (Adding Register Logic) | 05:26 |
42 | Creating Authentication State | 05:56 |
43 | Introduction & Explanations | 01:31 |
44 | Introduction | 00:53 |
45 | Base Layout | 06:50 |
46 | Base Layout - Image, Body Structure and Email | 07:10 |
47 | Base Layout - Password and Confirm | 07:00 |
48 | Base Layout - Register Button | 04:37 |
49 | Base Layout - Register Error Message | 03:29 |
50 | Base Layout - Login Button and Navigation | 04:07 |
51 | Introduction | 00:53 |
52 | Base Layout | 05:17 |
53 | Base Layout - Email | 05:55 |
54 | Base Layout - Password | 05:13 |
55 | Base Layout - Login Button | 02:51 |
56 | Base Layout - Login Error Message | 03:48 |
57 | Base Layout - Forgot Password and Create User Buttons | 05:26 |
58 | Base Layout | 04:57 |
59 | Base Layout - Image, Body Structure and Email | 04:43 |
60 | Base Layout - Reset Password Button | 03:55 |
61 | Base Layout - Login Button | 03:33 |
62 | Introduction | 01:19 |
63 | Implementing the Build Material App | 05:41 |
64 | Implementing the Authentication State and Named Routes Navigation | 07:23 |
65 | Enabling Security Rules | 03:08 |
66 | Storage Service - Upload Photo | 09:11 |
67 | Storage Service - Delete Photo | 04:19 |
68 | Introduction | 01:01 |
69 | Creating Review Model | 02:13 |
70 | Creating Review Model - Optionals | 02:27 |
71 | Creating Review Model - Equality Operator | 06:00 |
72 | Creating Review Model - Add New Review with Default Values | 04:01 |
73 | Create Firestore Database and Enable Security Rules | 04:13 |
74 | Database Service - Add Review | 06:54 |
75 | Database Service - Update Review - Handle Photo | 07:22 |
76 | Database Service - Update Review - Handle Save to Firestore | 02:09 |
77 | Database Service - Delete Review | 02:30 |
78 | Database Service - Get Review List | 06:23 |
79 | Database Service - Get Review List with Photos | 07:39 |
80 | Introduction | 01:00 |
81 | Get API Key | 02:34 |
82 | Get Permission and Location | 08:54 |
83 | Get Reverse Geocoding | 04:45 |
84 | Introduction | 02:20 |
85 | App Helpers - Arguments | 03:23 |
86 | App Helpers - Dialogs | 05:06 |
87 | App Helpers - Format Dates | 03:01 |
88 | Reusable Widgets - Image Circle Shadow | 03:07 |
89 | Reusable Widgets - Image and Message | 04:57 |
90 | Reusable Widgets - Muted Text | 02:28 |
91 | Reusable Widgets - Star Rating - Variables | 03:26 |
92 | Reusable Widgets - Star Rating - Rating | 02:53 |
93 | Reusable Widgets - Star Rating - Gesture Detector | 06:15 |
94 | Introduction | 01:04 |
95 | Review List Logic | 05:05 |
96 | Modifying Themes - Custom Error Color | 01:21 |
97 | Review List Body Card - Base Layout and Dismissible | 06:58 |
98 | Review List Body Card - Card, InkWell, Navigation and Hero | 03:38 |
99 | Review List Body Card - Hero, Aspect Ratio and Image Network | 04:20 |
100 | Review List Body Card - Cached Network Image | 03:35 |
101 | Review List Body Card - ListTile Title Star Rating | 04:01 |
102 | Review List Body Card - ListTile Subtitle | 07:10 |
103 | Review List Body - Base Layout, Image and Message | 04:24 |
104 | Review List Body - Sliver Grid or Sliver List | 05:09 |
105 | Review List - Initialize Logic and Stream | 02:56 |
106 | Review List - Refactor Logic | 02:50 |
107 | Review List - App Bar, Menu Actions | 06:29 |
108 | Review List - Safe Area and Stream Builder | 07:29 |
109 | Review List - Floating Action Button and Navigation | 04:27 |
110 | Review List - Cloud Firestore Index | 02:18 |
111 | Introduction | 00:44 |
112 | Base Layout and Navigation Arguments | 03:28 |
113 | Hero and Image Network Widget | 03:17 |
114 | Cached Network Image | 02:53 |
115 | Introduction | 01:46 |
116 | Base Layout | 04:58 |
117 | InkWell, Hero and Image Network | 04:59 |
118 | Cached Network Image | 02:38 |
119 | ListTile - Title and Star Rating | 04:13 |
120 | ListTile - Subtitle Property - Column and Review Details | 03:20 |
121 | ListTile - Subtitle Property - Location Placemark in a Wrap Widget | 01:33 |
122 | ListTile - Subtitle Property - Map with FlutterMap | 07:35 |
123 | Create Review Entry Edit Logic | 06:04 |
124 | Set Location and Address - Web | 03:36 |
125 | Set Location and Address - Mobile | 03:18 |
126 | Get Location, Current Position, and Replace Location | 05:55 |
127 | Check if Data Changed and Save Review | 06:31 |
128 | Delete Location | 05:53 |
129 | Cancel Editing Review and Delete Review | 06:16 |
130 | Select Date and Pick Image | 07:49 |
131 | Introduction | 02:23 |
132 | App Bar Widget - Base Layout | 04:51 |
133 | App Bar Widget - Title and Leading Properties | 04:54 |
134 | App Bar Widget - Actions | 04:57 |
135 | Photo Widget - Base Layout | 04:08 |
136 | Photo Widget - Image File and Image Network | 04:48 |
137 | Photo Widget - Cached Network Image | 02:44 |
138 | Photo Widget - Take Photo | 05:49 |
139 | Photo Widget - Pick Photo | 05:36 |
140 | Photo Widget - Take or Pick Photo Logic | 06:56 |
141 | Date Picker Widget - Base Layout | 03:17 |
142 | Date Picker Widget - Custom Button | 05:57 |
143 | Affordability Widget - Base Layout | 03:59 |
144 | Affordability Widget - Star Rating | 03:45 |
145 | Affordability Widget - Affordability Segmented Button | 07:18 |
146 | Text Fields Widget - Base Layout | 03:51 |
147 | Text Fields Widget - Restaurant and Title | 03:19 |
148 | Text Fields Widget - Category and Review | 02:52 |
149 | Placemark and Map Widget - Base Layout | 04:32 |
150 | Placemark and Map Widget - Position Value Listenable Builder | 03:02 |
151 | Placemark and Map Widget - Location Placemark | 02:17 |
152 | Placemark and Map Widget - Map | 06:58 |
153 | Placemark and Map Widget - Progress Indicator | 03:08 |
154 | Placemark and Map Widget - Replace Location Button | 05:58 |
155 | Placemark and Map Widget - Delete Location Button | 02:37 |
156 | Introduction | 01:14 |
157 | Base Layout | 04:43 |
158 | Navigation Arguments and Edit Logic | 07:44 |
159 | ValueNotifier Class | 06:21 |
160 | Dispose Method | 02:12 |
161 | WillPopScope Widget | 02:31 |
162 | App Bar Widget - Layout Body Property | 01:41 |
163 | Photo Widget and Date Picker Widget | 03:03 |
164 | Rating Widget and Affordability Widget | 02:04 |
165 | Placemark Map Widget | 02:32 |
166 | Adding New Review | 04:09 |
167 | Introduction | 01:24 |
168 | Grid Logic | 03:24 |
169 | Base Layout | 02:43 |
170 | StreamBuilder | 05:53 |
171 | GridView Builder | 03:48 |
172 | InkWell | 02:32 |
173 | Image Network | 02:59 |
174 | Cached Network Image | 02:33 |
175 | Title Bar Gradient | 05:53 |
176 | Cloud Firestore Index | 02:31 |
177 | Introduction | 01:10 |
178 | Locations Logic | 03:20 |
179 | Review Map Locations Body Widget | 08:43 |
180 | Base Layout | 02:19 |
181 | StreamBuilder, Update Packages, and Pubspec.yaml File | 08:33 |
182 | Refactoring, AnimatedBuilder to ListenableBuilder | 02:22 |
183 | Sound Null Safety | 03:02 |
184 | Dart Analysis | 03:18 |
185 | Mission Accomplished! | 03:31 |
186 | Top Widgets, Features, Techniques | 06:09 |
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